Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
No! All the weapons are already in the game and the shockwave is a texture effect. A few hours, if it takes you more than a day to design it, you should suffer a massive salary cut.
Automated Tournaments starting in May 2008 will award brand new, in-game prizes
Alex Dimitri
Ah another gold sinkin` title, JUST WHAT WE NEEDED !!!
.....BEEP......BEEP.......BEEP...... (auto censorship)
.....BEEP......BEEP.......BEEP...... (auto censorship)
Champion and Glad wont get emote, but this stupid farmer title allready got it ? No comment...
If people seriously aim for the Zaishen Title, more power to them. What do you lose? Please tell me. What impact does a KOABD [6] have on you?
Titles are so damn overrated and in the end it's all about jealousy.
Titles are so damn overrated and in the end it's all about jealousy.
Sarevok Thordin
This title was assosciated with the Zaishen, which has "PvP" written all over it. The fact that they tied it to keys, which can be bought, just made it another mickey mouse title that people can buy. The emote was just put in to please all the PvPphobes who were kicking and screaming for an emote because they couldn't break HA, where you have to EARN it.
The Champion title is really the only respectable title left in the game now. I'm waiting to see how many losers of an RA match tell their opponents to gb2/pve when they get /zrank'd.
The Champion title is really the only respectable title left in the game now. I'm waiting to see how many losers of an RA match tell their opponents to gb2/pve when they get /zrank'd.
Originally Posted by Lykan
Yes! I'd like to see you do it in a day.
Just for reference 3d modelling a very high detail model of a TRex like dinosaur with Maya and ZBrush, should take approx. 20 hours to finish. Then another 10 hours for the textures. This is from finished concept drawings to the textured model: approx. 30 hours.
Originally Posted by papryk
yea and maybe some free ectos for each FB?
-_-" |
Tamuril elansar
again, none is forcing you to pay any form of attention to this title.
i didnt use a single key.. waw !! my life didnt change
let the lil punks spam their newfound flashy thingy and play the game as always
cool though, now we can blame ursan AND zaishen title
let the lil punks spam their newfound flashy thingy and play the game as always
cool though, now we can blame ursan AND zaishen title

Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
PvE players have been asking for an Emote since day one, why shouldn't we get one?
Originally Posted by fowlero
Who cares?
At least anet are still putting effort into new additions for the game that we all play. And if you really get offended by ranking then lol. |
ANet is putting some effort in to releasing new things to keep us entertained when they really don't have to. Maybe it's not the most exciting thing that's been released, but I certainly don't see the need to complain about it.
As for all the complaints about "ranking" someone you've defeated, that's just ridiculous. I don't see how it's rude, unsportsmanlike, or unacceptable to do this. This is a game people, don't take it so seriously! It's a little victory taunt. It's not like a little ghost pops up and starts screaming "OMG YOU JUST GOT KILLED! HOW CAN YOU SUCK THAT BADLY. QUIT THE GAME NOW. I AM YOUR MASTER! BOW! BOW BEFORE ME!"
It's a little emote that's meant to be fun. Next thing you know people will be requesting an emote that summons a sunspear to relay the message: "Good afternoon, I'm sorry that I was forced to attack you in my conquest for victory. Be advised that there are no hard feelings between us and I wish you the best of the success in the future."
ANet is putting some effort in to releasing new things to keep us entertained when they really don't have to. |
I don't see how it's rude, unsportsmanlike, or unacceptable to do this. |
It's a little emote that's meant to be fun. |
The Red Messenger
Rollback to May 7th
Blame the update on a disgruntled employee...
(general concensus is this was a step in the wrong direction, so why not?)
Blame the update on a disgruntled employee...
(general concensus is this was a step in the wrong direction, so why not?)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Originally Posted by Lykan
Who cares, please explain how it really effects you then you can whine about it, it does nothing exept make people spend more money on keys.
Actually i disaggree, its a pretty graphically impressive emote, it probably took a while to design, I love the impact of the weapons and the way the shockwave flows outward, the R12 in the promo vid is pretty pwnage imo, its just the way it is earned that is a bit shite. No one has actual proof of anyone losing fame or being banned for ranking. |
Personally, I was temp banned for bambi spiking SoG after we stomped them in UW.... but it was more likely a result of the vulgar language thrown around than the bambi~
My first thought on this was a new way ANnet could get people to blow their millions and millions of gold on a title. Keys currently selling at 5k ea. It would cost a player 100 million gold at the moment. zkey use to go through dry spells before this title track so I'm not 100% sure how low the price will drop. Of course there was always a price drop during the Zaishen end of month awards.
