A.net, in the next update pls don't touch the HFFF run
Reading several QQ threads requiring Shadow Form to be nerfed, I'm starting to become worried about the possibility to complete the Kurzick title.
HFFF isn't something that PvE players desire.
But after having done all 26 PvE titles, 27 with survivor, there are only buyable titles or HFFF to reach r6 KOABD.
6 months ago I realized this, and although it's tremendously boring I started to do the HFFF, knowing in advance that it would have taken nearly 400 hours just for 1 title.
I really can't stand it for more than a couple hours per day, because I like to play with friends and guildies, so now I only reached r11 kurzick, spending nearly 300 hours planting flags.
And I also invested all my previous gold and those earned from HFFF to buy drunkard and sweet tooth, and since I'm not a farmer I don't have gold to buy another title.
In these months, I've seen several other legitimate players doing runs, and some of them completed their KOABD.
I've also seen some faction farmers whose behaviour was "suspicious" because they were (and are) doing runs at every hour of the day, despite being already r12 Kurzick.
Those farmers are hated by many players because they gain huge amount of factions for their alliances. Later on, I suggest a solution to this.
So I'm asking A.net to be very careful wih the next SF nerf, and do it in a way that legitimate players like me, who have already invested hundreds of hours in this madness because there are no other playable titles, don't have to see all their efforts destroyed.
A reduction in the duration of SF, that doesn't allow SF to be kept permanently, is acceptable. Before the buff, the duration of SF was enough to allow the HFFF, but not to keep it on all the time.
I repeat, me and other legitimate players spent already hundreds of hours for this title because ther are no other alternatives.
And we did this without using bots, otherwise we could have already completed in 1/10th of the time, like (maybe) other people did.
Please respect the effort of the legitimate players at least.
If you want to nerf the h24 faction farmers, the solution is very simple:
After reaching r12 kurzick, you can no more gain faction from PvE, you can obtain faction only form PvP (AB).
In this way legitimate players who only want the PvE title because there are no other alternatives, will be able to spend their 400 hours planting flags, and say farewell to Lutgardis after that.
Of course, the best solution to avoid HFFF would be the introduction of some other playable titles, but last time I asked for it was the day before party animal (another buyable title LOL) was introduced ...
HFFF isn't something that PvE players desire.
But after having done all 26 PvE titles, 27 with survivor, there are only buyable titles or HFFF to reach r6 KOABD.
6 months ago I realized this, and although it's tremendously boring I started to do the HFFF, knowing in advance that it would have taken nearly 400 hours just for 1 title.
I really can't stand it for more than a couple hours per day, because I like to play with friends and guildies, so now I only reached r11 kurzick, spending nearly 300 hours planting flags.
And I also invested all my previous gold and those earned from HFFF to buy drunkard and sweet tooth, and since I'm not a farmer I don't have gold to buy another title.
In these months, I've seen several other legitimate players doing runs, and some of them completed their KOABD.
I've also seen some faction farmers whose behaviour was "suspicious" because they were (and are) doing runs at every hour of the day, despite being already r12 Kurzick.
Those farmers are hated by many players because they gain huge amount of factions for their alliances. Later on, I suggest a solution to this.
So I'm asking A.net to be very careful wih the next SF nerf, and do it in a way that legitimate players like me, who have already invested hundreds of hours in this madness because there are no other playable titles, don't have to see all their efforts destroyed.
A reduction in the duration of SF, that doesn't allow SF to be kept permanently, is acceptable. Before the buff, the duration of SF was enough to allow the HFFF, but not to keep it on all the time.
I repeat, me and other legitimate players spent already hundreds of hours for this title because ther are no other alternatives.
And we did this without using bots, otherwise we could have already completed in 1/10th of the time, like (maybe) other people did.
Please respect the effort of the legitimate players at least.
If you want to nerf the h24 faction farmers, the solution is very simple:
After reaching r12 kurzick, you can no more gain faction from PvE, you can obtain faction only form PvP (AB).
In this way legitimate players who only want the PvE title because there are no other alternatives, will be able to spend their 400 hours planting flags, and say farewell to Lutgardis after that.
Of course, the best solution to avoid HFFF would be the introduction of some other playable titles, but last time I asked for it was the day before party animal (another buyable title LOL) was introduced ...
And you NEED that r6 because...?
The luxon one takes 2 mins and kurzick takes less than 1 minute. Kurzick should be upped to 2 mins.
Uh. I have two words for you.
Uh, no.
I'd be okay if you were to say that Hero Fast Faction Farming should be nerfed altogether, but discriminating the Kurzick side just because it's faster is, well, discriminating.
I shall disagree with this.
Uh, no.
I'd be okay if you were to say that Hero Fast Faction Farming should be nerfed altogether, but discriminating the Kurzick side just because it's faster is, well, discriminating.
I shall disagree with this.
*puts on flame gear and watches*
I don't think a nerf would 'up the run to 2 minutes', updates really don't work that way.
