Originally Posted by Avarre
I'm not referring to things like that. I accept a team properly managing to outplay members, and any experienced player can identify when someone is simply outdone rather than underperforming.
I'm talking about things like the flagger letting the enemy team into the base to gank the lord. Or backline players ignoring position calls and letting the entire team wipe. You might call them little mistakes, and they are, but it is consistency that divides a top 50 guild from a top 10 guild.
Consistency comes from practice, some folks have raw talent and skill, others have a learning curve, short or long. Top 50/10 split should have weeded out the weak already but is there a reason to be rude to them if they have not? Whose fault is it that they let this person still fail, or have not taken the opportunity to tell them honestly but in a pleasant way, not so that they feel like they want to stop playing GW and leave. GW and GW2 will need players, GW2 more so if it is to be sucessful.
Originally Posted by Avarre
I'm not a 'PvP' player, I play all aspects of the game, PvP the least of all. Don't make assumptions. You know as well as I do that every part of my post is relevant to PvE groups to a degree as well.
We all have to make assumptions, will that pug monk be able to SB on calls, will that ranger lay down FS or we have to tell him each time, we hope so.....He is rank 8 Luxon, he must be good. Anyway, Avarre I was not making assumptions about what you do and do not do, your a free individual with a view, good points and opinion, dont worry I read your open letter to Anet and know that you PVE too.
Hence I try not to PUG when I can help it and go with people who are friends/good players.
Originally Posted by Avarre
Belittling/insulting isn't a good thing, but rage gets things done.
Agreed, but there is no need to rage, we all feel the pain when we lose, I do more so then I let on to people, but I really do not feel the need to rage at someone. The raging and belittling does come through on some posts made here, they are out to be better then someone else, demonstrate how clever they are, pick out flaws or mistakes in posts, builds and basically mock them, do we really need to do that? Is that what the community should tolerate?
Anyway, I lilke PvP, all aspects of it, I just hate the way some folks treat other people whether they deserve it or not, to me it seems it is more predominate in the PvP areas, it is not a nice way to behave to a fellow human being unless they were being a real annoying pain, you know the type?
Keep playing, have fun and be