A Note on Botting and Kurzick/Luxon Titles
Regina Buenaobra
A small number of players had their accounts terminated for using bots to farm faction in Melandru’s Hope and Rhea's Crater (HFFF) during the Double Luxon and Kurzick Title Points weekend. As you know, using bots is against the User Agreement, and the penalty is account termination.
That said, the design team is aware that earning the Kurzick and Luxon titles is almost impossible to achieve through normal play. Because of this, a few players felt compelled to use of bots to earn points toward these titles during the special weekend event.
While we do not condone the use of bots, this portion of the game is so unbalanced and difficult, that a few players may have felt they had no other choice.
In this specific instance, the team has decided to convert account terminations to two-week suspensions. This will be on an individual, case-by-case basis, and is expected to take several days. They do not foresee making an exception like this again in the future.
The Live Team is currently working hard to rebalance these titles so that players will not feel as if they need bots to earn them. These title rebalance changes are expected to be integrated into the game with the next big game update.
That said, the design team is aware that earning the Kurzick and Luxon titles is almost impossible to achieve through normal play. Because of this, a few players felt compelled to use of bots to earn points toward these titles during the special weekend event.
While we do not condone the use of bots, this portion of the game is so unbalanced and difficult, that a few players may have felt they had no other choice.
In this specific instance, the team has decided to convert account terminations to two-week suspensions. This will be on an individual, case-by-case basis, and is expected to take several days. They do not foresee making an exception like this again in the future.
The Live Team is currently working hard to rebalance these titles so that players will not feel as if they need bots to earn them. These title rebalance changes are expected to be integrated into the game with the next big game update.
Puddin Cheeks
This is a joke right, I got a two week ban for use the f word, and they botted and get the same sentence, sigh.
EDIT: and the only way i get to experience the halloween event is reading about it on guru.
EDIT: and the only way i get to experience the halloween event is reading about it on guru.
HFFF should be removed from the game
Thanks for letting us know Regina.
Will the update go live next Thursday at the end of the Halloween event, or the second week?
Will the update go live next Thursday at the end of the Halloween event, or the second week?
The Bard
botting is botting, ban them for evah =/
This just in, bot the game and get your acc back!
2 week ban? That doesn't exactly send a strong message about enforcing the rules. It's not like botting is the same as the swear filter that we have the option of turning on and off.
People bot during the week too, not just when the double weekends roll around. They're fairly easy to spot too since they are usually several of them at a time running to the exit.
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
Because of this, a few players felt compelled to use of bots to earn points toward these titles during the special weekend event.
this is mostly in response to the g15 banning. i guess they finally decided to clarify and classify it as botting then. notice the phrase case by case. im assuming this means that those who actually botted wit certain programs will remain banned, while those using the g15 macroes will recieve the 2 week ban.
Puddin Cheeks
2 week ban? That doesn't exactly send a strong message about enforcing the rules. It's not like botting is the same as the swear filter that we have the option of turning on and off.
People bot during the week too, not just when the double weekends roll around. They're fairly easy to spot too since they are usually several of them at a time running to the exit. |
This is a joke right, I got a two week ban for use the f word, and they botted and get the same sentence, sigh.
EDIT: and the only way i get to experience the halloween event is reading about it on guru. |
But still, converting a full-on ban to a 2 week suspension is a complete joke. They broke the EULA, why does it matter what they were doing at the time?
This is just another example of ANet setting a double standard. It's okay to bot, but it's not okay to say words that are on the language filter.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
But still, converting a full-on ban to a 2 week suspension is a complete joke. They broke the EULA, why does it matter what they were doing at the time? |
Ergo, if Anet says 2 weeks, it's 2 weeks.
I think it's silly too, and definitely a bad move (what Rac said, you're sending a bad message and gave absolutely nothing vs bots...its like HEH WE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT, which could be good if you decide to randomly go GUNG HO on them, but...), but unfortunately this happens in ORPG's where the UA says they can ban you forever for using the letter E in your character's name and you can't do anything about it. Their servers, their rules, you can't do nothing.
The bot problem largely stems from the cash reward given for HFFF, not the faction.
I don't understand. The people who botted, whether or not they botted with keyboard macros or using a program, are all very aware of the fact that it is illegal according to the EULA. Yet, they chose to do it anyway.
It's not just the fact that they got the title, they also recieved several million gold.
Why, is this not considered to be an unfair advantage, whereas the Mallyx exploit was? Both are of a similiar nature, using outside programs to change the way that the GW program runs. Both brought unfair advantage to the players who used it by increasing their bank accounts.
Botting is wrong. Full Stop. That is the message that you've been sending to us over the years. This is a very silly move imo.
It's not just the fact that they got the title, they also recieved several million gold.
Why, is this not considered to be an unfair advantage, whereas the Mallyx exploit was? Both are of a similiar nature, using outside programs to change the way that the GW program runs. Both brought unfair advantage to the players who used it by increasing their bank accounts.
Botting is wrong. Full Stop. That is the message that you've been sending to us over the years. This is a very silly move imo.
Numa Pompilius
It's because Gaile said that it was OK to use the Logitech G15 keyboard scripts - but that keyboard has scripting functions not only for keypresses but for mouse events, delays, and looping. In short, it's got fully fledged bot-creation software, and people subsequently got banned for botting with it.
But Gaile DID say it was OK.
Hence... this.
But Gaile DID say it was OK.
Hence... this.
What a bunch of BS!
2 week ban, WTF!
They were using a FN BOT, this is no different than the bots out of Citadel, or Altrumm Ruins, Bergen Bot Springs or any other gold farming spot. Thats what this bot is used for.....FARMING GOLD! Not faction.
Un FN Believable......
2 week ban, WTF!
