Originally Posted by Lordhelmos
There is no doubt that under Ursan Blessing is a bad system. But there are reasons that specific classes like mesmers are left out of groups. What Anet should be doing is working on PvE-only skills that will give those classes something that will make them valuable in a group. PvE skills should be class specific skills that offer a unique ability on the level of importance of Ursan Blessing. This way, you wont destroy PvP because you are using PvE specific skills.
Profession exclusion is the problem of PUG mentality, not the actual skills.
Even todays UB problem is.
Before UB PUG groups were limited to certain professions, now they are but they require only two professions. Bear or monk.
A profession like mesmer has an excellent PvE skill, CoP, that turns it in a very powerfull nuker when combined with the right skills and some insight in when to use those.
However, this skill combination was there before EotN and was still ignored by every PUG player around.
As others stated on the forum a long time ago, PUGs are dead.
They died a long time ago for most things you can do in the game.
Only a few areas were populated enough to actually PUG. The other were empty or took a long time to get a team together.
UB changed this. You can PUG every elite area now.
But PUG mentality did not change. They still want that one profession with a certain build. Lucky that build is now one specific skill and not several skills.
Get over it, PUG was dead and UB revived it.
For those who don't want to play it nothing has changed.
It was hard to team in the past, it is hard to team now.
On topic: trying to make changes to PvP while not affecting PvE does say something about the PvE community.
They seem unable to change their gameplay.
Aegis to 15e? I use it on most of my monk bars and it will not have much effect.
I hardly ever have to switch to my normal energy set, most of the time I have a shield as offhand.
That's 12 energy doing nothing and in my recent monk bars there is not a single PvE skill.
High energy set? Have not used it in ages.
Yesterday monked a vanquish in Lornar's with guildies, North -> South.
Had some minor energy problems as was to be expected in a 6 player team.
But if I would have those problems all the time there would be something wrong with my build or the team build or play style.
If you can't monk like this either you are just a bad monk player or you need to organize your team better.
This is what bothers me about PvE.
People can't adapt to skill changes anymore, they 'need' specific builds to be able to do things.