Originally Posted by Shan
Because for the average player, there is no other choice for high end PvE, buy gwen, farm norn and pay2-8k per run. This just *has* to be wrong.
or allowing the PvE game to turn into who can farm the most norn and pay the most for consumbales.
I think we need to seperate the consumables from the skills first.
Consumables can be obtained by all players, either crafting or paying.
Chipping in on a set, usually 2 or 3K/each is not that bad, the area will cover that cost.
And it's not always needed to pay.
We did a FoW with alliance and two pickups and in the end only one player chipped in on my sets (3 total, all mine).
He gave me a stack of feathers since he insisted on paying and those are the hardest to get.
I declined the other alliance player who wanted to pay.
This had nothing to do with my drop from the end chest, I already told them it was voluntary payment.
I don't think chipping in on some sets is that much of a problem.
Fixed builds are, however, I feel that UB is just a replacement for all the other restictive PUG builds.
I recall all the pure Factions eles that were not accepted in Deep because they lacked some elite.
Same problem, own a game and get accepted. Don't have it, too bad or wait for ages.
Nothing changed there but now the expansion is called EotN and not Nightfall.
However, this topic covers more than just EotN.
To run SY/TNtF on your para you need to have two chapters, Factions and Nightfall. And you need to grind for them, specially SY.
But it's not only PvE skills: SF? Nightfall, AP? Factions, Ebon Dust? NF, VwK? Factions. You want to tank on warrior? A lot of builds require Dolyak Sig. Want to buy prophecies? Ineptitude? Same problem.
A lot of the default builds require having all chapters.
So the only discussion would be on the amount of grind that is required to obtain a reasonable level of a certain rank and not the individual skills.
Getting a track like Norn or Vanguard to max is not that easy but doable.
I maxed all 4 tracks with books, dungeons and a couple of Norn runs and wanted to max them anyway regardless of skill benefit.
In my opinion not owning certain skills because you don't have a certain chapter was always a problem and it's not related to EotN.
So the real problem would be the grind.
Originally Posted by mHtt
In stead they blame the OTHER players, who CAN organize a group of like minded people for a fun and effective time.
Creating a PUG with Ursan is not
organizing a group!
It's getting some players together, something everyone who can find the local chat option can do.
Originally Posted by Bhavv
I dont actually pug, I have played in 2 HM alliances (including the_jos's guild), yet every group created for FoW and UW in these alliances is full ursan and HB monks.
This isnt only a problem with FoW and UW. In my last alliance, everytime a group for a vanquish, mission, or dungeon was being formed, it was ALWAYS an Ursan group. All that was required was 5-6 Ursans and 2-3 monks, for just about everything in the game.
Let's get one thing clear.
While I know that FoW and UW required UB a lot of time I think it's not fair to state this was true on all runs. I know we took guildies without UB in our guild groups several times on FoW runs. I can't speak for the other guilds in the alliance, it's their choice.
Also I have hardly seen an Ursan requirement on vanq/mission or NM dungeon in our alliance. If that would become common practice it would be time for me to leave and seek people who share my opinion on that subject.
If players want to use the skill it's fine but don't require it when there is no real need.
Back on subject now
I think excluding players is bad.
Very bad.
I split my guild recently because of an incident which got LotU kicked from SNOW and faced several active players leaving back to the old guild (LotU) because they did not feel at home in SNOW where I rejoined with HML, the new split guild.
One way or the other I was excluding players.
When I would keep HML out of the SNOW alliance I would hurt the players who don't have their friends list filled and are not part of the core guild group.
And by rejoining SNOW I seperated friends. It hurt a lot of players including myself to do this.
However, exclusion works from both sides.
I decided to move back knowing some players were not happy with SNOW.
So in a certain way I pushed them out of the guild.
On the other hand they choose to go back to LotU for their own reasons.
And emotions also played a serious role.
The same is true for the current UB/PvE skill exclusion.
On one side players are forced to play certain builds and use certain consumables.
On the other side it's some players choice not to buy EotN, not to grind the titles and not to use the skills.
A lot of players are not willing to PUG if there isn't some kind of relatively fail-safe way to do things. PvE skills and consumables provide just that.
The average PUG player will always take the least risk with maximum benefit. We can't change that. What you surgest is making the benefit less.
I doubt that's the best solution.
Players just won't team up when the benefit/risk ratio is too low.
They will go solo-farming or something like that when that nets more than doing DoA runs.
It will cause the same abandoned outposts as we've seen before the current UB craze.
Until the next Steel Wall/Trapper/Kaiz/UB build will emerge and start a pull on the area again.
I think he best thing we can do as community is provide an alternative for those who don't want to or can't play certain (PvE) skills or consumables.
Make people aware of alternatives.
Ask A-net to make a week (not just weekend) event with double rewards for players/teams not using PvE skills.
And ask them for better teaming/scheduling options.
Because that's from my perspective the main advantage of UB.
Every non-monk player needs one certain skill, the rest does not really matter.
Compare that to the time it takes to get an organized team together (can easily take 30-45 mins) and you know why UB is the clear winner.