19 Apr 2008 at 10:51 - 16
Dreamwind: You know what I really, really resent? The use of 'ursan' as a "hah! I win the argument!" tactic in every post you seem to make (I know you're not the only one to use this tactic, but you're here, so hey).
Look: not everyone uses it. Seriously, there are a ton of people who don't even HAVE it, and of those that have it, not all of them use it. Certainly there are relatively few people who use it ALL THE TIME, FOR EVERYTHING.
So, that said, there are hundreds, if not thousands of OTHER skills out there, many of which are useless, underpowered, flawed or otherwise in need of attention. Your argument is simply "Who cares: you idiots all use URSAN!" and then streams of poorly concealed hate.
This is a woefully flawed statement and a poor tactic. Remember, a great many games out there have godmode settings (usually for debug purposes), and you never hear game devs saying "HAH, who cares about the actual game mechanics, the players can just turn on godmode."
This is because it's stupid. The fact that an effective godmode exists in GW does not IN ANY WAY detract from the fact that "non-godmode" stuff is in need of attention. Funnily enough, not everyone LIKES to play in godmode. Some of us like..well, things like "skill", or "playing the way the game was intended to be played".
Now, aside from all that: consider the statement "focus on changes that will not impact PvE play at all" and actually look at some of the changes that have been made: loads of stuff that stops guild NPCs from being ganked/buffed to invincibility. Oh, look: Guild NPCs crop up fairly rarely in PvE, don't they? So that's not impacting PvE play at all, and it's not even really changing the functionality of any skills at all.
To be honest, I'm really just astounded by how much completely baseless screaming is going on about what is essentially a fairly ambiguous statement. If they'd said "we're just testing these changes out, and may revert them later" (as they HAVE said in the past) I'll bet there'd be far less whining and raging.
So, to summarise: for god's sake stop being so damn overdramatic, all of you.
By all means prepare your wonderful GW IS DOOOOMED manifestos, but don't actually post them until your OMG WORST FEARS are actually CONFIRMED.