This is a title track that only item dubbers / bots / ebayer can finish. People that are addicted to the game might feel compiled to finish it. A rough cost of real life money would be about 10 000$ (min) to buy the title with rl gold. If you Google Guild Wars gold you still find sites selling ingame gold. Makes you wonder if Anet is trying to corner the gold selling market. (Actually my first thought was a lot a ppl could get banded if they even think about trying to buy gold for this one)
I mean I can easily get 200k a week with a bit of DoA farming. 100 million / 200k per week would take me 500 week. GG.
When does something become too much. Curious to see how much the price will drop on the keys / If they'll increase the points awarded by the keys. Mind you I guess they could keep it the way it is currently. I mean game's been out for 3 years and some people are still working on the Hero title.
I for one think this is a poor new title track. Just hope everyone knows what their getting into before they decided they need to finish this one. I'll stick with my Bambi and look forward to drop of everlasting tonics
This is a title track that only item dubbers / bots / ebayer can finish. People that are addicted to the game might feel compiled to finish it. A rough cost of real life money would be about 10 000$ (min) to buy the title with rl gold. If you Google Guild Wars gold you still find sites selling ingame gold. Makes you wonder if Anet is trying to corner the gold selling market. (Actually my first thought was a lot a ppl could get banded if they even think about trying to buy gold for this one)
I mean I can easily get 200k a week with a bit of DoA farming. 100 million / 200k per week would take me 500 week. GG.
When does something become too much. Curious to see how much the price will drop on the keys / If they'll increase the points awarded by the keys. Mind you I guess they could keep it the way it is currently. I mean game's been out for 3 years and some people are still working on the Hero title.
I for one think this is a poor new title track. Just hope everyone knows what their getting into before they decided they need to finish this one. I'll stick with my Bambi and look forward to drop of everlasting tonics

They should've just removed the emote from the Hero title.
This was just the most stupid thing ANet have done, with titles anyway.
This was just the most stupid thing ANet have done, with titles anyway.
dont like, dont get it
what more is there to say? Its not like its nigh impossible to get balth faction to WAIT FOR IT make your own keys WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT OF THAT?
what more is there to say? Its not like its nigh impossible to get balth faction to WAIT FOR IT make your own keys WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT OF THAT?
I dont care about titles besides the ones tied to skills. (Luxon, Kurz, Norn, etc.)
I'd much rather have a rare drop from the chest than a new emote to keep up with.
I'd much rather have a rare drop from the chest than a new emote to keep up with.
Not totally psyched about this new title track, just seems like a great way to blow all the gold you have in seconds. Especially when Z-Keys have gone up from around the 2.5k price to nearlly double or more.
Instead of adding more pointless grind to the game Anet could of added some better content to PvP. New maps anyone?
Instead of adding more pointless grind to the game Anet could of added some better content to PvP. New maps anyone?
Personally, I don't care. If it gives me an avenue to get rid of my Zaishen keys that makes me a little more profit...why not.
Honestly, the only people I can see being upset about this title are (1) PvP players that got their jollies by spamming their /rank emotes, since others can now spam emotes; (2) people that used the Zaishen chest before the update and won't get credit for their past activity and (3) completionists that once they see a title, they have to get it.
To those groups, I say a resounding "GET OVER IT".
It's just a silly emote and A-Net has rarely (if at all?) given credit for past items when introducing something new to the game. To those that are upset that this title is virtually "unmaxable", you simply don't need to pursue it.
It's a new feature of the game that can only benefit the casual player, as it will (1) transfer more wealth from the rich to the casual player and (2) lower the cost of some of the rarer items that drop from the Zaishen chest.
Honestly, the only people I can see being upset about this title are (1) PvP players that got their jollies by spamming their /rank emotes, since others can now spam emotes; (2) people that used the Zaishen chest before the update and won't get credit for their past activity and (3) completionists that once they see a title, they have to get it.
To those groups, I say a resounding "GET OVER IT".
It's just a silly emote and A-Net has rarely (if at all?) given credit for past items when introducing something new to the game. To those that are upset that this title is virtually "unmaxable", you simply don't need to pursue it.
