Who here buys runes/insignias for their heroes?
After looking at some screenshots I've noticed many people throw superior vigor's and other jazz on their heroes. I'm wondering if those reading this thread do it, and why.
Me, I've put 1 run ever on a hero, and thats good ol' Master Of Whispers. He has a sup death. Besides that....... nobody has anything. I dont even give them weapons qq. Too dang expensive.
Me, I've put 1 run ever on a hero, and thats good ol' Master Of Whispers. He has a sup death. Besides that....... nobody has anything. I dont even give them weapons qq. Too dang expensive.
I do. /bonus for weapons and the runes are getting cheaper with age. It's becoming relatively cheaper to rune your heroes. Besides, any advantage is a good advantage.
For those not fortunate enough to have the bonus weapons, I can see why you'd not be quick to jump and devoting time or money on getting them. Well, mainly for casters.
For those not fortunate enough to have the bonus weapons, I can see why you'd not be quick to jump and devoting time or money on getting them. Well, mainly for casters.
Weapons: /bonus
Runes: whatever drops for insignias, minors for breakpoints, and full runes/insignia for my most-used heroes. My heroes only get minor vigor or major if I've got extra, and none have superior vigor. MM heroes all have Sup. Death.
Runes: whatever drops for insignias, minors for breakpoints, and full runes/insignia for my most-used heroes. My heroes only get minor vigor or major if I've got extra, and none have superior vigor. MM heroes all have Sup. Death.
I don't. I might get them a minor or major but most of the time they don't even need it.
i modded em all before doing that stupid vanquisher title little to know id never use any of them like sin and warriors
All fully runed (close around 200 total heroes with all 10 characters) /bonus or BMP for all except my main character's heroes who gets r9 inscribable golds. Non have Sup Vigor but all have Major.
I do. After awhile there's not that much you need to spend things on, and if you're not going drunkard or party animal there's no reason not to fully kit out your heroes. Most runes/insignia's are cheap as well.
My main's heroes are all fully done, and all my other pve chars have 3 heroes they usually use, and they're all fully outfitted.
My main's heroes are all fully done, and all my other pve chars have 3 heroes they usually use, and they're all fully outfitted.
my main characters guys have a few runes that i have actively given them, but usually my heroes get insigs/runes that i get while gaming, but definitetly not any sup vigors or even major vigors lol
as for weapons, same thing applies, most of them have the bonus weapons, but characters that i play often have goldies hidden on them, that surprise me when i use them. hehe.
as for weapons, same thing applies, most of them have the bonus weapons, but characters that i play often have goldies hidden on them, that surprise me when i use them. hehe.
if they drop they get them....otherwise usually not (though after doing one of the dungeons with my jin....and her NOT being able to shoot off a 15 energy skill---she got an attunement rune I had in storage....now if she goes -60 she will still be able to do 15en skills!).
the only ones I usually give second looks to are olias (mm--needs health usually so he gets some of those insigs or runes) and eles usually get some kind of ele rune or storage one---but these drop often enough I dont buy them!
the only ones I usually give second looks to are olias (mm--needs health usually so he gets some of those insigs or runes) and eles usually get some kind of ele rune or storage one---but these drop often enough I dont buy them!
caster weapons = /bonus
runes, I give them minor vigor, all necessary insignias and runes
runes, I give them minor vigor, all necessary insignias and runes
Kyomi Tachibana
The heroes I actually use get whatever greens/golds/collectors I'm not using, and fully runed with minors/minor vigor, unless I absolutely NEED sup for a smite-bonder or something. Full survivor insignias, with the exception of some, like the Para heroes.
Originally Posted by NoXiFy
Too dang expensive.
Lady Lozza
I don't buy them, but it they drop and my heroes have nice armour, and I don't need them for anything else I will put a rune and/or insignia on them.
Good weapons, mostly green with a few golds here and there. I buy them survivor insignias and minor runes. Got nothing else to spend money on, so why not?
only on the ones I use, and only cheap runes
I put rune and insignias on heroes like I put it on my chars, why run around with bad equipped heroes when it cost 10k or less to make them better? o.O it really makes a different when playing HM.
Also buying green weapons for them since they don't cost much and many of them got nice mods.
Also buying green weapons for them since they don't cost much and many of them got nice mods.
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Fully Tricked Out.
Lord Xivor
Fully runed with minor vigors, major runes, all with radiant insignias. Every hero runed perfectly and all have r9 gold weapons with perfect mods.
I've completely runed out, given perfect weapons, and insignias on all heroes i use frequently. Isn't the point to make them better than hench?
NYC Elite
I use whatever runes/insignias/weapons I pick up for them. Too much money for all of that, let alone elite armor.
Heh heh, I'm so poor that I only have 1 piece of 15k....GLOVES.....

