So, why does ANet favor the noobs and punish the veterans?
The Real Avalon
Well, this is a question that has been bothering me for quite a while.
Is it the constant 'need' to draw more players into the game that gives ANet the right to ignore their veteran players?
With all these silly weekends with double points to titles and the addition of new titles that aren't retro-active at all, ANet seems the favor the new players.
People that have had their titles maxed long before consumables found their way into the game got punished for not waiting long enough.
It's the same thing for Ursan Blessing.
Another example is the Party Animal Title Track and the double party points weekends (and according to the datfile there's gonna be more for drunkard).
Also, loads of double Glad, hero, champ & HB weekends have been added in which you could a huge push towards the HoM statue.
And these are just a few examples.
Now there's the Zaishen Title Track.
It seems to me that the people that will start the game 1 month before the release of GW II will still have the chance to get 30 maxed titles and a huge push in whatever pvp title.
What's next? 50x more Fame weekend?
This has to end.
Is it the constant 'need' to draw more players into the game that gives ANet the right to ignore their veteran players?
With all these silly weekends with double points to titles and the addition of new titles that aren't retro-active at all, ANet seems the favor the new players.
People that have had their titles maxed long before consumables found their way into the game got punished for not waiting long enough.
It's the same thing for Ursan Blessing.
Another example is the Party Animal Title Track and the double party points weekends (and according to the datfile there's gonna be more for drunkard).
Also, loads of double Glad, hero, champ & HB weekends have been added in which you could a huge push towards the HoM statue.
And these are just a few examples.
Now there's the Zaishen Title Track.
It seems to me that the people that will start the game 1 month before the release of GW II will still have the chance to get 30 maxed titles and a huge push in whatever pvp title.
What's next? 50x more Fame weekend?
This has to end.
Play the damn game or quit. Games need to be updated or they'll die, yes this means that things get easier so what. Move on.
Give it a little though... I'll help you out, money! They want money and they want people to enjoy their game. I think the double weekends are actually fun and people get pissed when they see others earn something they worked so hard at easier than they did.
Nazar Razak
because Veterans dont pay again. New players on the other hand, have to buy the game.
Its how it worked for a long time...For nearly everything, thats life, kind of silly to complain about it.
Its how it worked for a long time...For nearly everything, thats life, kind of silly to complain about it.
Day and Night
Originally Posted by The Real Avalon
Is it the constant 'need' to draw more players into the game that gives ANet the right to ignore their veteran players?
Theyre in this to make money not appease you...
Alex the Great
i consider myself to be a veteran, because i have played the game for over 2 years. guess what, I didn't take time out to max a title untill 2 months ago.
they arn't punsihing veterans, they are trying to help you fill your HoM.
quit qqing because someone gets it easyier than you did. thats just vindictive
they arn't punsihing veterans, they are trying to help you fill your HoM.
quit qqing because someone gets it easyier than you did. thats just vindictive
THey need to draw new players to make money. Its that simple.
Veterans get bored of the game and leave.
New players won't get bored of the game for awhile, these weekend events and new titles help them catch up to the veterans faster, they like it, they buy other Anet things, Anet gets money, Anet is happy, new players are happy.
It's all about the money.
New players won't get bored of the game for awhile, these weekend events and new titles help them catch up to the veterans faster, they like it, they buy other Anet things, Anet gets money, Anet is happy, new players are happy.
It's all about the money.
money money money, *drool*
I've been in game since just after launch and the friend I play with since beta, we both enjoy the weekend bonuses, some more than others but I think they help keep the game going.
Been playing the game for three years, but didn't start working on titles until the HoM. Weekends like this one coming up helped me get Legendary Skill Hunter on two accounts.
So, it's not just favoring new players.
So, it's not just favoring new players.
Because when they first program something, how are they supposed to know that later they will be adding a system that will require a counter for how many times that action has been performed.
The updates don't favor n00bs any moreso than veterans. Veterans are free to take advantage of all the changes just as much as n00bs are, and probably even moreso because they understand the game mechanics better.
Ursan Blessing actually helped veterans who were not a monk, ele, or warrior be able to participate in high end PVE areas where they were never welcome to participate before.
Also, there are already a ton of threads complaining about the things listed in the OP, do we really need another complaint thread on top of them.
Ursan Blessing actually helped veterans who were not a monk, ele, or warrior be able to participate in high end PVE areas where they were never welcome to participate before.
Also, there are already a ton of threads complaining about the things listed in the OP, do we really need another complaint thread on top of them.
Anet has the Vets right where they want them, it's up to us to deal or Quit, they have to find a way to appeal to the new Nubs and i don't blame them, it's all about the Money.......
I suppose its each to there own. I like to see new content added to a game that i like so much. Yes its another title, and there is a very good chace i never will max it out. BUt would people rather Anet didnt add anything new or done any special weekends at all?
As for the whole "more stuff for pvpers"...there is alot more content/titles for pve then there is for pvp.
I see it as if you think its fun: take part. If you think the weekend events and titles are rubbish then dont bother.
As for the whole "more stuff for pvpers"...there is alot more content/titles for pve then there is for pvp.
I see it as if you think its fun: take part. If you think the weekend events and titles are rubbish then dont bother.
I believe this is the only 'new' content we will be more sorrows furnace updates or realms of the anet must find a way to keep some people interested until gw2 comes out....and they ASSume this will do it.
Random Scrubinator
Titles didn't even exist until factions, so "veterans" bought this game not expecting title grind anyway.
Cale Roughstar
Originally Posted by underverse_ninja
Anet has the Vets right where they want them, it's up to us to deal or Quit, they have to find a way to appeal to the new Nubs and i don't blame them, it's all about the Money.......
When we started this game, we were so wide-eyed and amazed at all the shiny new wonders that there were to see, and now 1500+ hours later, most of us are looking for things to keep us interested. A-Net doesn't actually have to care about us anymore. Once we paid, we just became another bunch of numbers in the databases. For me, the game has become boring. I am trying to sell a bunch of crap to fill out my HoM, but other than that or the occasional HA run, I dont play. Anet wont even bat an eye when I quit.
They have demonstrated again and again that the lowest common denominator is their priority; the ideal "casual gamer". I feel that they no longer care at all about what I want, dont want or care about from this game. It is time to move on and look for greener pastures.
I was hoping to leave GW with a good attitude, looking forwards to GW2, but now doubt has been cast on it. The addition of these new desparate attempts to appease the PvE'rs crys has missed the mark horribly. An emote for KoaBD would have pissed off a bunch of PvP'rs but it would still be rewarding skill (and yes, time to an extent), but this new only-way-to-get-it-is-a-shitload-of-money title is just retarded.
Age of Conan, here I come!
How exactly are they punishing anyone? Is it how they added a tiny little perk that no one had before? Boo hoo.
Mr. G
wait...this is punishing the new players?
as much as I understand the fact it sucks its not retroactive...dont the "vet" players have the $$$ to buy the title anyway?
as much as I understand the fact it sucks its not retroactive...dont the "vet" players have the $$$ to buy the title anyway?
The problem is,
totally new players do not get drawn into the game by double X weekends.
But lets talk about players who are playing GW for a while.
They might kept going by this double X, double that weekends!
But they burn out their loyal fanbase of day 1 and spit on it.
I just got told you get a riding rhino if you preorder Age of Conan on, but I am not convinced it is a good game. Waiting for your reviews once it is out.
totally new players do not get drawn into the game by double X weekends.
But lets talk about players who are playing GW for a while.
They might kept going by this double X, double that weekends!
But they burn out their loyal fanbase of day 1 and spit on it.