I don't think a nerf would 'up the run to 2 minutes', updates really don't work that way.
I'm luxon, and even I see no reason to nerf it. It's been like that for what, 2 years now? I don't know how it works cause I've never done it, but I imagine they won't nerf sf back to worse than it was before.
Snow Bunny
anet nerf HFFF because you can accomplish it other ways and it'd be funny
Originally Posted by optymind
The luxon one takes 2 mins and kurzick takes less than 1 minute. Kurzick should be upped to 2 mins.
It's already an assanine title to achieve, it doesn't need to be made longer. It would be more sensible to buff the luxon one.
Anyways, on point with the thread, it almost doesn't matter. The heroes only need SF for the first few mobs that spawn when we load. Before SF was buffed, it was about the same length as a maxed-out Spellbreaker with an enchanting weapon, and the HFFF was just as possible.
Everyone can just start running Mo/A's or Mo/R's...
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
anet nerf HFFF because you can accomplish it other ways and it'd be funny

pumpkin pie
doing HFFF to gain faction is what you call ligitimate? lolol, what can i say, you hate those that farm hfff after r12,, i hate all who do HFFF :P
I say remove HFFF from the game and substract all the faction points from players who get faction doing stupid flag placing on maps :P
I say remove HFFF from the game and substract all the faction points from players who get faction doing stupid flag placing on maps :P
Shadow Form only has to last long enough for the Hero's to get past the first few groups. You don't need it to be permanent, it only needs to last for about 10 seconds, if you time it right and use r/a or r/a heroes with 33% boost stances. You don't even need SF to complete the stairs. Just take the quest after the runners have all reached their targets.
The simplest way to nerf SF farming would be to introduce a non-aggression clause, like some other skills have. ie.
Shadow Form
Enchantment : For xx seconds you cannot be the target of spells and cannot take damage. If you attack a foe or target a foe with a skill/spell, Shadow Form ends prematurely.
The simplest way to nerf SF farming would be to introduce a non-aggression clause, like some other skills have. ie.
Shadow Form
Enchantment : For xx seconds you cannot be the target of spells and cannot take damage. If you attack a foe or target a foe with a skill/spell, Shadow Form ends prematurely.
Unreal Havoc
Personally I think all methods of faction farming should be abolished and everyone should AB to earn faction.
*Equips armour & shield with elemental resistance to fire*
*Equips armour & shield with elemental resistance to fire*
Do it for the lolz.
Sarevok Thordin
I have rank 4 so I don't really care too much about it.
HFFF has been going on for so long it wouldn't matter anyway.
HFFF has been going on for so long it wouldn't matter anyway.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
anet nerf HFFF because you can accomplish it other ways and it'd be funny
Buff the Luxon title to give the Luxons an even opportunity
Update - August 7th, 2008
*Is no longer possible no matter what.
Dev Update:
*Is no longer possible no matter what.
We saw a Guru thread begging us not to, and we love screwing our fans over so lol. We just had to do this!
*Is no longer possible no matter what.
Dev Update:
*Is no longer possible no matter what.
We saw a Guru thread begging us not to, and we love screwing our fans over so lol. We just had to do this!
Shadowspawn X
The HFFF is grossly unfair to Luxons its a major imbalance that illustrates the apathy Anet continues to show towards this game. It should be nerfed into oblivion or something should be done to even the odds for the Luxons. No way Kurzick gets 400 hours and Luxon gets 800 hours for same title. HFFF is an exploit that should have shut down over a year ago.
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
doing HFFF to gain faction is what you call ligitimate? lolol, what can i say, you hate those that farm hfff after r12,, i hate all who do HFFF :P
I say remove HFFF from the game and substract all the faction points from players who get faction doing stupid flag placing on maps :P |
If there were other PvE titles obtainable playing the game, I would have never started this madness. But after 26-27 playable titles, the only possibility is buying something, and farming gold to buy. And/or do the HFFF.
hey guys, killing npc's so you can capture a shrine while avoiding every other player on the map is pvp.
pz out
pz out
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
anet nerf HFFF because you can accomplish it other ways and it'd be funny
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Hehehe, this.
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
So, what are your funny other ways to accomplish?

Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
So, what are your funny other ways to accomplish?
I vote for nerfing it, QQ threads make me happy.
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
I'm not interested in factions, I'm not interested in r12 kurzick, I'm not interested in PvE skills, AB and all stuff like that.
If there were other PvE titles obtainable playing the game, I would have never started this madness. But after 26-27 playable titles, the only possibility is buying something, and farming gold to buy. And/or do the HFFF. |
I R all for AB in gaining Faction, if you don't want to do that, and found HFFF boring, instead of playing the game, get the gold, buy the ale, fruit cake, whatever and do those titles instead, then whose fault is it? Have you really thought about it, if you put the 300 hours into farming, you've have bought the buy-ables titles with extra tuck away

PS: shameless self promotion :P farm balthazar faction with these :P gives you 1 zaishen key per day.
oh, and did I mention if you are doing AB, balthazar factions fills up really fast (gives you many zaishen keys per day), if you cap the shrine and avoid the mobs, off course you need the other side to do the totally opposite for this to work lol, otherwise, i've been in an AB battle* (funny this only happens once) where both side are busy capping shrine that, the scores is only 2 points different, we lost, unfortunately.
