The best bargain you ever got
R9 15^50 stormbow for 35k sold later for 100k+25e
Unid r9 chaos axe for 25k, turned out to be 15^50 sold for 100k+30e
back when ectos were like 8-10k
Many Kuunas bought for ~100k and sold for 100k+25-40e
Unid r9 chaos axe for 25k, turned out to be 15^50 sold for 100k+30e
back when ectos were like 8-10k
Many Kuunas bought for ~100k and sold for 100k+25-40e
I bought a miniature roaring ether for 2k and a mini unded jade! It really made my day =)
hmm.... I bought a BMP Weapon from this guy for 100k and the best part is i didnt have to Buy bonus mission pack....but for some reason i couldnt equip it, I guess i have to lvl up more. *giggles* nubs these days......
I'm going to lol, because I assume this is a joke.
Xunlai Guru Agent
Bought a caster Fellblade req8 for 100k +20 Zaishen keys and sold it for 100k + 250e.
bought a ever macabre for 100k..sold for 100k+50e
btw nice find... xunlai!
btw nice find... xunlai!
I got 3 gemsets at 12k each. The guy was gonna do 10k each but I'd have felt too bad.
I sold the deed to Lions Arch to the White Mantel.
easiest 5k I've ever gotten.
easiest 5k I've ever gotten.
Last week I got 10k for claws of the broodmother.
Sold a collector weapon for 35k back in factions, and bought r8 15>50 zodiac daggers for 30k.
That made me make my assassin, and she still luvs those daggers.
That made me make my assassin, and she still luvs those daggers.
Joe Fierce
sold two ghost in the boxes right after the release of factions to someone in the inti dist of kaineng, 100k/ea
and no, i wasn't spamming to sell them, i was spamming them and killing them off cause i was bored, when someone sprang forth and said they'd give me 100k for one, i didn't question it, guess he missed out on the first halloween ever.
and no, i wasn't spamming to sell them, i was spamming them and killing them off cause i was bored, when someone sprang forth and said they'd give me 100k for one, i didn't question it, guess he missed out on the first halloween ever.
Bought a gwen mini for 40k back when they were 100k+40 ectos, i was selling it in kamadan and some guy traded me a zhed mini for it
Recently I bought an eternal blade for 130 ectos also!
Recently I bought an eternal blade for 130 ectos also!
I traded a mini djinn for a beast of arrgh which I sold for 300k..
A guy gave me a Mandragor Imp mini as an entry fee (125g) for a Chest Run in FoW back when they were still 40k before Hall of Monuments was ever around.
Sir Chunkalot
buying a req 8 15^50 mursaat hammer for 18k when i was home sick from school, reselling for like 800k i think, it was a while back. Also getting a req 9 inscribed crystalline for 180 ecto and reselling for 100k+390 ecto. And also that req 8 swamp club i got for free when a buddy of mine quit, sold for 100k+250e. good deals imo, i have several witnesses if you dont believe
more recent say in that last week got a free Rragar's Dungeon Run chest drops a Q12 Dryad bow sold for 100k+20e...then 2 days later got a 3 free Kathandrax run on the 2nd run got a Q13 Emerald Blade. =D
mini vizu for free from Japanese GW promotion campaign.
silverwing recurve bow req12 for 3k.
silverwing recurve bow req12 for 3k.
I don't get very good deals, but I did just get an unded mallyx for 100k+20e, which is a little bit of a good deal.
Sold my beetle for 1250e+40 ambraces a while ago.
I dont have ss, but I remembered Tramp was offering 1250e+ a few ambraces as well
I dont have ss, but I remembered Tramp was offering 1250e+ a few ambraces as well
The best bargain ever was becoming friends with the guys that are now my guildies.
Most of the things we don't need we give to each other (I've given away tons of booze (festive drops and farming a number of survivors at Killy ...), weapons and received tons of stuff in return) - unless it's a bit more on the expensive side (or the guy just REALLY needs money ) - for which there is always a discount in store for us.
Most of the things we don't need we give to each other (I've given away tons of booze (festive drops and farming a number of survivors at Killy ...), weapons and received tons of stuff in return) - unless it's a bit more on the expensive side (or the guy just REALLY needs money ) - for which there is always a discount in store for us.
Someone wanted a death staff so I offered him a Morgriff's for 2k. He put some crappy gold wooden buckler in the trade window instead of cash. When I told him I didn't need that, he put in a Forest Minotaur mini, which I did take.
I felt kind of bad afterwards and PM'd him to take the mini back and he could keep the staff for free but he wouldn't respond and then logged off.
Oh, picked up another req 9 Saurian scythe for only 12k, crappy mods tho.
I felt kind of bad afterwards and PM'd him to take the mini back and he could keep the staff for free but he wouldn't respond and then logged off.
Oh, picked up another req 9 Saurian scythe for only 12k, crappy mods tho.