I just got told you get a riding rhino if you preorder Age of Conan on, but I am not convinced it is a good game. Waiting for your reviews once it is out.

I'm speechless after reading the OPs rant. Pure idiocy
I have never given a flying fig about Titles.... am I the only one that does not care about them? What the hell is wrong with me?

They have your money, why bother keeping you on and wasting bandwidth? This is not p2p.
Just move on, plenty of other games out there to keep you occupied, even if it is not a mmo.

Just move on, plenty of other games out there to keep you occupied, even if it is not a mmo.
Originally Posted by natural_Causes
THey need to draw new players to make money. Its that simple.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Because when they first program something, how are they supposed to know that later they will be adding a system that will require a counter for how many times that action has been performed.
Either way, 'veteran' players were really only punished here with it not being retroactive.
Most veterans have paid for all 4 campaigns. We're now giving ANet no money. New players on the other hand start with one campaign. ANet would rather have the new players be interested and spend more money on other campaigns than keep veterans happy who can buy...bonus mission pack and character slots?
Like most businesses, it's all about the money.
Like most businesses, it's all about the money.
Moonlit Azure
This happens with every damn game. The company brings in new things to spice up the game and draw new players in, and the veterans cry. Theres not much they can add to even please the veterans. They still care, but they need to priortize.
The same methods were used on you as a noob, so stop crying. Play or leave.
The same methods were used on you as a noob, so stop crying. Play or leave.
Shut up.
This game is obviously on its final leg. Just be happy Anet is actually trying to do something for this game instead of ignoring it and putting all focus on GW2.
All the people that bitch and moan about Anet seriously need to stop and quit if they are really that unhappy.
This game is obviously on its final leg. Just be happy Anet is actually trying to do something for this game instead of ignoring it and putting all focus on GW2.
All the people that bitch and moan about Anet seriously need to stop and quit if they are really that unhappy.
Pandora's box
It has nothing to do with noobs or veterans. Its because of the low level cap and game balancing issues causing players to be maxed out quite soon that Anet decided to create alternative ways to keep players motivated. therefore they created titles. And because of the same gaming restrictions promotion weekens are only about title leveling. Most of them are just fancy, die hards wont have a reason to join, but there is no alternative. Maybe this will change with GW2.