It's a new feature of the game that can only benefit the casual player, as it will (1) transfer more wealth from the rich to the casual player and (2) lower the cost of some of the rarer items that drop from the Zaishen chest.
I like it, i think they should add a CoF farmer title next. Max rank at 100000 points, and get 5 point per opening the end chest. This would be in the same line as this wonderful title.
To be honest I feel it was a horrible idea. Why did they think this was a good idea, clearly it is totally out of touch with its player base. I mean the pve economy is crap, 99% of the items out there are so deflated they are not worth the farm, but they thought it is a good idea to buff Zkeys, which already sold for quite a alot considering their worth (3k for a 50% to get firewater).
Mb they would actually read ideas floating around on forums instead of making up half baked ideas that the base does not like.
To be honest I feel it was a horrible idea. Why did they think this was a good idea, clearly it is totally out of touch with its player base. I mean the pve economy is crap, 99% of the items out there are so deflated they are not worth the farm, but they thought it is a good idea to buff Zkeys, which already sold for quite a alot considering their worth (3k for a 50% to get firewater).
Mb they would actually read ideas floating around on forums instead of making up half baked ideas that the base does not like.
Another title track based on grinding for money or balth points.
Dont care. Never cared about /rank. Dont care about /zrank.
I'd rather they focused on adding more Design a weapon contest winners/runner-ups.
Dont care. Never cared about /rank. Dont care about /zrank.
I'd rather they focused on adding more Design a weapon contest winners/runner-ups.
I'm not too fond of an idea to tie emotes to a title track that can be achieved by simply buying your way through it. Why not put an emote to a maxed title (PvP or PvE) where you actually have to work for it a bit?
Knight O Cydonia
I don't see this as pointless grind because it's completely optional. It suprises me that people are so upset about it though. I'm more concerened that the 'temporary' skill balances will continue. Give me a nerf or a buff, not a sit on the fence decision!

Orange Milk
Originally Posted by Tyla They should've just removed the emote from the Hero title. This was just the most stupid thing ANet have done, with titles anyway |
I do agree with sentence 2 though.
Honestly, I think the guy whos "brainchild" was the ZChest decided that it needed a buff,(my guess is he's rather high on the totem pole) guess he felt it just wasn't having the impact he wanted. So he sat down and sold the other Devs on this great Title/Emote idea that is easy for both PvPers and PvEers to get. Everyone thinks it's cool and no one bothers to look ahead at the ramifications.
Emote for KoaBD and a Balts Faction title would have seen very little QQ and very much YAY, but alas ANet failed.
Eddie Frenzy Spam
@ the OP
Basically what you're saying is a load of crap to be honest, ever heard of a thing called balthazar faction? =O
Oh noez i haz to pvp to g3t title, wut 2 do.
No one is asking you to get the title, no one is forcing you to spend money on keys or play PvP to get the faction for them. Yes I think it's a stupid title and the emote is pretty lame as well, so i'm not going to go for it.
QQ'ing over the price of zkeys is pointless, they're not going to change by much and as I said before, no one is forcing you to buy them. If you want the title either buy the keys for the price people sell them out, or go play PvP.
Basically what you're saying is a load of crap to be honest, ever heard of a thing called balthazar faction? =O
Oh noez i haz to pvp to g3t title, wut 2 do.
No one is asking you to get the title, no one is forcing you to spend money on keys or play PvP to get the faction for them. Yes I think it's a stupid title and the emote is pretty lame as well, so i'm not going to go for it.
QQ'ing over the price of zkeys is pointless, they're not going to change by much and as I said before, no one is forcing you to buy them. If you want the title either buy the keys for the price people sell them out, or go play PvP.
Originally Posted by Orange Milk
NO to sentence 1, keep the Hero emote and add a PvE emote in a PvE title line that PvEers would care about, like KoaBD.
Although I still believe that the Hero title should be stripped of it's /Rank.
Too late for that now anyway, with the emote on the Zaishen title track.
Crappy and bad. It'd be OK if there were no emotes for this title..
awful title...
Zaishen Chests are crap, most of the time you get Firewater, Creme Brule'e, etc
if not than perhaps a random normal tome...
rarely you get a gold weapon but than its usually a high req common weapon with crappy skin and useless mods...
the times u get an elite tome or something really good out of a Zaishen Chest are so rare that it just isnt worth it...
and to think keys sold for like 2.5k and are now 5k because of it.
meh, farming RA for cash via keys
and you guys need another example of Anet trying to mix the PvE world into the PvP world?
