Balance Smiter's Boon

Edwin Phate

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2007



Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Get real. You probably run gimmicks, then brag about it on GW fansite forums.

Yes, I am a person that hates it when other teams run shove spike, because I know it's something no-talent players run just because it's easy as all get out and can beat almost any team.

Yeah, Smiter's Boon was overpowered, there's no reason it shouldn't have been nerfed.
Your right i spend my time bragging about my arena wins with gimmicks you got me all figured out, I invite you to look for my name on all the forums and look through all my posts then post your findings.

I really think alot of you guys are just big whiners seriously, I was reading that post by that high rank glad guy about playing balance in ta. all the really high rank glad ppl want to play with= lvl guys and the problem you run into is the same as ha rank+++++only. So ppl play strong builds to counter the lack of experience/skill. what would you have them do lose only? Before you say play and lose and learn I have and still do i play balanced meta gimmicks i play everything whenever i get the chance. (of course there is a few exceptions like Thunderbolts g9 in STEP was cool enough to play with a lowly g3)

Then you get the other ppl that cry about wiki build users lol. if its not one thing its another thing to cry about lol. The way i see it if it wasnt for wiki you'd have less competition for lack of well put together bars for the masses.


Seems your right i never really noticed I just did the math on it. Anyways I really never thought it was a problem. In the end i dont really care because i can still do decently enough in ta with or without it. I'm just happy that ppl play and when i hit enter battle there is always someone to play against.

Let me apologize if im coming off like a a-hole i just dont see that it was that big of a problem like SoM was or Wounding strike etc.........



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


they balanced it perfectly tbh

degenerate skills are bad for the game


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by RavagerOfDreams
they balanced it perfectly tbh

degenerate skills are bad for the game
what the hell are you talking about? nothing about this skill is "degenerate," it encourages build diversification. this skill was fine for months until it got nerfed, then all of you crawl out of the woodwork to testify about how terrible it was.

how can anyone clam that this is a balance? there is no possibility that this skill will ever see play in it's current form.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



skill isn't balanced now. Even if it wasn't balanced before, it's a trash worse than Otyugh few months ago pre-buff.

Edited by Celestial Beaver: Removed reference to deleted post.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....



all that smiters boon brought to this game was 3 smiter rao gimmick shit and polly and 4 monks winning an aT.

it was an op'd shit skill that encouraged degenerate play and it deserved the nerf it got.

poor izzy cant catch a break people bitch even when he does a good job.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2008

Originally Posted by RavagerOfDreams
it was an op'd shit skill that encouraged degenerate play and it deserved the nerf it got.
maybe the skill did deserve a nerf.

a nerf

the skill was not nerfed, it was entirely removed from PvP.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by -Lotus-
maybe the skill did deserve a nerf.

a nerf

the skill was not nerfed, it was entirely removed from PvP.
give me 3 good reasons why thats a bad thing.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007

Screw guilds.


Originally Posted by RavagerOfDreams
give me 3 good reasons why thats a bad thing.
1) Players having less viable skills at their disposal ultimately means reduced build diversity.
2) Making a skill go from "too strong" to "too weak" doesn't make the game any less IMBA
3) If there's something inherently broken about PvP in general, would your suggested solution be "remove PvP from game"?


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

Some skills have to die, full stop.

I'd be quite happy if there were a set team build for every game format with no variables, to be quite honest with you.



I like yumy food!

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I can eat yumy food

Dead Alley [dR]


Looks like a bunch of scrubs got butthurt or something.

Let me explain my logic for people that don't know anything about balance. There is often very little middle ground when doing nerfs. When a skill gets "nerfed," even if it doesn't get shot to hell like smiters boon did, it still becomes completely inviable in PvP, simply because the slight attribute decrease will make another skill (or set of skills) to completely overshadow it. Take the motigon for example. The template is so weak people would now run a smiter over it. Before, it was a staple of rawrspike.

The other case is that the slight nerf will not do anything to the OPness of the skill. For example, RaO took a slight nerf, and look where we are now? All the scrubs trying to farm fame for their bambis are complaining about how OP that skill is. Then look at the ineptitude-clumsiness nerf from a few months back, and it's just a joke how OP it still is when you looked at last mAT.

With a skill like smiters boon, I'd rather that they made sure it was going to be inviable, rather than making a slight nerf that may or may not still keep it OP.

It's just sad this thread is filled with crap from people that don't know what they're talking about. Sorry for being elitist, but watching clueless people post on this matter is just like watching some average middle school kid trying to act smart and arguing relativity with a PhD physicist. The arguments I see here are just laughable, when the best ones are "oh no, this nerf made smiters boon inviable, please fix."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by Nuclfus
1) Players having less viable skills at their disposal ultimately means reduced build diversity.
2) Making a skill go from "too strong" to "too weak" doesn't make the game any less IMBA
3) If there's something inherently broken about PvP in general, would your suggested solution be "remove PvP from game"?
Smiters encouraged less diversity then they created. Number 2 is a really shitty reason. Izzy did effectively remove the skill from the game if you haven't figured that out yet.

If anybody who posted for Smiters Boon actually played PvP you might understand why it had negative impacts on GvG/TA



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


I've reported your post a second time holy.

Calling people "scrubs" and compare them to middle schoolers and yourself to a PhD is the MOST pompus thing I've ever seen on this forum.

Yes, Smiter's Boon was overpowered. I even agree with the nerf. But your still insulting myself and many others for no justifiable reason. I'm very inclined to pull a Zinger and just stop coming to this forum if this kind of behavior continiues to be acceptable.