Overclocking made simple


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



yes i stick with the case i originally started project aurora off since it's a work of art (casemod say's hello i'll put up to date pics on my deviantart and host em here) but if i've ever had to choose another case say hello to the armor+ (i might get one if i get the money )

and rahja is right that case is a piece of art however still doesn't fit my likings aka say hello to another casemod ^^

And about oc'ing if you really want to push oc'ing (but i really mean push it think rahja will agree on this one) you need severe cooling aka say hello to freezer technology (cools the cpu down to -40°c without any risk of condensation (the outer foot is heated if i'm correct) and for overclocking the tough way yep safe the whole thing in the bios.

Rahja while i like the idea behind ntune i never liked the app nor any other ones since they can't save the stuff into the bios

=> my 2.26 ghz P4 is running happily @ 2.9 ghz on watercooling without giving a hitch (memory used : Corsair XMS Pro series. Why is memory important if you don't got an unlocked multiplier you need to oc the memory which means it will get hot so heatspreaders on the memory is a must )

=> OCZ/crucial/geil has good heatspreaders

And when you're overclocking allways start with steps of 5 mhz to keep it on the safe side remind that for DDR 5mhz higher means that you're oc'ing 10 mhz cause of how DDR was designed

=> can't wait to get my hands on a board that can handle DDR3 and an equal CPU and waiting happily on the new range of nvidia cards and ati's to see if something finally changes (is about darn time -_-) oh and can't wait to start my course to get my degree as a fully Pc technician too ^^ (starts in september can't wait )



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

Looking at your current setup, you definitely need more fans in your new one.
Ambient temps posted of your current setup suggest you don't have enough air moving

Why is the Antec 1200 not a good deal? Because all the cons from the 900 has been ported over, and still outweighs the pros of the 900, AND the new 1200.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Delivery service saga continues. Driver could not find my flat. Spoke to dispatcher who passed on my phone number and I guided him in.

I'm now the proud owner of a Tuniq Tower 120

No TIM, no cleaner, no fans

But, by god, that thing is HUGE!



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Haha yeah I can imagine, glad you got it though.

Sounds.. fun to install.. I suppose, lol. I think that's one of the most annoying things is putting on heat sinks, I'm not exactly skilled with it.

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




Originally Posted by Cyb3r
=> the Corsair Xms Range or the OCZ reaper series have heatspreaders standard of very good quality
I bolded that section of your quote for a reason. Corsair is worthless memory. They are the unwanted, flea infested, inbred mut dog of the RAM world. And most of their heatsinks are either a gimmick (Dominator which sucks!) or they are made of crappy aluminum instead of copper with gold plating (like Ballistix) Crucial, Cellshock, and Geil. Crucial is the best of the bunch though. OCZ is ok, but they have a lot of mut DIMMs as well.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



yeah the newer series is a joke, and while the reaper series isn't bad if i buy new memory it's either crucial or geil (both which i have to order outside of the country) that's the nicer thing about both Corsair and OCz their easily available in belgium, but i want the crucial ones ^^

and yeah i'll edit the post i was frigging sleepy when i posted that i meant the new crucial lats



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

I have some advice for installing the Tuniq 120 heatsink.

The gold pins that you have to screw onto the backplate, don't overtighten it, you have to turn all 4 of them at the same time to keep leverage, and I don't know about you, but I think the fan controller (takes up a PCI slot) is annoying because extra cables = bad.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Thanks for that, Admael - I have to admit that fitting a monster cooler like that has me a bit concerned! I just hope my mobo is solidly made (should be - it's an eVGA)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



yeh snog if the mobo can handle the old air cooler intell designed for their so called P5 series (which never came out) which weighed in at alot more than 600 grams if i recall correctly so you should be more than ok



rattus rattus

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Yeah, but this bugger is 798g, WITHOUT the fan!

It's a "remove mobo and fit backplate" job - fiddly, but should be ok.

