Do You Customize?
If I get to like the character/class then yes I will customize. If I'm just trying one for a few days then no I wont.
I don't bother customizing spell casters' weapons but I customize every martial weapon I use. I'd only customize caster items if I were in to high end PvP where it might make a difference.
The Meth
All my stuff is either dirt-cheap greens or (mostly) BMP items. So all my stuff is either already customized or if I didn't want the green I would merch it rather then spend an hour selling for 1k. Everything customized. Go wand those monsters tahlkora!
I never cutomize anything because if i find somethign better I can always sell my other items.
Malice Black
Yes. Bad people don't.
Olim Chill
If I plan on using it, of course.
If I plan on selling it...I just sell it.
If I plan on selling it...I just sell it.
Dr Strangelove
Yes, wand spiking is pro. It's not like I'm going to resell the wand/staff itself anyway.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Yes. Bad people don't.
damagewhoring FTW
I customize everything except caster martial weapons.
Improving actual use >>>> fictional value every day of the week (and twice on Sundays). I simply can't see gimping my playing experience for something as silly as online wealth.
Improving actual use >>>> fictional value every day of the week (and twice on Sundays). I simply can't see gimping my playing experience for something as silly as online wealth.
I never customize caster weapons; I don't think it's worth it. However, I do customize martial weapons (non-caster) when I'm absolutely certain I'm going to keep the weapon/character. Otherwise, I don't customize.
My warrior and ranger have full sets of customised weapons, wands/staves/caster weapons I dont customise.
I customize all my weapons for my physical characters.
I only customize non-rare skinned martial weapons... no point in customizing spellcasting weapons because, really, how often do you wand something to death w/ a caster class?
- Tain -
Yes. People make a big deal of 15^50, and 20% is more than 15%. Damage is good..
Yes, 20% more dmg is nice and I wouldn't be selling my weapons anyway.
Bryant Again
Some do for the damage bonus and some don't in case they want to sell it. No problem with either. I do have all of my weapons customized, though.
I customize all of my wands/swords/staffs/etc. The only time I won't customize is a rare skinned +5 energy sword, since you don't deal damage with these things anyawys.
I always customize for physicals. Duh.
Honestly... if you don't do this, you're just bad. End of story. Go find a white 14-21 sword and customize it, you'll do more damage than with your 15-22 15^50 uncustomized elite skinned whatever.
Got a few staffs customized, but since Nightfall I pretty much always prefer spear/shield on casters and there's obviously no point in customizing spears. Also got a couple odds and ends customized for casters for no reason, like a double vamp phoenix blade and a crystalline to my necro.
Honestly... if you don't do this, you're just bad. End of story. Go find a white 14-21 sword and customize it, you'll do more damage than with your 15-22 15^50 uncustomized elite skinned whatever.
Got a few staffs customized, but since Nightfall I pretty much always prefer spear/shield on casters and there's obviously no point in customizing spears. Also got a couple odds and ends customized for casters for no reason, like a double vamp phoenix blade and a crystalline to my necro.
If I plan to use it and never get rid of it for any reason, then it gets customized. Since all of my characters have the weapons they need/want, I no longer customize and I now sell them to others or give to friends.
Brian Fellow
I customize weapons that do 1-3 dmg!
Of course not.
I am constantly deleting my characters and I am cheap.
I don't PvP with PvE guys.
I PvE pretty much exclusively with h/h.
I am aware that in theory my choice is not optimal.
In reality - the loss of those 20% will be the least of my problems.
I am constantly deleting my characters and I am cheap.
I don't PvP with PvE guys.
I PvE pretty much exclusively with h/h.
I am aware that in theory my choice is not optimal.
In reality - the loss of those 20% will be the least of my problems.
Seef II
I customize everything. Even caster weapons.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Yes. Bad people don't.
My ranger's bows are customized though, no wands though and my sins' daggers are custo too, gotta get around to customizing scythes when I get what I want for her as well. Her being my female dervish because I like playing in pretty dresses.
I have a decent collection of items, I allways custmized weapons that I use for pve and pvp both, but I custmize only my high require of less value items. ie I have two swords, q8 fellblade q13 fellblade, I custmized the q13 and use it, and I put the q8 in my collection.
oh and I never custmize caster items.
as the damaged isnt really important for casters, most of it is by used spells. or its a monk.
oh and I never custmize caster items.
as the damaged isnt really important for casters, most of it is by used spells. or its a monk.
some of the sorrows furnace greens yes those got customized, and the bow I got from uggoz (or was it the deep?) that one too-----since then , I dont think I have especially now that there are heroes and some of them may need a weapon that got customized on another character---think that was my main reason for not doing it any longer.
Yea. I always customize anything I plan on using.
I customize everything i'll be using in pvp, the extra damage is far too large to ignore. Although i don't customize martial caster weapons, but wands etc yeah.
However If there's say a earth staff of enchanting i use for farming across various characters i won't because that'd just be dumb.
However If there's say a earth staff of enchanting i use for farming across various characters i won't because that'd just be dumb.
Spaced Invader
I always customize everything I (or my Heroes) use. The rest goes to the merchant.
Only very few skins are worth the hours needed to make some profit, and my free time comes at a premium.
I won't dish out my WTS line for an hour in Spamadan to make some pathetic 1 or 2k, which is more than most inscribable r9 weapons are worth nowadays.
However, I do not have to swap certain stuff between characters, because the minute GW2 and the HoM were announced, I stopped playing *everything* but my main.
Only very few skins are worth the hours needed to make some profit, and my free time comes at a premium.
I won't dish out my WTS line for an hour in Spamadan to make some pathetic 1 or 2k, which is more than most inscribable r9 weapons are worth nowadays.
However, I do not have to swap certain stuff between characters, because the minute GW2 and the HoM were announced, I stopped playing *everything* but my main.
Anything I've specialized for one character, yes. Like others, I have a handful of caster items I share across character, though.
if I PvP with the char, I customize everything...
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
because I like playing in pretty dresses.

