Who should beta test Guild Wars 2?
yep just like what is going on with AoC LoL. it's a pity too.
Whoever can get it through Anets head how to start off with a very good skill balance and no underpowered lines.
If they can convince anet to ditch the planned levels, even better.
If they can convince anet to ditch the planned levels, even better.
I think the players chosen to beta test GW2 should not just be well-known, prolific or hardcore players of GW1. A broader range of abilities, personalities and play styles will represent the community more accurately and could be more beneficial to the tests. After all, the common community are what makes the difference between a closed and open beta.
This is inevitible. Even though the bulk of the random people will take it all for granted and not contribute constructively, some folk will.
Originally Posted by Inde
...in MMO beta's over 1/2 the testers are the "OMG OMG OMG" and not actually testing the game...
Roo Ella
Yeah let the true testers of the game have a shot not just sign a NDA
and then go OMG OMG GW2 has this and they have that and and and across a few forums.
Seen it happen like this before in at lest 2 beta games I have participated in
a few get kicked out cause they broke the NDA but the damage and information has escaped.
Being in any beta game should be a privilege and for TESTING bugs and abnormalities it not just bragging rights.
So I hope they chose wisely.
My 2c anyway
and then go OMG OMG GW2 has this and they have that and and and across a few forums.
Seen it happen like this before in at lest 2 beta games I have participated in
a few get kicked out cause they broke the NDA but the damage and information has escaped.
Being in any beta game should be a privilege and for TESTING bugs and abnormalities it not just bragging rights.
So I hope they chose wisely.
My 2c anyway
<- Um, hello?
/raises hand, looks around
Witte Was
Moloch Vein
/raises hand, looks around
Witte Was
Moloch Vein
I have a feeling Anet wouldn't do small-scale invite beta because:
1) They didn't do that last time (well, not really....)
2) They wouldn't want super-respected people in GWO/Guru to potentially steer all of each community away from GW2 if they happen not to like it at first. I don't think GW2 is WoW-killer (although it could be...) enough to draw away a substantial amount of players (I'm talking millions
) so I will think that Anet will rely heavily on GW1 fan base. To have everyone in Guru/GWO not buy GW2 would be a nightmare.
But in the hypothetical situation, I would choose Racthoh for his understanding of PvE, and.....I don't do PvP so I couldn't tell you someone who is good. Some of the mods here would also be a nice addition. But I sincerely hope that they don't do private beta...mewants2play.
1) They didn't do that last time (well, not really....)
2) They wouldn't want super-respected people in GWO/Guru to potentially steer all of each community away from GW2 if they happen not to like it at first. I don't think GW2 is WoW-killer (although it could be...) enough to draw away a substantial amount of players (I'm talking millions

But in the hypothetical situation, I would choose Racthoh for his understanding of PvE, and.....I don't do PvP so I couldn't tell you someone who is good. Some of the mods here would also be a nice addition. But I sincerely hope that they don't do private beta...mewants2play.

Ensign, FreekedOutFish, Fril, ArcaneMacabre, Savio, TMakanin, Mithran, HawkofStorms, Witte Was, Sab, Rezdogg, Inde
Originally Posted by Inde
Let in 1000 people and you'll get maybe 50 solid people out of the bunch. But yes... if you can FIND those people (which there is no way to know until they actually get in there) then they are the ideal.
BTW, you are always going to need some paid testers in an MMO enviroment because even if you don't have them test everything (and they should be testing basic functionality before one freebie tester is even notified) at the very least you need them to test fixes. You also need them to go back and make sure all the things are being tested are real bugs that can be reproduced, to fill in anything the bug reports from the players left out, and to help give the coders an idea of priority and what is wrong. Also you need someone to organize the tests and to make sure all the bugs that are reported get fixed and aren't just lost in the queue. Paid testers also have an idea what should happen when X,Y, and Z occurs that is never given out to the players. If there's something where you can't let the players know the explict details, it needs to be tested too, so you have to test it in house or hire a firm to do it for you.
So that's one loose definition of a professional tester.
Gaile Gray
The Haxor
I think that sums it up quite well.
Gaile Gray
The Haxor
I think that sums it up quite well.
Originally Posted by MMSDome
Evove DE Arkantos Knoll Racthoh Gaile Gray Lemming The Haxor FENIX ZenRgy I think that sums it up quite well. |
8 fillers
I was just thinking, why not clone ensign 9 times and invite all ten of them?