I really should borrow my wife's camera/phone and shoot some before/afters - the 2Mp camera on my Sony Ericsson W800i hasn't worked since I dropped it in the toilet. Maybe I should upgrade that too ^^


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



yeh i think you're cam ended in a watery grave snog, mine got lost wasn't anything special but did the job



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

It's an EVGA 680i? I think there's a new BIOS out.

I got one for my 780i, and I have restored faith in Nvidia! I'm running smoothly at 1875 QDR (468.75 FSB) X 9. ~ 39C idle, 47C load @ 34C ambient.

Thank you EVGA. Thank you Nvidia.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

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Do you have a link to said BIOS that hopefully won't cost me $20?

I did get one a few weeks ago - hopefully this is a newer new one...

[edit] Bah - the latest BIOS is NF68_P32.bin from 1.21.08 - got that one :/ - only the NF78 got updated, ie the 780i BIOS. Gits.

[edited edit] Hmm, considering I'm running a QX6700 and stuff (see sig) - would there be any point switching to a 780i mobo? Or beyond?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

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(Double post? Where? Must've been a ninja)
Ok, wifey has ordered me an Armor+ as promised (mwah) and it's arriving on my birthday in 5 days time (co-incidence - it was their earliest delivery date.)

So the clean out and cool down can wait a few more days

So, should I stick with my 680i or hop to a 780i or jump to a 790i? still keeping the QX, of course - just wondering if I should future-proof slightly.

Oh, and eVGA is a given



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

You can always delete posts.

Hmm, I think you'd be better off keeping what you have now, then upgrading to DDR3 later when it becomes cheaper/better.

At this point, if you are looking to future proof, I think you'd definitely be safe saying DDR3 would be the way to go, maybe wait till the end of the year?

The Meth

The Meth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007


Originally Posted by Snograt
I need to open her up and see exactly what cooling they gave me. Also, she''s not in an ideal spot - in one of those desks with an alcove for the tower. Looks tidy, but totally shags the airflow.
Did you ever fix this? Putting it in a restricted area that kills the airflow can really cause things to heat up. Depending on how confined it is that can account for 10 degrees or more. Fans are worthless if there is nowhere to push the air out to.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Yep, the beast will go on top of the desk - just hope all the blue glowy doesn't wake the wife up ><

Also, delete my posts? One of my posts? How could you even think of such a thing? They're not posts, they're my babies. I cherishes them, yesss. My preciousssss.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

Yeah, for overclock stability.

The 780i is for Tri-SLi, if you don't do it, then go 750i SLi. (which, BTW, did get a new BIOS update )

Does this make you want to go water yet?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Heh - yes. But I'm a bit lacking in funds now. I did look at the water-cooled version of the Armor+, but water is too rich for my wallet.

Oh, a little thing I discovered yesterday - the G15 keyboard automagically recognises EVEREST and Core Temp and throws the information on to the LCD. How cool is that?

Oh, oh - another thing: "...with just 26 PCIe lanes total the nForce 750i SLI chipset is limited to two x8 PCIe graphics slots when running a pair of GeForce cards in SLI mode. In addition, the nForce 750i SLI chipset is limited to max memory speed of 800MHz, 4 SATA ports with 8 USB 2.0, and one Gigabit Ethernet connection."

That's a downgrade for me. Incidentally, can anyone explain what the point of TWO Ethernet connections is? Always wondered...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

Maximum memory of 800Mhz? 8x PCIe? Where is this information coming from!

As far as I know, the 750i by EVGA (you know, the one that counts) does 1066Mhz standard, and does 16x PCIe SLI (2.0!). It even has native support for 1600FSB chips! (and the ability to OC to).

Two Ethernet is important when you're a crazy ass gamer and need two separate connections for your game and your websurfing/chats, or maybe if one breaks you still have another... Lol I kid.

Seriously, I don't see a need for two, I disable one of them in BIOS. Hell I disable everything in BIOS: IDE support, FDC support, Onboard sound, IEEE, and one of the LAN ports.

