Good thing you qualified that, OP.
I remember when Elvira hosted MTV one Halloween and played the top 100 most Horrific videos, Thriller came in 2nd place - but the one that took 1st was so badly and poorly made that a C movie would have run away and cried for the damage to the industries standards. Afterall, there are many ways of defining what is horific.
I have been disgruntled at the lack of bodies and options. That one could not create and maintain a clan or family of characters, regardless of initial game, without sacrificing similarity of appearance has been irritating.
I have complained a great deal about the Necro males all looking like they have degenerative diseases and severe spinal deformity. Had they made the female necro this way I am sure some feminist group would have been marching in the streets of LA shouting chants against ANet.
Hoping GW2 will offer:
- Different body types to each profession, (EDIT IN: Endomorph, Mesomorph, and Ectomorph)
- Equal access to all types of racial features,
- Choice of facial hair for all male characters,
- Choice of hair styles from several different periods (ie. 3 from 1800s, 3 from 1920s, 3 from 1950s, 3 from 1980s, 3 from modern, and 3 wild new things) for all classes,
- and lastly, hair salons so women I know will quit killing off developed characters for a new hair style.
On armor, I am hoping the following:
- Consistancy in theme and especially motif for specific areas and cultures, with armor rating available based on character level regardless of location.
- Greater options when dying, both in color and multiple areas of armor.
- Ability to dye ornamentation in the hair to match armor.
- A range of armors in each cultural area that will provide for different levels of exposure/prudishness (ie. Females: 1 tease-me, 1 casual day at the park, 1 evening formal, and 1 decadent extravagant goddess//ie. Males: 1 loincloth max coverage, 1 I'm-Hunting-Wabbits, 1 Spit and Polish, and 1 wicked I'm-the-!Chit!).
At least have a few decent
dresses for the women!
(Yeah, I would put you all in whalebone corsets if I could...)