They'll probably just re-invite everyone they accepted into for ATS testing.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
QFT. Last beta I was invited to I was good for the first few weeks, then ran out of time to keep playing and had other games I paid for that I wanted to play, so the beta stopped getting played.
BTW, you are always going to need some paid testers in an MMO enviroment because even if you don't have them test everything (and they should be testing basic functionality before one freebie tester is even notified) at the very least you need them to test fixes. You also need them to go back and make sure all the things are being tested are real bugs that can be reproduced, to fill in anything the bug reports from the players left out, and to help give the coders an idea of priority and what is wrong. Also you need someone to organize the tests and to make sure all the bugs that are reported get fixed and aren't just lost in the queue. Paid testers also have an idea what should happen when X,Y, and Z occurs that is never given out to the players. If there's something where you can't let the players know the explict details, it needs to be tested too, so you have to test it in house or hire a firm to do it for you. So that's one loose definition of a professional tester. |
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Roo Ella
Yeah let the true testers of the game have a shot not just sign a NDA
Being in any beta game should be a privilege |
and for TESTING bugs and abnormalities |
I know a few people that really play good but most people on these lists excel at either whining (GW iz ded but I still play, Anet duz not caer but I iz still here, PvP iz ded but I can't let loose) or favoring repetitiveness/extreme grind (but it's optional!), technological regression.
I can't speak bad of Ensign/Avarre/Ractoh, they really know about game mechanics, but others should be avoided at all cost.
I can't speak bad of Ensign/Avarre/Ractoh, they really know about game mechanics, but others should be avoided at all cost.
Heh, this entire thread made me chuckle
I can think of a few people perfect to do it, but they all already work for NCSoft and ANet, so thats a bust
I can think of a few people perfect to do it, but they all already work for NCSoft and ANet, so thats a bust
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Ensign JR |
My list would probably be like:
Avarre (sarcastic choice here, obviously)
2 guys in SMS
2 guys between me and the rawr guys (Torsen+Jaden+?) with God walking amongst mere mortals
Some random
Aww I've seen my name put forward a few times, massive thanks 
But I'd like to think I could be in the first beta, I'd have a guide knocked together in no time flat
As anyone seen Ensign as of late?
There's a lot of interesting lists been put up, with all the names I'd expect.
Nominate RTS for GW2 beta
But here's my list:
Guru bug testers

But I'd like to think I could be in the first beta, I'd have a guide knocked together in no time flat
As anyone seen Ensign as of late?
There's a lot of interesting lists been put up, with all the names I'd expect.
Nominate RTS for GW2 beta
Guru bug testers
Balan Makki, so he can see how much like WoW it is and have a heart attack.
Zinger, so the two can fight constantly.
Pablo for the bug testing.
Zinger, so the two can fight constantly.
Pablo for the bug testing.
Originally Posted by fgarvin
Racktoe Sab RTS Firebat |
OT, is Uber/RT playing again? I've seen him on a few days ago.
Fuzzy Taco and Witte Was. Happy farming-nerfs for devteam

Dr Evove
Beta testing has never really sounded like fun to me, I /wrists when someone doesnt skip a cut scene. I cant imagine dealing with all the bugs that must come with developing a game. Count me out, Ill wait for a Semi-Bug free copy to hit the shelves.
Lord Sojar
Pardon my input, but quite honestly, there are a lot of people deserving of invites to the beta. Many won't get one.
This thread is full of lolz. Guru MODs no more deserve an invite to the beta (if that is the structure that this beta will incur) than say... a well liked giving community member or a passionate Guild Wars artist. Taking a few of the casual players would be a great idea, getting their perspective.
The layout for beta invites should be as follows:
25% Experienced Veteran Players in the PvP area of the game.
25% Experienced Veteran Players that are greatly involved in community.
25% Casual Players who log on for 1-2 hours every other day.
15% Completely new players who never tried GW1.
10% Official Wiki Mods/Admins who are very involved.
Personally, I would love an invite to the beta, but I may or may not get one. I personally believe that my community service and expertise at the game would be beneficial, but at the end of the day, ANET decides this, not us.
I created these:
Albeit, I ended up resigning my position from Oktoberfest, I did create the event. The Ball was truly a sight to see, and I think many old Guru posters will remember it.