Just the other week, the noobs were supposedly getting "punished" because they didn't get the cool expensive minipets first. Oh noes!
No one is getting screwed nearly as much as they think...
No one is getting screwed nearly as much as they think...
Shai Lee
I don't see any type of favortism/punishment going on to new/old players. Sure, most of us have played since the beginning, but those double weekends aren't just for new players. They also help old players with lots of characters, like me.
It seems we all may just be too spoiled by Anet sometimes. We complain when there are no updates and we complain when there -are- updates. :P
It seems we all may just be too spoiled by Anet sometimes. We complain when there are no updates and we complain when there -are- updates. :P
Originally Posted by Cale Roughstar
Age of Conan, here I come!
HuntMaster Avatar
After 26 months I think I'm veteranish. And I love the weekend events even though I don't play most of them. I am waiting for the events for booze and sweettooth so I can get r1 in those titles without needing even more items.
I skipped the hero battle weekend, And I will skip the elite cap weekend. I got 60+ skills points free and about 12 cap sigs, so I'm good for awhile.
The problem is the OP plays too much and takes things to personally. Anet doesnt care much about older players because we already spent our money, Newer players who are just starting out see these events and get motivated to buy the other installments.
I don't see sony giving ps1 owners special offers, Its all about ps3. Sega CD has no benefits, its all about X-box 360. Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition hasnt gotten new material in decades. Its all about 3.5-4e.
Its the way things work. Gamers these days have way to much hostility.
PS: Age of Conan will be LOLishis. I'v always been a conan fan, But I'v seen the crap thats gonna be in that game, Its gonna flop. Even the ps3 Conan game was utter crap with a few great ideas.
I skipped the hero battle weekend, And I will skip the elite cap weekend. I got 60+ skills points free and about 12 cap sigs, so I'm good for awhile.
The problem is the OP plays too much and takes things to personally. Anet doesnt care much about older players because we already spent our money, Newer players who are just starting out see these events and get motivated to buy the other installments.
I don't see sony giving ps1 owners special offers, Its all about ps3. Sega CD has no benefits, its all about X-box 360. Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition hasnt gotten new material in decades. Its all about 3.5-4e.
Its the way things work. Gamers these days have way to much hostility.

PS: Age of Conan will be LOLishis. I'v always been a conan fan, But I'v seen the crap thats gonna be in that game, Its gonna flop. Even the ps3 Conan game was utter crap with a few great ideas.
Doesn't Diablo 2 still get updated and stuff? It did last I left it, and it was old even back then.
GW will have seemingly random updates in the future, gotta deal. I just anticipate these things otherwise I'd quit out of boredom.
GW will have seemingly random updates in the future, gotta deal. I just anticipate these things otherwise I'd quit out of boredom.
@ OP: lolwut?
HuntMaster Avatar
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Doesn't Diablo 2 still get updated and stuff? It did last I left it, and it was old even back then.
GW will have seemingly random updates in the future, gotta deal. I just anticipate these things otherwise I'd quit out of boredom. |
Diablo2 LOD gets updates sometimes, The last update removed expiration, now when a characeter expires you can simply click on it and the expiration is gone and you can play that character again. So no more fear of losing characters.
I have heard of no added content since the release of the uber clones and the torches. I havnt played in about 6 months, Normally I check up on the game which I will probably do soon. But that games is basically unmaintained, they come in and sweep the servers maybe once or twice a year for dupes and hacks.
It is amazing, no matter what they do or don't do for use, some one is going to find a problem with it. If you can get your HoM maxed in 1 month, gg. I just finished legendary skill hunter today, should I start a QQ thread about this weekend not meaning anything to me? Maybe the OP could do it for me. I will be happy doing something else.
PS....I feel this is a small perk to veteran PvP players. I am a PvE player, and I could not even imagine the farming/power trading to buy keys to max this title. All pvp players could do up to this is sell keys or keep the junk out of the chest, now they can a least get something for their faction.
PS....I feel this is a small perk to veteran PvP players. I am a PvE player, and I could not even imagine the farming/power trading to buy keys to max this title. All pvp players could do up to this is sell keys or keep the junk out of the chest, now they can a least get something for their faction.
veterans get bday minis way b4 the new players. good luck to the new players trying to sell a mini raptor for 100k when they get it
. not gonna happen for them. but was easy for us to get silly amounts for them
a crap load of free money is good enuff for me
i also like making new chars, so having the double weekends is good for that as well. up to 16 chars now, and its nice to have the double weekends if i decide to work on those titles for skills and whatnot *shrug*

a crap load of free money is good enuff for me
i also like making new chars, so having the double weekends is good for that as well. up to 16 chars now, and its nice to have the double weekends if i decide to work on those titles for skills and whatnot *shrug*