First batch
Other bargains that I can remember:
- Bought Q8 +5 Chaos Axe for 100k, still have it somewhere
- Traded Unded Mad King (120e) for Q9 Eternal (280e)
- Bought Q8 Bladed Shield -2 stance/+30 for 30e on guru auction
- Bought Q9 Healing Frog Scepter for 100k+25e when they first started to drop, sold 440e+ Q8 GPB
Since this is the "best bargains" I wont mention my mistakes :P
Other bargains that I can remember:
- Bought Q8 +5 Chaos Axe for 100k, still have it somewhere
- Traded Unded Mad King (120e) for Q9 Eternal (280e)
- Bought Q8 Bladed Shield -2 stance/+30 for 30e on guru auction
- Bought Q9 Healing Frog Scepter for 100k+25e when they first started to drop, sold 440e+ Q8 GPB
Since this is the "best bargains" I wont mention my mistakes :P
hehe tell us your mistakes .. ow that r8 +5ene chaos is worth quite a bit now..
Got paid 10K for running to the 3 dessert mission outpost in Proph.
The usual price was 400g per destination.
The usual price was 400g per destination.
Bought q8 enameled shield for 20k and sold it for 100+121e
Rothan Celt
got a Req 10 VS for only 100k+15 ectos i sure was mean to that frustrated wammo claiming i only had 15 ectos :E
Brawn Over Brains
I managed to somehow get a Gwen from someone for free.
Not really a deal.. but meh.
Not really a deal.. but meh.
Horseman Of War
Toward the end of the farm-your-face-off SF chaos plane farming days (when ectos were 3.5) I decided to buy a torment spear (still dont use it, just sits in inventory) specifically for HoM.
Bought one off guildie for 100k+5e
Same guildie, same day, also GAVE me an unded Ceratadon for my HoM.
Probably the best Ive made out in Trade Wars in 3 years...
Only other great deal I had once (around spring 2007) was a perf r8 tyrian shadowblade I picked up for 75k and sold for 100+x ectos cant remember exact amount.
Bought one off guildie for 100k+5e
Same guildie, same day, also GAVE me an unded Ceratadon for my HoM.
Probably the best Ive made out in Trade Wars in 3 years...
Only other great deal I had once (around spring 2007) was a perf r8 tyrian shadowblade I picked up for 75k and sold for 100+x ectos cant remember exact amount.
Paid 600e for unded mini beetle months ago, now worth more than double.
wind fire and ice
R9 VS from toa international dist from a ranger guy selling in all chat,traded for 3k+a crappy green bow.
This is back when they were 100k+80eish btw.
Also bought -many- minis for 1/4 of there worth or less in ascalon/LA,noob farming is soo profitable.
This is back when they were 100k+80eish btw.
Also bought -many- minis for 1/4 of there worth or less in ascalon/LA,noob farming is soo profitable.
Bought an r9 Pyroclastic axe for 10k today...
Have my current r8 15^50 Tyrian Chaos Axe that I bought for 35k
$20 for 120 Ectos and Shards from a friend of mine *way* back in the day (when they were 16k ectos and 8-10k shards - we ran UW and FoW together daily and he didn't like Obby armor for his profession, so he sold me all the ectos / shards he got for $20 so I could get 2 sets)
I still say that is the best $20 I have ever spent.
Have my current r8 15^50 Tyrian Chaos Axe that I bought for 35k
$20 for 120 Ectos and Shards from a friend of mine *way* back in the day (when they were 16k ectos and 8-10k shards - we ran UW and FoW together daily and he didn't like Obby armor for his profession, so he sold me all the ectos / shards he got for $20 so I could get 2 sets)
I still say that is the best $20 I have ever spent.
I bought an everlasting for 3k. The guy was selling the normal, and traded me the everlasting by mistake. then he logged off lol.
Voodoo Rage
I spent my life savings on a ton of z-keys and got a bunch of junk.... oh wait. :/
Back in the day.. when only Factions and Proph was available, some guy came up to me, and put up a r7 Tactics 16AL -2/-2 Aegis and a 15 in stance r12 Chaos Axe, and asked 15k from me. Yeah the Chaos wasn't worth much, but I sold that Aegis for 100k+, I don't remember how many ectos.
Man, I wonder how much that shield would fetch these days..
Man, I wonder how much that shield would fetch these days..
Tar Ionwe
Traded some worthless stuff for a req. 9 magmas shield (it only had +30hp on it, non-inscribable). Sold the magmas for 100K +20e
Sold my beetle for 1250e+40 ambraces a while ago.
I dont have ss, but I remembered Tramp was offering 1250e+ a few ambraces as well |
Hey! Why didnt you pm me on the chaos axe! Trade you my purple r8 13^50 crystalline for it?
Hmm.... good deals lately... I sold all my bone dragon staffs that i paid anywhere from 75k to 175e and sold them. Pays to buy early when everyone hated them/ didnt know how hard they were to get. Sold the r9 heal for 300 or 350e after paying 100k+ a few ectos for it. Sold the r10 prot for 800z after paying 175e for it. I probably sold them too cheap... Oh well... didnt claim to be a good trader, just lucky every now and then. Helps to pay for my really bad buys like the beetle and everlasting beetle tonic to go with it (that was another horribly bad buy...but i dont like to think about those)
Kerwyn Nasilan
Mini Bone Dragon for like 23 mes tomes, 6 ranger tomes, 2 para tomes and a r12 dragonic aegis.
r13 emerald blade for 40e sold for 70e 1 min after.
Does anyone remember when superior absorbsion runes were worth 100k each? I bought two of them at 80k and resold for 100k.
a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries.....for free