Tamuril elansar

Tamuril elansar

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007


he means that the pcie slots are connected with 8 lanes.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


That's bloody odd - you're right, of course. I googled it and checked a report by firingsquad.com - they should be shot. No, Tam - that review I read clearly stated that the PCIe slots were 8x rather than 16x. Maybe it was a very early review board or something?

Good news - Armor+ arriving tomorrow - 3 days earlier than expected. Any Brits who want one, hurry hurry - Novatech have them in stock. 25 of them. Well, 24 now

(Actually, when I asked on a UK forum, nearly every Brit seeing that case said "Ewwwww". Philistines.)

[update]The consignment of 120mm case fans and Céramique that I ordered over a week ago for next-day delivery has passed me by again. City Link have attempted to deliver 5 times now - to the wrong address. I've phoned and emailed several times. I did get ONE consignment - the Tuniq Tower, which was ordered AFTER this lot. There appears to be only one driver in the entire company who knows how to find his way around my estate. This is a professional delivery service?

[update2]I hope it's not too late. The new case and all the gubbins is due this morning, but last night I had a nasty system crash with a subsequent corruption in the BIOS. It now POSTs, but gets as far as a (I think) floppy disk error - unsurprising, as I don't have one. Due to the crash, it has loaded default settings and it's halting on this error - I think maybe I need to dig out a PS/2 keyboard because my G15 USB isn't responding. I'm getting "Press F1 to continue or Del to set up" - no response.

[update3 (dratted women telling me off for double posting - I wanna bump ) Wife phoned to tell me my fans and Céramique have arrived. I have three weeks leave starting on Friday, so I have plenty of time to get this rig ship-shape and chilleh. Oh, and that case is big enough to host an AC/DC concert (might post a pic to prove it, if you're lucky

[update3, edit1]Hmm, wonder if I can get away with using Ventari rules for bumping? Nearly 24 hours now



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2



I think that last crash might have borked my mobo

Floppy disk(s) fail (40)
CMOS checksum error - Defaults loaded
F1 to continue Delete to run setup

Doesn't respond to keyboard input. Haven't got a PS/2 keyboard (thought that maybe USB wasn't being detected) so used G15 keyboard via USB-PS/2 converter. Nothing.

Sound buggered to you? Or is there a miracle "oh I know that one - do this!" fix?

Gret big blue glowy case, top notch cooler and nothing to cool.




Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

If you want to bump, copy your old post, then delete it. Then paste it back into a new message - and add the new elements that you wanted to put in to create a bump, it should work. Technically double posting isn't ''allowed'', but this isn't ventaris, so I don't believe the 24 hour rule should apply. You are an Elite guru subscriber anyway, should get some slack.

And that really sucks about your board, what happened? How did it crash?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


It was probably the heat what done it.

Wouldn't that be ironic if my mobo/proc/memory all gave up the ghost the day my new case and cooling gear arrived?



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

That would be.. but knowing the luck I've had with computers, such irony never fails lol. ;(

You know what this means? New computer! Yay?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


It would be a yay if I wasn't flat broke.

Spent the last of my over-large overdraft on that Armor+.

Hmm, maybe I could live in it...



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Lol, it's your new cage. Just kidding. Yeah It's insane how much bigger things are when you actually get them in real life, I was amazed by my wide screen monitor.. and it's only a 22, imagine 24+.

Literally; No it's not yay to have computer parts break, but I guess in my case I'd be um.. somewhat grateful to even get a full atx motherboard. I'd have 4 gigs of RAM right now if it wasn't for this pesky board's limited slots.

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




Just sounds like you lost USB keyboard support in the BIOS. Have you tried resetting the BIOS via your motherboard? (also known as a hard reset)

See if that works. Converters wouldn't do that trick btw. Go grab a cheapo PS/2 old keyboard and plug it in, after resetting the BIOS.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Ah, I did wonder about that converter.

