You have no idea how many wonderful memories came rushing through me; kinda like diving into a freezing swimming pool or the feeling when your girl-friend slowly slides her hands down your pants..
As you can tell by the title, I really miss the old GW, and when I say this I mean before all these stupid expansions.
I remember getting out of pre-searing and entering the devastating Ascolon, it was as-if all hope was lost and you (along with the other 100,000 new players) were the only hope for the world of "Guild Wars."
As you fight your way through all the charrs, and learn more about the history and get deeper into the story, you find your way to Shiverpeaks.
I can remember the first time when I entered that zone; all the joy and tranquility! The beautiful flutes and violins playing in the background, the soft snow and then, OMG, NEW ARMOR SETS!
Then we get to Kryta, where the real action begins! The dreamy white beaches with all the undead that would spam you with poison, haha. This gave the game a whole new thrill, with fast and vigerous music. Not to forget that insanely hard quest, something that starts with "ashes." Ashes of Althea or something..
We encounter more twists in the story and get to the mysterious jungle. The missions were great and alot of fascinating scenery. But, imo, this place was not worth going back for ^^
We cross the sea and get to the great deserts. They seemed endless but still, very enjoyable. I could spend a long time running around there, exploring with friends (or npc's) trying to find all the huge statues.
Southern Silverpeak was meh.. And then we have the volcanoe islands xD
Now that was again, something very different! It was really hard, thats what I can remmeber.. A pain before getting your armor difused lol. Not to forget killing the evil roknark, or wutever his name was.
After completing the game with your main, you could still do alot of things. You could explore around, take the big challenges of going to FoW or UW (if your region had favor!) That was fun! but also very frustutated when you join PUG's that die instantly, because of some nub healer or a warrior that takes alot of aggro.. I have wasted so many 125g's on that lol. You could also join the "elite groups"; E.g. the 3man ranger trappers xD That was 1337! Or the FoW groups, my god that place is HUGE! Takes you hours to clear..
Then there are the chest runs at the fire-islands, and even FoW
If you were really really really bored, and not even the PVP was your taste, you could zone to Grotto and chill with the other's that have too much time to waste.. haha.. Run around on the ice that slows you down ^^
Then we have the holiday events

The One thing that I always enjoyed, and still do, is Pre-Searing. On the very very rare occasions which I logg on GW again, I go straight to my lovely and sexy, female ele who's still in Pre. Out of the whole game, thats the only place which hasn't changed dramatically. There are still many people to talk and discuss with and alot ready to go out and have a great adventure with the chars ^^
You guys might be wondering what I actually miss about GW. Basically the community. Back then, I found it fun to play. You could always find great people to talk or evne debate with. And most importantly, it was filled with people! Now, LA is almost empty, the same with Ascolon city, the fire islands, drok's forge and so on.
Why? Beacuse of the expansions obviously.
But I think that there is a flaw with the expansions regarding the community. The only expansion that I got was NightFall. Yes, it was something new and doing the missions and getting into the story was fun. However, the community never was the same as the original GW. There, people focused on getting the game done, so they could get those end-game armors + weapons..
The most recent expansion (although it is a "new stand-alone game) is GWEN. I assume everyone is there, since Nightfall and the Original GW is almost completely empty =(
I'm sure that there are some other people that feel/think the same? It hasn't just happened to GW but also other mmo's such as World Of Warcraft (in my opinion.) The new expansion (the burning crusade) has ruined the "true spirit" of the original game, and I quit.
I will certainly keep GW installed though, and logg on once in a while and have some fun in Pre-Searing =)
One thing that the developpers could consider is adding more content to Pre-Searing. A patch with a new litle area, some new monsters, npc's and quest. Nothing too big though. Now that would be great!

Thanks for your time!