The April 2008 Championship, commemorating the third anniversary of Guild Wars, has concluded. Automated Tournaments starting in May 2008 will award brand new, in-game prizes and items, detailed below. Zaishen Title Track When you use a Zaishen Key on a Zaishen Chest, you get 5 Zaishen Reputation Points. The Zaishen Reputation points are applied to a brand new account-based title track, the Zaishen Title. You can buy a Zaishen Key from Tolkano for either 5000 Balthazar Faction or 5 Tournament Reward Points. Additionally, Monthly Tournament Reward Points have been increased. GvG went from 300 to 4500 and 1v1 went from 100 to 1500. Rank Reputation Points Needed Title Name
New Zaishen Chest Rewards There will be a different, brand new, Transmogrifier Tonic each month, including super rare, infinite use versions of the new Tonics. All infinite use Transmogrifier Tonics will be green items, including existing Everlasting Transmogrifier Tonics. Unlike the single-use versions, the everlasting Transmogrifier Tonics never run out, so you can use them again and again! New Zaishen Rank Emotes For each Rank you have on the Zaishen Title track, you will get a special emote that shows off your Title. To display your emote, just type /zaishen or /zrank. When you type in the emote command, the weapons listed below will dramatically fall from the sky and embed themselves into the ground in front of you. The Zaishen Rank emotes were created to be very interactive. For example, if you position yourself correctly, you can use it as a finishing move after you defeat someone! Rank Emote
Automated Tournaments starting in May 2008 will award brand new, in-game prizes
That's a lot of damn RPs...
@ Keli - He's talking about the new title mostly.
EDIT: Christ, new ranks too? That's what I get for not scrolling down.
@ Keli - He's talking about the new title mostly.
EDIT: Christ, new ranks too? That's what I get for not scrolling down.
Well, people did ask for PvP emotes that were easier to gain... har har...
Originally Posted by Taurucis
Well, people did ask for PvP emotes that were easier to gain... har har...
Originally Posted by Katsumi
That's a lot of damn RPs...
@ Keli - He's talking about the new title mostly. |
if he doesnt like it then he wont get it, easy...
People don't want new titles, Keli. People here anyway.
TKO! Ridiculous.
You can use it as a finishing move after you defeat someone! |
Rocky Raccoon
You really should espouse your reasoning rather than just posting a link.
Originally Posted by Risky Ranger
You really should espouse your reasoning rather than just posting a link.
So instead of spending time to make the pvp aspect better more balanced, they waste time to do this shit?
I don't see why this is a "failure".
Honestly those emotes look cool-I'm tempted to get the first one so when some punk "Deers" me in Spamadan, I can Spear it
And lets face it-those Transmographier potions are just fun-I remember doing UW trapper runs with everyone as an elf. Good times.
Honestly those emotes look cool-I'm tempted to get the first one so when some punk "Deers" me in Spamadan, I can Spear it
And lets face it-those Transmographier potions are just fun-I remember doing UW trapper runs with everyone as an elf. Good times.
I like it personally. I do agree that you should be able to bypass zaishen chest for RP and just spend faction to get RP, but what do I know.
Lots of people have been begging for pve emotes. Looks like Anet delivered.

lol. No big deal; kinda neat I guess, yet useless at the same time.
Uh, so what is new. I'm at work currently and the link is blocked. So what does it say? New title?
Nice, buy-able emotes.
Wow. We can now buy our own /rank. *sits watching this thread, closing Heroes of Might and Magic* I think I found a new entertaining night.
So, with keys at ~3k each, this new title will cost 60000000gold to max. That's 60 million!