*off course if you don't have to unlock anymore skills, that is.
Post this in the suggestions forum or directly to Regina (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User_talk:Regina) or Linsey Murdock (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User_talk:Linsey_Murdock). Posting to Riverside will do nothing except attract trolls and flames.
Robbert Monga
err... do alliance battles?
don't like it? well guess what - I don't like you either for devalueing pvp title into farming title.
don't like it? well guess what - I don't like you either for devalueing pvp title into farming title.
you need this!
you need this!
nope, your denying people to aquire faction for their alliances just because the title is maxed.
if bots are doing the faction thats a differant matter and the botting should be targetted in a way that doesnt effect anyone else.
I hfff 600k, boring as hell and i think Anet went down a horible road with this idea.
if bots are doing the faction thats a differant matter and the botting should be targetted in a way that doesnt effect anyone else.
I hfff 600k, boring as hell and i think Anet went down a horible road with this idea.
What if they nerf it and introduce better way to obrain this title by, you know, playing game?
Originally Posted by Robbert Monga
Err... Do alliance battles.
Don't like it? Well guess what! I don't like you either for devaluing PvP title into farming title. |
*blinks in confusion* How is (are?) Alliance Titles "PvP"? Because, if I remember correctly, you can gain Faction by killing enemies on either side of the Luxon/Kurzick Border (obviously, if it's on the Blue side, you can get Kurzick Faction; if it's on the Red side, you get Luxon), which, again if I'm not mistaken, these can be obtained in PvE.
These titles are not obtained solely through PvP play, nor are they obtained solely through PvE. Though, one does have the choice of gaining them through only PvE or through PvP or through both.
Xunlai Guru Agent
They didn't nerf it during those 2 years, I don't see why they would now.
If they nerf HFFF, better boost the rewards for AB. ABing in itself is fun IMO, but the rewards aren't worth being on the same side as people who fight amongst themselves rather than kill the opponent.
AB is a good faction farm for noobs, bad faction farm for anyone wanting to go over r5 or max the title.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
What if they nerf it and introduce better way to obrain this title by, you know, playing game?
Robbert Monga
Originally Posted by JupiterStarWarrior
There. Fixed for you. ^_^
Originally Posted by JupiterStarWarrior
*blinks in confusion* How is (are?) Alliance Titles "PvP"? Because, if I remember correctly, you can gain Faction by killing enemies on either side of the Luxon/Kurzick Border (obviously, if it's on the Blue side, you can get Kurzick Faction; if it's on the Red side, you get Luxon), which, again if I'm not mistaken, these can be obtained in PvE.
These titles are not obtained solely through PvP play, nor are they obtained solely through PvE. Though, one does have the choice of gaining them through only PvE or through PvP or through both. |
FFF is a fluke crap that never meant to be.
that reminds me that I have counter-suggestion to ANet: Dear ANet, please nerf FFF into oblivion so that faction gain from it is at least somewhat inline with faction gain from AB/FA.
A-net, please nerf HFFF, for the lulz if nothing else.
If they nerf HFFF, they should put another easy way to get the title. While some people already got it in 400 hours, the people who didn't got it will need 1000-2000(depends of ur gains/loses on it) to get it from ab?
Originally Posted by Shuuda
A-net, please nerf HFFF, for the lulz if nothing else.
Originally Posted by Robbert Monga
way to be a smartass.
they are pvp the same way as other forms of pvp have their own titles titles. FFF is a fluke crap that never meant to be. that reminds me that I have counter-suggestion to ANet: Dear ANet, please nerf FFF into oblivion so that faction gain from it is at least somewhat inline with faction gain from AB/FA. |
There's a major flaw in KOABD: you can reach the max rank only wasting endless hours in some farming activity.
Farming is not playing the game. No one would spend hundreds of hours killing the same mobs over and over or planting flags, if there were other PvE titles obtainable playing the game.
Nevertheless, all the times that some player asked for more playable PvE titles, guess what was the answer?
"Stop QQing and start HFFF"
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
HFFF is crap as well as all buyable titles.
There a major flaw in KOABD: you can reach the max rank only wasting endless hours in some farming activity. Farming is not playing the game. No one would spend hundreds of hours killing the same mobs over and over or planting flags, if there were other PvE titles obtainable playing the game. Nevertheless, all the times that some player asked for more playable PvE titles, guess what was the answer? "Stop QQing and start HFFF" |
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Hence, desire for quest title. 3+1 titles, gogogo.
In the real world, if A.net nerfs HFFF, they will replace it with another buyable title ...