Name an implementation of new emotes you wouldn't bitch about.
I don't care about the emotes at all, and it's not the content of the update that I don't like. It's the fact that they wasted their time on this instead of address actual issues that the community wants to see addressed.
What's this going to do to enhance PvP? How is this going to get more people involved in PvP at a time when PvP is basically inaccessible to anybody who's not already experienced?
What does this add to the PvE game, where so many players feel that they've already done everything worth doing and now just basically stand around harrassing each other like they're in some sort of 3D 4chan thread?
What does this offer to any of the volumes of people who have basically left the game because they're fed up with title grinds and reskinned garbage and the crashed economic system?
Nothing, nothing, and nothing. It's not the emotes that are the problem, it's that there are serious problems with this game that should be addressed, but all ANET wants to do is toss out these pathetic bids to keep a few stragglers hooked long enough to generate some hype when GW2 launches.