Like Gareth, any vanity weapons I really don't customize (because inevitably I will become tired of them and sell them back later) with the exception of my 2 runic blades. I customized them because I love them. Period. Runic Blades >>>>> ALL OTHER WEAPONS. Well, except Emerald Blade, but it has lighting issues. Classic swords are just so... orgasmic.
Anywho.... Scythes (unless it was clockwork) and hammers and axes I customize (but I don't play my warrior anymore at all). Matter of fact, I may just rid myself of his weapons except his customized Tyrian perfect req9 Longsword (I used to have a req7, gave it away....

Wands and staves.. lol? Who cares? Customized or not, lol. I do it just because I can and it is a random 10 gold sink, for that extra UMPF! when you monk! DUHHHH.
Originally Posted by SuTiH
if I PvP with the char, I customize everything...
I might customise if I could use them account wide, but at this time I don't.
Loli Krasivaya
I don't.
But +20% damage on a necro is quite silly.
But +20% damage on a necro is quite silly.
Some people customize, not for the sake of the 20%. But to owned the weapon. At least, I do.
Sometimes I do regret doing that, especially when there are new weapon skins introduced, but I have my ways of getting money
At this stage of the game, owning a set of weapons > having alot ectos imo
Sometimes I do regret doing that, especially when there are new weapon skins introduced, but I have my ways of getting money

At this stage of the game, owning a set of weapons > having alot ectos imo
I feel like customization should do more than just 20%... this would make it a real decision between doing it and not doing it... Right now, the cons are huge if you have a nice weapon but the pros are not so great... I also think it should be weapon-specific...
Melee weapons - Permanent 20% armor penetration (stacking)
Caster weapons - 25% shorter skill recharge on the primary attribute
This would really make some people consider customizing and the sheer number of marketable weapons would drop considerably...
What do you all think?
Melee weapons - Permanent 20% armor penetration (stacking)
Caster weapons - 25% shorter skill recharge on the primary attribute
This would really make some people consider customizing and the sheer number of marketable weapons would drop considerably...
What do you all think?
Captain Arne
Always. That includes my req 7s.
I think I have 13 req 7s customized on the Warrior my ex-girlfriend made - that includes two axes and a hammer. (15^50 on all three non-swords).
I think I have 13 req 7s customized on the Warrior my ex-girlfriend made - that includes two axes and a hammer. (15^50 on all three non-swords).
in all my years of gw, i have never customised except a crappy skin just for pvp purposes..
Martial weapons I customize. Shame I can't customize shields for some extra armor :P
My characters that use martial weapons have at least a few customized weapons. These are often upgraded req9 collector blues or found purples and a few golds that would have little resale value. Many of my character's heroes are similarly outfitted, and I have customized some of their weapons as well.
I don't bother customizing caster weapons. I also don't customize greens or rare skin golds that I might try to eventually sell.
I don't bother customizing caster weapons. I also don't customize greens or rare skin golds that I might try to eventually sell.
I customize epic weapons that I worked hard on and KNOW I'll have some use for, no matter what - as well as crappy worthless items which aren't a big deal if I have no use for them.
Mostly my weapons that see rare use or are on "probation" (newly acquired) remain uncustomized.
Mostly my weapons that see rare use or are on "probation" (newly acquired) remain uncustomized.