Zaishen Chests are crap, most of the time you get Firewater, Creme Brule'e, etc
if not than perhaps a random normal tome...
rarely you get a gold weapon but than its usually a high req common weapon with crappy skin and useless mods...
the times u get an elite tome or something really good out of a Zaishen Chest are so rare that it just isnt worth it...
and to think keys sold for like 2.5k and are now 5k because of it.
meh, farming RA for cash via keys

and you guys need another example of Anet trying to mix the PvE world into the PvP world?
It is silly, it made me /facepalm, it made me laugh and I really couldn't care less. More money for my Zaishen keys, assuming I gain 10-20k balthy per day I am going to make a fair bit of gold all while advancing other, more important (to me) titles.
Another Felldspar
I feel like the Zaishen title, much like the Zaishen chest/keys before it, is a marketing tool for skill unlock packs. Before the chest was introduced I would spend my Balthazar faction unlocking skills on my account. After it was introduced I bought skill unlock packs so that I could spend my Balthazar faction on keys. This title encourages trading Balthazar and RP for keys, increasing the odds that people will by the unlock packs. *shrug* Smart move by A-Net.
Guys, GW really needs an attractive gold sink. Like really badly. I think this was an okay attempt, but I think that it could have been better. But the fact remains that GW's massively deflated economy (aside from rare items like minis and everlasting tonics) needs more attractive gold sinks. Lots of people hopefully will spend craptons of money on this to get it out of people's storage and out into the market again.
I might passively try to get the first or second one. I think it was meant to be a fun title and not one dependent on skill at all, and I will treat it as such. Overall, an okay title. Would be better if I had money to burn, but w/e.
I might passively try to get the first or second one. I think it was meant to be a fun title and not one dependent on skill at all, and I will treat it as such. Overall, an okay title. Would be better if I had money to burn, but w/e.

Originally Posted by Kula
Sorry, brad, that your thread was moved here. I would've done the same if I was a mod though, hehe.
What we need is more quality content. The kind of content that will keep us happily occupied with GW until GW2. So if anyone wants to start a petition to make Anet add like 15 more titles I'll gladly sign it!!! On another note: Isn't it time for someone to put an "Add New Title" key on the infamous ANET Dev Keyboard!? |
Pity the other guy beat me to it already, but oh well...
Originally Posted by MarlinBackna
Guys, GW really needs an attractive gold sink.
stupid idea, all the realy rich ppl in game just buy this title in one day,
Useless crap.
Well the title is okay but the emote sux badly imho...
Useless crap.
Well the title is okay but the emote sux badly imho...
Originally Posted by jiggles
dont like, dont get it
what more is there to say? Its not like its nigh impossible to get balth faction to WAIT FOR IT make your own keys WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT OF THAT? |
Originally Posted by puffzilla
I mean I can easily get 200k a week with a bit of DoA farming. 100 million / 200k per week would take me 500 week. GG.
its still easier to farm 100mil gold than it is 100mil balth faction
not to mention teh best place to farm balth faction is ha...
so ha'ers get 2 emotes now
so champs/glads/commanders get semi-screwed
im still hopin for champ/glad/commander to get emotes .___.
I think this is hands down, the most idiotic update Guild Wars has ever recieved. Period. The one good thing about it is that I can get an easy emote and take advantage of stupid, rich players by selling Zaishen keys at an inflated price
Originally Posted by Ctb
ANET is a company that is currently intending to release a sequel. Failing to continue to keep the Guild Wars base entertained until there is a sequel to sell them would be one of the stupidest things they could possibly do. You don't let your customer base drift away on the assumption they'll come running back when you have something new to sell them. Some will, but most won't. I can only speak for myself, but the last few updates have left me absolutely floored with their incompetence and I've lost pretty much all interest in playing, and I've lost a great deal of enthusiasm for Guild Wars 2. If this keeps up, I seriously doubt I'll be considering GW2 at release, if at all, simply because my interests are wandering to other things in the wake of the increasing rate of decay in the existing game.
It should be at least minorly retoractive based on your account's total faction earned in some way.
I like it. Only because it gave me a reason to open the chest which I like doing.