Originally Posted by R.Shayne
Three, if you wish to have a more challenging game then make the game more challenging yourself, (don't use ursan, take only six skills, use only half your attributes) DO NOT ask ANET to alienate their largest customer base to just to make a few elitist have an more enjoyable game.
I think some people missed the bolded part and yes people have been handicapping themselves in pve games for a very long time and just for that fact, to make a more challenging game.
Examples: Mechwarrior 2: 21 Century Combat, Baldur’s Gate I & II, Icewind Dale I & II, and Guild Wars, (PvX wiki had a 6 skill build challenge).
So my suggestion of not using ursan (or whatever way you wish to handicap yourself) is a good argument since it only affects the minority of the players wanting a more challenging game and leaves the target market free to play the game in easy mode. It also created no greater reward then the feeling of accomplishment. I don’t like ursan and I don’t use it, but I do recognize it as the ultimate easy mode and as a way to help with title grinding. Do I get more gold or rare items at the end for not using, nope. Do I get a greater reward for not using it, yes I sure do because I got to play the game my way and had fun doing it.
You do realize that players using Ursan to do elite areas are not the idiots you think they are. The are using Ursan Blessing because it is the quickest way to the end goal. The UW Speedway team ursans are not the idiots and they are not just pressing C + spcae, +1, +2, +3, +4, they have to know what they are doing or the mission will fail. Now ask yourself this question, should we hurt the casual player because a bunch of hard-core players are using a skill to do elite areas quicker? If you say yes, congratulations you have just expressed the same train of thought that is exactly the reason PvE is in the shape it is now due to skill being adjusted only for PvP.
If you really want to balance ursan, create a monster skill in elite areas (UW, FoW, DoA and the 2 faction areas) that removes Ursan Blessing. I will be roflmao at all the Hard-core speed teams that have been abusing the skill just to get to the end goal quicker. Ursan Blessing isn’t the problem the same way Shadow Form wasn’t the problem, the problem has always been people using them as a quick way to get the reward. And don’t put the monster skill in EotN dungeons since that is where ursan was designed to be used.
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
PvE, like PvP, needs constant maintenance.
This is where Anet has failed BADLY.
If PvE had been maintained, we wouldn't be in a state where there are four or more overpowered builds in PvE at the same time. That's inexcusable.
I have to agree with what is said above. I too feel that ANET really didn't care about PvE and let it slowly deteriorate to the state that it is in now and trying to fix it now is going to be a major undertaking that they may not wish to invest the resources needed into such a project.
I wonder what would have happen if ANET had reviewed monster builds/ henchmen builds after they updated skills. Some henchmen skills that were ok are so bad now that I never take them anymore. Some monsters that were challenging at one time are now not even a concern. There are some elite skills that should not be elite anymore and some skills that should be elite skills (but that is just my opinion).
I also wish areas would be adjusted so people wanted a balance team that including all classes (even mesmers) instead of players just wanting 2 HB Monks, 1 Permasins, 2 R9+ Ursans, and 3 terra tanks or wanting 2 HB Monks and 6 R9+ Ursans.