Though, I'm saving up for some Kurzick Armor

Though, I'm saving up for some Kurzick Armor
I Can Cure Cancer
I don't buy them elite armor but I equip them with as much as possible. Why run at 80% efficiency when you can run at 100 for only slight amounts of gold?
Parson Brown
I give heroes runes/insignias/weapon upgrades as I find them. They've gotten pretty set over time.
The only time I ever bought them stuff was when I was having trouble finishing a couple vanquishes, so I pimped out my Sabway team and got through
I'll probably fully outfit a couple more since I've been dabbling in Hero Battles the past few days.
The only time I ever bought them stuff was when I was having trouble finishing a couple vanquishes, so I pimped out my Sabway team and got through

I'll probably fully outfit a couple more since I've been dabbling in Hero Battles the past few days.
got nothing better to do with my money so all my heroes are currently decked out and working towards torment weapons on them all
super strokey
I get what ever i can afford... which isnt much lol. The ones i use all the time are tricked out minus superior vigs though
The Toe Tag
i only spend money on the heros i use the most,So about 4 got runes and stuff rest well they can buy there own stuff, I'm no bank.
All the heroes I use have full survivor, major vigor, and attribute/health runes.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
I certainly hope you have zero pieces of elite armor.
Monkey Slayer
I only throw runes on my heroes for storage. I mainly throw good builds on them, so the runes really don't make THAT much of a difference.
Sleeper Service
most fully set up, some with multiple sup runes...theres NO discussion when i pug as far as to whose heroes to take. That alone makes it worthwhile.
I do. 
(12 characters)

(12 characters)
I spared no expense with my heroes as they all have superior vigor runes aswell as the usual attribute/health/energy runes and insignias attatched to their armour. As for weapons they all carry greens, some unique some common, except for Hayda and Morgahn who both have destroyer spears.
I dont understand people who say its not worth buying runes for your heroes when you'll be using them in PvE pretty much all the time.
I dont understand people who say its not worth buying runes for your heroes when you'll be using them in PvE pretty much all the time.
Just on my three favourite heroes.
Does Sup Death, Sup SR, Sup Blood, Bloodstained Insignia give you a clue?
Oh, and 3 sup vigs, cos I love 'em
Does Sup Death, Sup SR, Sup Blood, Bloodstained Insignia give you a clue?
Oh, and 3 sup vigs, cos I love 'em

I keep the heroes for my 3 main toons fully decked out, major vigs/survivors and /bonus on the rest. I expect the same out of my heroes as I would any other party member.
achiles the mermedon
Only armor I ever bought for any hero is poor old Sousuke. I hated the way he looked.
Runes and such, I definetely get MMs set up, then Monks, and then Sousuke.
I don't mind giving them greens/golds etc that I do not use, since for the most part I depend on these guys I want them to feel good about their jobs,
After all what do you really do with all the money? I can't see where it makes that much difference if you outfit the ones ones you use the most, No super vigors on any of them but yes super death sure, they are so cheap anyway.

Runes and such, I definetely get MMs set up, then Monks, and then Sousuke.
I don't mind giving them greens/golds etc that I do not use, since for the most part I depend on these guys I want them to feel good about their jobs,

After all what do you really do with all the money? I can't see where it makes that much difference if you outfit the ones ones you use the most, No super vigors on any of them but yes super death sure, they are so cheap anyway.
Aera Lure
Pretty much all my heroes have all runes and insignias that would be relevant. Major vigors instead of Superiors though, in most cases.
All my heroes are pretty much pimped out just like my main toon lol.
Never really bought a lot of stuff 4 'em, it's mostly items I salvaged from lootdrops. Bought a few Radiants and Attunements for the eles & necros tho
Never really bought a lot of stuff 4 'em, it's mostly items I salvaged from lootdrops. Bought a few Radiants and Attunements for the eles & necros tho
Snow Bunny
Minor Vigors, Survivor Insigs, Vitae Runes, and several runes from attributes.
For my necros, this means SR, Curses, Blood, and for Olias, a Sup Death Rune.
Weapons are greens/golds that I can't sell. Those ubiquitous 'Perfect' greens serve as excellent hero weapons.
It may be expensive, but I've found it to my satisfaction.
For my necros, this means SR, Curses, Blood, and for Olias, a Sup Death Rune.
Weapons are greens/golds that I can't sell. Those ubiquitous 'Perfect' greens serve as excellent hero weapons.
It may be expensive, but I've found it to my satisfaction.
Bo Azum
I've never bought runes or insignias for my heroes.
They are pretty well equipped though. Whatever runes I find I slap on an empty armor of certain hero, and if I ever need a Rune of Whatnot for me or another hero, I just craft them off them.
They must be loaded with a fortune maybe.
They are pretty well equipped though. Whatever runes I find I slap on an empty armor of certain hero, and if I ever need a Rune of Whatnot for me or another hero, I just craft them off them.
They must be loaded with a fortune maybe.
I don't usually buy runes/insignias for my heroes; I just give the useful heroes what I find. Also, I just give them /bonus weapons until I find a better green/gold weapon.