As it happens, I was just looking in the mobo manual to identify the CMOS reset jumper - old keyboard will have to wait 'til tomorrow :/

[edit]Phew - panic over. Just found the one thing about the eVGA 680i that I don't like. The CMOS reset jumper is completely inaccessible unless you remove the lower graphics card. I didn't even get the bugger out. While I was at it, I had a blast around with a can of air (ye gods, the dust). Thought I'd boot it to see if there'd been any change, and lo and behold, the keyboard worked! Maybe I shorted the CMOS reset while folornly fishing around with the long-nose tweezers - probably lucky I didn't short anything else.

Going to take it easy on the poor old thing until I get a chance to re-house it in the blue, glowy monolith (cue Also Sprach Zarathustra).

Thanks for the words of support and wisdom, Rajah and Brianna - I almost felt like crying for a while there



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

You can't house two huge graphics cards and expect there still be room to move around

But yeah, boards are getting friendlier and friendlier. Newer boards have a clear CMOS button, instead of a jumper. And even more interesting, they have profiles, whenever your board doesn't POST, it will automatically load SAFE values temporarily and allow you to make changes to the BIOS.

But I'm glad your panic is over!



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

So this means everything is working again? Cheers!

No problem by the way. Sadly I wish my mobo would fry itself.. but then again, no I really don't. I want a new board, and I'd get one for free if this one shorted out.. but then I'd lose my Vista for good, thus no 64 bit, thus no 4 gigs of ram.. thus defeating the purpose of getting a new board. *Sigh* OEM Woes.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



happy everything is allright snograt and yeah been kinda away the last few days off guru (real life taking over = -_-)

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




Victory is mine! *flaunts mindlessly for no apparent reason whilst I download 90k more files for the gw.dat file.*

Glad to hear that issue is solved. Now, get that stuff put into the new Armor+ case, redo your CPU cooler thermal interface material, and focus on cooling above all else. Then we can see what your baby can really do.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

The next hurricane I hear about better be localized within your new case.

Dark Kal

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Converters wouldn't do that trick btw. Go grab a cheapo PS/2 old keyboard and plug it in, after resetting the BIOS.
Converters do work. I have an old Pentium II 300 MHz where the BIOS doesn't recognize an USB keyboard/mouse. Using the converter PS/2 correctly, which came with the keyboard/mouse, you can use the keyboard/mouse. What would be the point in creating/supplying converters if they didn't work? Oh we're sorry we thought you fall for that, create something that doesn't work, ask you money for it and then assume the majority of our customisers lacks the confidence or motivation to return them to use. Actually that's a pretty decent strategy that is actually used. Regardlessly USB-PS/2 converters DO work.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

Ohio, usa



Originally Posted by Dark Kal
Converters do work. I have an old Pentium II 300 MHz where the BIOS doesn't recognize an USB keyboard/mouse. Using the converter PS/2 correctly, which came with the keyboard/mouse, you can use the keyboard/mouse. What would be the point in creating/supplying converters if they didn't work? Oh we're sorry we thought you fall for that, create something that doesn't work, ask you money for it and then assume the majority of our customisers lacks the confidence or motivation to return them to use. Actually that's a pretty decent strategy that is actually used. Regardlessly USB-PS/2 converters DO work.
Wrong. They work in some cases, but not all. One case where they DO NOT work is with the logitech g15. As already stated earlier.

Dark Kal

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Blackhearted
Wrong. They work in some cases, but not all. One case where they DO NOT work is with the logitech g15. As already stated earlier.
My bad didn't see it was for a G15. Older USB keyboard/mouse will work with converters, obviously gimmicky keyboards like the G15 won't.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008



dark kall that's for how the G15 is set up internally same counts for the zboards i have my gw factions keyset slotted in pretty much 24/7 but if i need to be in my bios i have to slot in my regular one since the delete key on the factions board is in another place and without driver isn't even recognized



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

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Ah, that's good to know if it happens again - borrow my son's z-board!

Incidentally, do you reckon this would fit in my case?

