18 Apr 2008 at 09:29 - 162
Ok, how many people can say they have never used consets? Should we include candy canes and clovers too? They help don't they with DP removal and thus overpower things from normal... what about using xp scrolls to increase xp to remove DP? Same thing, can make you better than should be at that point.
Despite being R10 in all reps, I still primarily use my barrage build on my ranger, but I do use my Ruby Djinn. Am I to be punished for using my Djinn? LOL! Get real, its there as a buff to my party and shouldn't be taken as a hinderance.
If you don't like PvE skills in your parties or consets, then don't play with people who use them.... just don't go on a campaign against everyone else who might make use of them, or is aiding a less capable person in a party with them.
We are all not "l33t" and some need that extra edge to do some things.... or do you want people to not be able to do things and thus not feel satisfied in the game.
It's personal choice of a player not others to be honest, and it's getting tiresome of people shouting for nerfs of things that others like using because they don't think they should play it.
GW is a community of players lets keep it that way and not one of moaners.