Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
-- I have no nicknames. Please do not call me 'Reggie' or 'Reg' or 'Gina'. Please do call me 'Regina', or if you want to be super formal Ms. Buenaobra. :P
What about Brinstar?
-- SS may be my favourite skill, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I have any decisive say in its nerfing or buffing.
So we won't be seeing it suddenly tripling in damage output, then?
-- I may like Mesmers a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean that my favor for that Profession will suddenly 'fix' it to the satisfaction of all Mesmers around the world.
Is that even possible? We're probably as bad as Asura: Put two of us ina thread and you get two opinions. The only thing most of us agree on is that without resorting to gimmicks we're a little weak in PvE (like Asura agreeing that the Destroyers are a threat) and there are some holdouts even there.
But even if we could all agree, it might not be feasible to do for GW1. I'd just be happy if it's up to par for PvE in GW2 - doing so for GW1 PvE would make me ecstatic, but I'm not holding my breath.
Right. It's well past dinner time for me. So I'm off. Thank you again for the welcomes and well wishes.
Hope you enjoyed your dinner.