I also created some epic threads here on Guru. Most notable are:
Do I get a beta code? Maybe, maybe not. I would love to, but if I don't I will still purchase GW2 and most likely enjoy it as much if not more then I have enjoyed my GW1 experience.
Discussing e-Peen is so childish... Honestly, who cares? If you're a nice person, you're a nice person. People shouldn't have events with the notion they will get something in return. The Ball cost me over 1000 ectos. I am now a very average GW citizen, with little more then 200k to my name (and I have been farming a lot lately). I never expected anything in return for my community work here on Guru and the random acts of kindness I do ingame. I always expected respect, but nothing material. Beta access is something that you are gifted, you can't "Earn" it.
That is my 2 cents. I am sticking with it.
Best wishes,
This thread is full of lolz. Guru MODs no more deserve an invite to the beta (if that is the structure that this beta will incur) than say... a well liked giving community member or a passionate Guild Wars artist. Taking a few of the casual players would be a great idea, getting their perspective.
The layout for beta invites should be as follows:
25% Experienced Veteran Players in the PvP area of the game.
25% Experienced Veteran Players that are greatly involved in community.
25% Casual Players who log on for 1-2 hours every other day.
15% Completely new players who never tried GW1.
10% Official Wiki Mods/Admins who are very involved.
Personally, I would love an invite to the beta, but I may or may not get one. I personally believe that my community service and expertise at the game would be beneficial, but at the end of the day, ANET decides this, not us.
I created these:
Albeit, I ended up resigning my position from Oktoberfest, I did create the event. The Ball was truly a sight to see, and I think many old Guru posters will remember it.
I also created some epic threads here on Guru. Most notable are:
Do I get a beta code? Maybe, maybe not. I would love to, but if I don't I will still purchase GW2 and most likely enjoy it as much if not more then I have enjoyed my GW1 experience.
Discussing e-Peen is so childish... Honestly, who cares? If you're a nice person, you're a nice person. People shouldn't have events with the notion they will get something in return. The Ball cost me over 1000 ectos. I am now a very average GW citizen, with little more then 200k to my name (and I have been farming a lot lately). I never expected anything in return for my community work here on Guru and the random acts of kindness I do ingame. I always expected respect, but nothing material. Beta access is something that you are gifted, you can't "Earn" it.
That is my 2 cents. I am sticking with it.
Best wishes,
I don't think they'd ever limit it like that, a vote would never really be possible- because technically to be democratic about it, the whole community's opinions would need to be represented. Unless the poll was in the start up screen of GW1 or something... but even then, if some of the people on these forums barely recognize elite members or mods to begin with, I doubt many would even bat an eyelash at it in game. Plus I don't believe it should be restricted like that either, elite members and mods don't exactly represent the interests of the masses, rather just the hardcore/elite pvp or pve.
I'd vote for the 10 people who don't care about their epeen. So that excludes the majority of those who posted here.
Originally Posted by Age
Those paid testers are Alpha testers.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I disagree with point one.
Your ability to communicate is an important part of game testing. I would never nominate...., ummm certain people who shall remain nameless, who can not write a competient sentance and follow a logical arguement. |
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I disagree with point one.
Your ability to communicate is an important part of game testing. I would never nominate... ummm certain people who shall remain nameless, who cannot write a comprehensible sentence and follow a logical argument. Note 1: If you're using a dot ellipsis, there are only three dots and no commas. Note 2: Competent (the correct spelling) isn't really the best adjective for a sentence. It would be better used to describe the writer of a comprehensible/articulate/adequate sentence. |
Seriously though... was that an attempt at irony? Or not?
That said, I nominate everyone who has posted on this forum viable builds and strategies and other insights into the game. Y'all rock!
Res Ipsi
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I'd vote for the 10 people who don't care about their epeen. So that excludes the majority of those who posted here.
all 10 members from [RAWR] anet lgives them special treatment all ready.
I wont name names, instead ill name different things people need to be able to do to do an Beta, imo:
1) GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Articulate players who can tell the devs whats going on. What works for them, what doesn't work. What were you doing exactly when the game crashed, etc.
2) Honesty, Respect, Tactfulness, Patience
3) Player skill is really not relevant. In fact you want MANY player types in a Beta. Good players and bad players. this way you can see how the game feels to many player types, since the live version will have to cater to both. If something is confusing to bad players, then what's going on there exactly?