Part 1: Zaishen Title
- I'll still be selling them to other people. I hope everyone will be happy.
Part 2: Monthly Tonic From Chest
- I hope it's probability in chance is higher than 2%; hoping for 10%. Then again, why would I want something like that. It's useless... even minis are more fun than a transforming tonic.
Part 3: Zaishen Emote
- Again, since I'm not doing the title, this is useless to me. Though...
To me, I can see it raise the ego or e-peen meter into the exosphere.
- I'll still be selling them to other people. I hope everyone will be happy.
Part 2: Monthly Tonic From Chest
- I hope it's probability in chance is higher than 2%; hoping for 10%. Then again, why would I want something like that. It's useless... even minis are more fun than a transforming tonic.
Part 3: Zaishen Emote
- Again, since I'm not doing the title, this is useless to me. Though...
The Zaishen Rank emotes were created to be very interactive. For example, if you position yourself correctly, you can use it as a finishing move after you defeat someone! |
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Katsumi
People don't want new titles, Keli. People here anyway.
TKO! Ridiculous. |
lol new title so people can get r6 Koabd by using this:
Whats next most deaths or most hours afked?
Whats next most deaths or most hours afked?
Lots of people have been begging for pve emotes. Looks like Anet delivered. |
I certainly wouldn't want to prove to anyone else that I'd opened it that many times o_0
Seriously , nobody is forcing you to get that title you know...
Originally Posted by Risky Ranger
When were you appointed the spokesperson for all of guru? You may state your opinion, but you are only speaking for yourself. Whether I agree or disagree with the OP, let me answer for myself please.
It was only an observation that I've noticed. Go to Sardelac and watch the people who suggest new titles. You'll see what I mean.
Make sure to get off your high horse before you go though.

Red Sonya
Talk about opening up the GOLD SELLERS market what a BOOM to their economy.

