Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
You know what. Personally I would have it no other way. There is nothing like trying to be somone you are not and i'm looking forward to a fresh pair of eyes and approach. It is just what we needed.
Well spoken, I agree. And I hope GW players will see it this way and won't start to make comparisons with
Regina is our CRM now, it doesn't mean we have to forget the past (the good and the bad!), but it means we shouldn't put on her shoulders more weight than needs to be (for example looking everywhere on the web to scrutinise her, she's a public person sure, but does that mean we have to know everything about her?).
And I'm sure she'll appreciate if we aren't jumping on her and give her a few weeks to accomodate the new job. At least she had a warm welcome!