Originally Posted by maraxusofk
the only emote truly worth doing over a dead body is a bambi. nothing else.
The attitude ANet is encouraging with that video is an attitude we're supposed to grow out of.
Originally Posted by maraxusofk
the only emote truly worth doing over a dead body is a bambi. nothing else.
Originally Posted by wilderness
With the amount of righteous morality ...
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
Ohh, it is the "but the others do it too" "argument".
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Enlighten me: How come a fully, 100% PvP competitive online FPS has less people QQing about taunting and "getting rolled?" How come in a game based on skill that when someone dies and gets taunted or becomes a nemesis that the person getting killed or dominated doesn't throw his keyboard in anger?
Granted, we don't see this happening. But I'll tell you one thing: The amount of "discontent" about taunting in TF2 on the official Steam forums is zilch. Nothing. So, it's not "these people are doing it too, so it's okay!" argument, it's a "how come these people are doing the same thing and are fine?" argument. |
Originally Posted by lakatz
That said I think I know why this about face on ANet's part (which is basically what the OP was asking about). Ever since the original development team began working on GW2, I've suspected for a number of reasons that there are inexperienced and underdeveloped 'interns' and/or 'junior' coders running amok virtually unsupervised in the GW workshop. In that the original team appeared to take their responsibility as 'role models' seriously when they discouraged taunting, and there appears to be an abandonment of that sense of responsibility with the release of this new video, my suspicions have grown all the stronger.
Again, while I believe it's a matter of personal choice on the part of players as to whether they want to behave with decorum or not, I believe it's a matter of responsibility on the part of the game developers to encourage evolution, not devolution of player behavior. |
Originally Posted by lakatz
As Wilderness pointed out (in a rather inflammatory approach unbecoming a forum mod btw... that is as long as flaming is still against the rules here)
Originally Posted by lakatz
For others of us, however, (speaking for myself and anyone who agrees), it's a question of maturity. And maturity is not subjective like morality is. The parameters of what constitutes maturity are well defined and universally accepted.
Originally Posted by lakatz
In that the original team appeared to take their responsibility as 'role models' seriously when they discouraged taunting, and there appears to be an abandonment of that sense of responsibility with the release of this new video, my suspicions have grown all the stronger.
Again, while I believe it's a matter of personal choice on the part of players as to whether they want to behave with decorum or not, I believe it's a matter of responsibility on the part of the game developers to encourage evolution, not devolution of player behavior. |
Originally Posted by SerenitySilverstar
I want to quote this again.
As I have become deeper involved in the game over the years, what's struck me as quite wonderful has been ArenaNets "Social Awareness". They've gone to great pains with the Reporting system. They've discouraged bad behavior in PvP with the Dishonourable Hex. Through the community communication they've made it plain that though this is an internet world we inhabit, we should be applying real word behavior. It shows that Anet CARE about their customers, about keeping them long term (let's just put aside your personal "Nerf/World is dead" opinions for the moment"). They care about making a difference above and beyond the angry gamer stereotype with social issues. |
Originally Posted by Kaleban
Online gaming makes use of avatars, and only truly pathetic people get so wrapped up in their little people that they actually report virtual existence for morality infringement...
Originally Posted by Taurus
Crappy QQ'ers ( op included ) ... go back to kindergarten if you cant deal with competitivity.
Originally Posted by SerenitySilverstar
As ubiquitous as the internet is in our daily lives now, it's still relatively new to our social mentality.
While some of the burden lies within ourselves, our parents and peer groups to initiate proper social behavior, many aspects of the Internet (social network sites, chatting, forums, gaming) are more and more becoming the ONLY way we interact with other human beings. To that end, encouraging proper social awareness and interaction is not an over-reaction on a game company's part - they're getting in early as a socially responsible business. |
Originally Posted by wilderness
You see, Anet expect that a light hearted taunt with an emote after a kill would be received with good sportsmanship and a bit of a chuckle.
Originally Posted by wilderness
You see, Anet expect that a light hearted taunt with an emote after a kill would be received with good sportsmanship and a bit of a chuckle. PvP should be fun, just because a percentage of players are so tightly wound you could stick their fingers in a plug socket and use them as a superconducting magnet doesn't mean the fun should be ruined for the rest of us.
Originally Posted by serenitysilverstar
As ubiquitous as the internet is in our daily lives now, it's still relatively new to our social mentality.
While some of the burden lies within ourselves, our parents and peer groups to initiate proper social behavior, many aspects of the Internet (social network sites, chatting, forums, gaming) are more and more becoming the ONLY way we interact with other human beings. To that end, encouraging proper social awareness and interaction is not an over-reaction on a game company's part - they're getting in early as a socially responsible business. |