In the 7/2/2008 update, you addressed the over-usefulness of Shadow Form Farming, specifically the ability to farm ectos in Underworld. Even as one of the players using one of the many SF builds to farm UW, I applaud this move. The price of ecto's dropped dramatically while this farm was easier, and that was affecting the in-game economy grievously.
Now, I (along with countless other customers/players) hope that this move paves the way for a change to Ursan Blessing.
SF farming was affecting the economy quite a bit, but for a long time now, UB has been affecting ALL aspects of the economy. Some of the most difficult areas of the game are easily handled with a team of Ursans, making the rare drops in those areas worth much less. Additionally, if a player either does not have access to UB, or refuses to use it for whatever reason, pick-up groups in these aforementioned Elite Areas will simply pass a would be teammate by.
While we understand that access to UB can be a major selling point for GW Eye of the North, it could be very easily argued that making the Hall of Monuments account-beased regarding accomplishments (as was recently mentioned) is even more enticing to those players who haven't yet purchased GW:EN.
Our proposal is a simple one. Make GW:EN PvE only skills only usable in GW:EN. This precedent has already been set by the GW:EN Reputation Title Blessings. (With the exception of the bonus vs. Charr, which could also be geographically limited) The skills would then still be viable, just limited in their area of use.
Now, granted, there are also Nightfall PvE only skills, but Nightfall is a PRIMARY campaign of GW, not an expansion like GW:EN. I wouldn't change those, nor would I change the Factions title based skills.
I sincerely hope you see the logic in this suggestion and keep it in mind as you work to further improve the games you have so masterfully crafted.
SOME of the Guild Wars Players
EDIT: realized I made it sound like these were solely my ideas, which was not the intent. Changed personal pronouns to plural pronouns

EDIT 2: Changed signature of letter... talk about QQing... sheesh