4) Variety in system specs. I wanna see people with different computers testing Guild Wars, that way we know if it will work with various video cards, cpus, drivers, etc.
5) Varied player types, PvErs, PvPers, OCD item collectors, Lore fans (these guys find your typos and point out your story loopholes), etc.
1) GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Articulate players who can tell the devs whats going on. What works for them, what doesn't work. What were you doing exactly when the game crashed, etc.
2) Honesty, Respect, Tactfulness, Patience
3) Player skill is really not relevant. In fact you want MANY player types in a Beta. Good players and bad players. this way you can see how the game feels to many player types, since the live version will have to cater to both. If something is confusing to bad players, then what's going on there exactly?
4) Variety in system specs. I wanna see people with different computers testing Guild Wars, that way we know if it will work with various video cards, cpus, drivers, etc.
5) Varied player types, PvErs, PvPers, OCD item collectors, Lore fans (these guys find your typos and point out your story loopholes), etc.
I'd say that Anet would probably choose the oldest accounts in the game (mine just turned 36 months today).
1. Racthoh
2. Sab
3. Trub (cuz she is teh cool)
4. Malice
5. Inde
6. Arky
7. Avarre
8. Shan
9. Xander
10. Kai
1. Racthoh
2. Sab
3. Trub (cuz she is teh cool)
4. Malice
5. Inde
6. Arky
7. Avarre
8. Shan
9. Xander
10. Kai
Malice Black
First time I've seen a Yahtzee review. He'd do.
First time I've seen a Yahtzee review. He'd do.
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
've seen many people mistakenly thinking that "beta-testing=debugging". It's only the case during LATE betas, while the EARLY ones are the ones where you focus on the game global design, structure, look&feel, NOT debugging the features. The earlier you correct/adapt the structure, the less work you'll have to do afterwards. Of course, the two are inseparable and you'll always have to report bugs, but during early beta I guess you can give your opinion about features and influence the game design (slighly).
... you'd have the opportunity to make the game better and could miss these opportunities if you're too "OMG OMG OMG" |
Boogey Mancer
when i it comes time to pick beta tester if
they do full closed beta run i think they have to look
at not only the people with the oldest accounts
but also the beta testing exp of the people that apply
so asking people in a forum who should or shouldnt get in
really might not be the best idea
they do full closed beta run i think they have to look
at not only the people with the oldest accounts
but also the beta testing exp of the people that apply
so asking people in a forum who should or shouldnt get in
really might not be the best idea
Originally Posted by Malice Black
First time I've seen a Yahtzee review. He'd do. |
Morgoth the dark
Well you are missing the point about beta testing, that is discovering bugs and it's not like "wow we can play gw2 before everyone else, haha screw you i'm important" behaviour. It's not fun to play a game which chrashes like 10 times in 1 hour or bugging / lagging as hell, but you have to provide devs with usefull information about them.
So my vote here goes for Pablo. and noone else, he did discovered couple of nasty bugs on is own, that kind of people we need for beta testers. All the rest can wait until the open beta.
Take care, Morgoth out.
So my vote here goes for Pablo. and noone else, he did discovered couple of nasty bugs on is own, that kind of people we need for beta testers. All the rest can wait until the open beta.
Take care, Morgoth out.
Um ... it doesn't work the way some people seem to think. Even alpha testers have very little leverage in how things turn out. The devs have some vision that they want to implement, and testers play it out and tell whether it worked as intended or not. Since the game is tested in small pieces (some pieces several times over with completely different setups) and not in a linear order, it is very hard to get an overall view of the entire game.
Besides, I would see the original GW as a huge and long lived beta for GW2. There's less need for look-n-feel testing since most of that has already been done in the original, and the majority of the actual testing that is required is very mundane checking of various mechanics, bugs and potential exploits, best done by the current alpha team.
Besides, I would see the original GW as a huge and long lived beta for GW2. There's less need for look-n-feel testing since most of that has already been done in the original, and the majority of the actual testing that is required is very mundane checking of various mechanics, bugs and potential exploits, best done by the current alpha team.
Snow Bunny
Having beta testers be well-known in the community would be fairly essential to maintaining a healthy relationship with your community. I have less conventional choices, I suppose, but whatever...
Witte Was
Witte Was