Originally Posted by pah01
This little post is needed to be on the frontpage. I think this is one of the reasons why about half of my diminished friendslist and guildies are starting to say seriously that they are quitting or at least taking a break.
Though, since my friends list (as small as it is) is PvE based it shrunk in the past (and is being retained now) for exactly the opposite reason. Unfortunately any single persons "friends list" isn't the State of the Game no matter how much it means to the individual or how many other individuals said person knows (especially since those friends/guilds lists will have a great deal of overlap).
As has occurred since the very beginning there are two crowds - PvP and PvE, for reasons unknown to me they are hostile to each other. I'm very strongly in the PvE crowd but I can empathize with most of what the PvP'ers complain and talk about (there was a period of my life where I would have been there also). Yet, at this point I have to note that the PvE crowd is MUCH larger.
In the end the argument runs down to the two following groups.
PvP people: PvP is the end game and where Anet wants us to go. It requires the most amount of knowledge to play and revolves almost 100% around balance. An unbalanced skill kills the fun of this game as an unskilled player can simply spam the build and do well.
PvE people: We are the most abundant and pay Anets bills. We fight against fixed enemies and our definition of balance is that one class or build isn't so strong that they are the only ones wanted - overpowering the enemy is the name of the game. Our knowledge lies is knowing what we are to face and having the ability to counter it to an extreme amount.
Both sides have a point - PvP is almost entirely about balance and the meta-game will change and so must the skills. PvE is about learning the critters you are to fight and making a build to rip through them - balance is that all classes are wanted. Those are both VERY valid points and are pretty much opposite to each other.
Less valid are the PvP crowd saying they are only ones that count as they are the end game content and the PvE crowd saying they are the only ones that count because they are more numerous and pay the bills. If they would both get their heads out of the rear-ends they would realize that they are *both* right and *both* wrong. That is: PvE benefits from the balances and PvP benefits from the sheer amount of PvE'rs supplying money to Anet. However if either side were to actually dominate that relationship would end and GW would have the tough time it is currently having.
Unfortunately I don't see that happening as those ideas are too strongly ingrained in most of the people. They each see it as a contest as too who wins instead of a situation to work together to create a great game. In this case I suspect the PvE'ers will win simply because getting the bills payed is more important than pretty much anything else though I really don't want either side to win. This was realized many moons ago and is why PvP is mostly dead outside of scrubs like me (and, again, make no mistake I wish people were out there that VERY easily handed my ass to me). Anet is slowly realizing that if PvP is dead then you only have PvE'ers (and their dabbling in PvP) to worry about.