This is, in a way, even worse than the Heroes Ascent title. (I didn't think it was possible...) Now, people who eBay gold will get an emote. Just wonderful.
Originally Posted by Richardt
Honestly those emotes look cool-I'm tempted to get the first one so when some punk "Deers" me in Spamadan, I can Spear it
but your right, its a cool as RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO emote
Dr Strangelove
Hey, that's kind of nifty. It's essentially a Balthazar faction title, which is fine by me. Quit crying over new free stuff.
I'm sad it's not retroactive, all I have to show for my last thousand or so keys is a pile of creme brulee and firewater.
I'm sad it's not retroactive, all I have to show for my last thousand or so keys is a pile of creme brulee and firewater.
Another quality idea from the USA. Z Key prices will temporarily sky rocket.
Another quality idea from the USA. Z Key prices will temporarily sky rocket.
I looked at the date today and its not april 1st....but it MUST be some kind of joke on us.
now people can bambi and spear me.....more reasons to go to outposts that are deserted.....oh boy <sarcasm on> good job anet <off>
wish they would spend their time FIXING broken things instead of pointless stuff like this
oh well....guess some things will never get fixed....
now people can bambi and spear me.....more reasons to go to outposts that are deserted.....oh boy <sarcasm on> good job anet <off>
wish they would spend their time FIXING broken things instead of pointless stuff like this
oh well....guess some things will never get fixed....
Just a thought... will Zaishen Keys go up, down or stay the same in price now thanks to the title?
Seems everyone is focusing on the fact you can get this title from opening the ZChest.
Completely ignoring the fact that it looks like you get points from winning in the mAT's. And those that don't participate in the mATs can use their reward points to work on this title.
And for those saying it's ANet's way of forcing more grind-noone is making you do this. You don't need these emotes. Complaining about the extra grind is basically just complaining for the sake of doing it.
Now whether or not I agree with the addition of a new title, I do think those emotes look really good and well thought out.
Completely ignoring the fact that it looks like you get points from winning in the mAT's. And those that don't participate in the mATs can use their reward points to work on this title.
And for those saying it's ANet's way of forcing more grind-noone is making you do this. You don't need these emotes. Complaining about the extra grind is basically just complaining for the sake of doing it.
Now whether or not I agree with the addition of a new title, I do think those emotes look really good and well thought out.
I lol'd hard.
Well at least its nice of them to put in new stuff.
The keys price is going up already lol. A Guildies got 264 in storage, slightly envious...
Well at least its nice of them to put in new stuff.
The keys price is going up already lol. A Guildies got 264 in storage, slightly envious...
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
Just a thought... will Zaishen Keys go up, down or stay the same in price now thanks to the title?
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Katsumi
You must not spend much time here then...
It was only an observation that I've noticed. Go to Sardelac and watch the people who suggest new titles. You'll see what I mean. Make sure to get off your high horse before you go though. ![]() |
Could someone please cut and paste the info into this thread? The link doesn't work for me.
Dr Strangelove
Honestly, you people would complain about anything.
If they made this available only through Balthazar faction, you'd complain about PvPers oppressing PvEers or something.
If they made it a PvE emote, people would complain that emotes are a PvP title, and that it would be buyable by ebayers.
If they made it buyable, people would complain that it's an ebay title.
If they made it free, you'd complain it was too easy.
If they made it spiky, purple, and mango flavored you'd complain about the lack of whipped cream.
Only need citations for the too easy and spiky purple options! Don't let me down!
If they made this available only through Balthazar faction, you'd complain about PvPers oppressing PvEers or something.
Originally Posted by Gli
Is this another silly attempt to get more people to play PvP?
If so, it's far more likely to get people who don't want to play PvP to fly into fits of nerdrage instead. And yeah, it pretty much sucks. |
Originally Posted by I MP I
Lots of people have been begging for pve emotes. Looks like Anet delivered.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
Talk about opening up the GOLD SELLERS market what a BOOM to their economy.
![]() |
If they made it spiky, purple, and mango flavored you'd complain about the lack of whipped cream.
Only need citations for the too easy and spiky purple options! Don't let me down!
I think that this is genius.
People who rarely PvP can get low tiers of the title by buying zkeys. This strengthens the market of the zkeys, and allows great PvP'ers to rake in cash all the more quickly to buy their epeen weapons and armor.
However, it is very, very hard to get the title without PvP'ing.
So, I would say A.Net created a pretty good balance here.
Doesn't mean they could have spent their time on other issues, but what they created, I feel they created well.
People who rarely PvP can get low tiers of the title by buying zkeys. This strengthens the market of the zkeys, and allows great PvP'ers to rake in cash all the more quickly to buy their epeen weapons and armor.
However, it is very, very hard to get the title without PvP'ing.
So, I would say A.Net created a pretty good balance here.
Doesn't mean they could have spent their time on other issues, but what they created, I feel they created well.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
If they made it spiky, purple, and mango flavored you'd complain about the lack of whipped cream.
It's just that this title seems so... absurd. People have been saying "remove pvp emotes" and Anet plops this down on us.
My take on why everyone is so enraged is because now we're going to have gold eBayers ranking us.
Originally Posted by TheRaven
Could someone please cut and paste the info into this thread? The link doesn't work for me.
Zaishen Title Track When you use a Zaishen Key on a Zaishen Chest, you get 5 Zaishen Reputation Points. The Zaishen Reputation points are applied to a brand new account-based title track, the Zaishen Title. You can buy a Zaishen Key from Tolkano for either 5000 Balthazar Faction or 5 Tournament Reward Points. Additionally, Monthly Tournament Reward Points have been increased. GvG went from 300 to 4500 and 1v1 went from 100 to 1500. Rank Reputation Points Needed Title Name 1 250 Zaishen Supporter 2 500 Friend of the Zaishen 3 1000 Companion of the Zaishen 4 1680 Ally of the Zaishen 5 2800 Sentinel of the Zaishen 6 4660 Steward of the Zaishen 7 7750 Defender of the Zaishen 8 12960 Warden of the Zaishen 9 21600 Bastion of the Zaishen 10 36000 Champion of the Zaishen 11 60000 Hero of the Zaishen 12 100000 Legendary Hero of the Zaishen Zaishen Rank Emotes For each Rank you have on the Zaishen Title track, you will get a special emote that shows off your Title. To display your emote, just type /zaishen or /zrank. When you type in the emote command, the weapons listed below will dramatically fall from the sky and embed themselves into the ground in front of you. The Zaishen Rank emotes were created to be very interactive. For example, if you position yourself correctly, you can use it as a finishing move after you defeat someone! Rank Emote 1 Copper Spear 2 Silver Spear 3 Golden Spear 4 Golden Spear + Copper Hammer 5 Golden Spear + Silver Hammer 6 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer 7 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Copper Axe 8 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Silver Axe 9 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Golden Axe 10 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Golden Axe + Copper Sword 11 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Golden Axe + Silver Sword 12 Golden Spear + Golden Hammer + Golden Axe + Golden Sword |
Pretty much that

Meh, people are buying crap loads of them anyway. Im just glad I havent spent any money on them so far, im assuming its not retroactive.