I'm a pretty decent monk in my own opinion; probably not awesome, but I'm okay. Definately not bad (I've taken no abuse for my monking in PUGs, although I do confess I'm picky about PUGs; I watch how people interact in the district before I'll join a group). I personally would not charge for a mission.
Charging for a run? Goodness because you have to do it solo.
Charging for being part of a team? Sure, you could do it, but I will echo that heroes will do the job any day. Dunkoro doesn't have the judgement I do, sure, and he can't listen to player needs as well, but he's got killer reflexes and will suffice in a pinch. If you can get someone to play, that's great! Money's hard to come by. But there's better ways to make money (go get to the end of EotN and do Destroyer runs, for instance)
As for kicking for bad bars... It really depends on the bar and the people. I don't mind a weird bar - I think being creative with skills is a GOOD thing (shocking, I know). If I get a warrior carrying nothing but fire ele skills (too expensive for a warrior energy pool) or an ele with nothing but assassin skills (and no ele skills to speak of), or are spread across 5 attributes (...), I might be a little concerned. But I had a lifestealing Rt in a group a few months back, and one guy left the group laughing at him because he didn't like the bar. Once we were in the mission, I quickly saw that the skill bar worked just fine. Sometimes, something YOU might not think works might be something someone spent months fine tuning and making work. I really doubt any of us could say we know ALL the skills and know in a moment how ALL of them work together.
My policy is if in doubt, ask. If they can explain the benefits and how it works, then it might be worth a try. If it sounds like they dumped random skills into their skillbar, NICELY explain some alternatives and see what they do. If they seem receptive, they might be a perfectly decent player without the same grasp of skills that you have, and maybe just need some teaching (I know from experience that I was one of those players, I loved to play but just didn't have a great grasp on making a good build; someone did take me under their wing to teach me a bit, but they were kind of mean about it sometimes, which I don't think really helps, it just makes people mad). If they pitch a fit and get surly, they're probably not a nice person to play with anyway, and at that point, they're asking to be kicked.
Attitude is everything. Treat people with respect, play with people who treat you with respect. And don't take life so seriously!
(maybe I should finish the S. Shiverpeaks missions and get my butt over to HP to help monk!
