Originally Posted by Chthon
Originally Posted by Shiro Katagari
[Ursan Rant]
This is one of the better-written Urrsan rants that I've read. But there's a major flaw in your analogy. GW PvE is not a tournament. It is not competitive. There is no leader board.
I agree that Ursan drains the game of all depth for many people who are not me. But I'm not sure if or how that translates into a problem for me.
When I did the rough draft of my post in notepad, I saved it as 'Ursan Rant'. I'm nothing if not honest.
Perhaps the analogy didn't carry across as well I as would have wished. I mean PvE is competitive only in as much as we're all doing the same thing as each other working towards essentially the same ends (quests, missions, xp, loot). I'll try a slightly more direct approach:
Nothing anyone else does ruins my game of Guild Wars. It may ruin my metagame, if I get into the economy side of the game, but the game as-written is all mine to play as I like (God bless Heroes and Henchies!).
I don't dislike Ursan because it ruins MY game. I dislike Ursan because it ruins
THE game - the PvE side, anyway. The PvE game used to be about taking the skills for your professions and selecting a complimentary handful of them as dictated by the challenge you would be facing. Certain builds proved effective in many scenarios, and many players had skills and styles that they favoured.
Now it's easier - not *better* or *necessary*, just *easier* - to stick one skill on there and forget the others even exist. And people funnel themselves down the path of least resistance like cattle to slaughter.
Ursan stops people trying. Whilst Yoda might approve ("Do or do not - there is no try."), I miss the State of Play that encourages people to try new things. Not 'allowed' them, as it is now, but encouraged them. There's no encouragement
not to be a Care Bear. There's no encouragement to experience the wealth of playing styles the game has to offer. You can do it if you want, but there's no reward for it - indeed, you'll achieve less, since Care Bearing your way to victory is cheap, painless, faster and easier.
I won't deny that my dislike of Ursan is somewhat selfishly motivated - just because I want other people to understand what a deep, multi-layered game Guild Wars is doesn't mean they have to accept it - and I'm pretty sure most other people's real concerns over Ursan are along the lines of 'it upsets me that so many people are missing so much of the game', but this is how things are. If you're not a Care Bear or a HB Monk, then you're going to have a hard time getting into a PUG.
And as an aside, do you think Ursan will continue the way it is? Of course not. There isn't a Community Rep or a Dev in ANet who isn't aware of the controvesy over Ursan - but the skill is so ubiquitous, so heavily and passionately debated in forums, that any change to it runs the risk of causing uproar across the community as a whole. We - all of us, the haters and the lovers - have made Ursan into almost a diplomatic incident. Anything ANet wants to do to the skill now has to be positioned very, very carefully to the community. But do something about it they will, of this I have no doubt.
Personally, I'm predicting the massive nerf/partial rebate approach from them (Machiavelli, how we miss you...)