They were using a FN BOT, this is no different than the bots out of Citadel, or Altrumm Ruins, Bergen Bot Springs or any other gold farming spot. Thats what this bot is used for.....FARMING GOLD! Not faction.
Un FN Believable......
What a bunch of BS!
2 week ban, WTF! They were using a FN BOT, this is no different than the bots out of Citadel, or Altrumm Ruins, Bergen Bot Springs or any other gold farming spot. Thats what this bot is used for.....FARMING GOLD! Not faction. Un FN Believable...... |

Translation: The game is too hard.
Solution: We're going to make it easier.
Typical Anet.
Solution: We're going to make it easier.
Typical Anet.
"Kurzick and Luxon titles is almost impossible to achieve"
Right, and so is amassing the sheer volume of ectos need to buy a mini Panda... does that mean we can run Bots scamming fools out of their ectos in LA and at worst suffer a two week suspension? I guess so because so many players have achieved the 'near impossible' task of maxing the Kurzick and/or Luxon titles... far fewer have amassed the wealth needed for an extremely prestigious mini pet.
Many of the GW titles are silly, grindy to the extreme and rather pointless... we've known this for ages. The solution would be to fix the titles, or better yet, put a bit more thought into them BEFORE they were introduced (Hint: Really think about the impact of titles in GW2)... or you could just condone botting 'because they're too hard'.
I wonder what else is 'too hard' and thus justifies the use of bots...
Edit: I'm thinking that a certain 117 former (and some still current) Guild Wars players found Mallyx to be 'Too hard' as well, they might like an apology and their accounts back? I mean, if botting is now acceptable...
Arenanet once did something amazing, they released a very cool, competitive yet social (MMO-like) game, and without the monthly fees. Amazingly good graphics for an MMO (-like game) at the time of release... seems lately they can do no right.
Disgusted and dumbfounded.
Right, and so is amassing the sheer volume of ectos need to buy a mini Panda... does that mean we can run Bots scamming fools out of their ectos in LA and at worst suffer a two week suspension? I guess so because so many players have achieved the 'near impossible' task of maxing the Kurzick and/or Luxon titles... far fewer have amassed the wealth needed for an extremely prestigious mini pet.
Many of the GW titles are silly, grindy to the extreme and rather pointless... we've known this for ages. The solution would be to fix the titles, or better yet, put a bit more thought into them BEFORE they were introduced (Hint: Really think about the impact of titles in GW2)... or you could just condone botting 'because they're too hard'.
I wonder what else is 'too hard' and thus justifies the use of bots...
Edit: I'm thinking that a certain 117 former (and some still current) Guild Wars players found Mallyx to be 'Too hard' as well, they might like an apology and their accounts back? I mean, if botting is now acceptable...
Arenanet once did something amazing, they released a very cool, competitive yet social (MMO-like) game, and without the monthly fees. Amazingly good graphics for an MMO (-like game) at the time of release... seems lately they can do no right.
Disgusted and dumbfounded.
Lycan Nibbler
This is total BS! So yet again the people who made the effort to do the titles the proper way are given the finger by anet.
Listen Anet, a bot is a bot, just because someone thinks its too hard doesnt allow them to decide the rules dont apply to them.
Ive just decided getting the RA title is unrealistic - according to your rules this is now fair for me to run a bot there then....
Listen Anet, a bot is a bot, just because someone thinks its too hard doesnt allow them to decide the rules dont apply to them.
Ive just decided getting the RA title is unrealistic - according to your rules this is now fair for me to run a bot there then....
Killed u man
Well, Both titles arn't "hard too achieve". Hard to achieve in the sence of casual gamer being able to get it with alot of effort/skill.
It IS impossible for a casual gamer to max these titles, as it requires no-lifeing.
It's not a question of "hard", it's a question of reasonable grind, and unreasonable grind.
There is no skill whatsoever involved, as shown a bot could do it. What DOES this title currently represent:
This person can bot
This person wasted 1000+ hours sitting at his computers, doing a repetitive 1m 20s cycle, for the past 2 months, in this so called "game" (Which is supposed to be fun, remember) called G -rind- uild Wars.
It IS impossible for a casual gamer to max these titles, as it requires no-lifeing.
It's not a question of "hard", it's a question of reasonable grind, and unreasonable grind.
There is no skill whatsoever involved, as shown a bot could do it. What DOES this title currently represent:
This person can bot
This person wasted 1000+ hours sitting at his computers, doing a repetitive 1m 20s cycle, for the past 2 months, in this so called "game" (Which is supposed to be fun, remember) called G -rind- uild Wars.
Lycan Nibbler
My opinion has always been that these titles are just plain absurd and unattainable to anyone wishing to retain a shred of sanity.
6 month ban would be probably be worth it.
But again, long long time ago people have commented on potential issues with titles. Wouldn't it be just better to reduce the numbers? Anywhere between 10 and 100 would be reasonable. Some other titles could benefit from that.
Nah, this one is completely and entirely in the "No life" category. So are many other titles.
6 month ban would be probably be worth it.
But again, long long time ago people have commented on potential issues with titles. Wouldn't it be just better to reduce the numbers? Anywhere between 10 and 100 would be reasonable. Some other titles could benefit from that.
Translation: The game is too hard. Solution: We're going to make it easier. |
Botting always looked like so much fun. They should bump down the max for the alliance titles, but then the ppl that all ready maxed them are ganna complain :S.
Nah, this one is completely and entirely in the "No life" category. So are many other titles.
The titles are too long and grindy for the casual player, absolutely... so the casual player can choose NOT to max them, or even pursue them at all... or they could bot them, I guess. Hopefully Anet will really consider the impact of titles in GW2, both the effects of titles ingame (when linked to skills or other 'tangible' benefits) as well as the time and effort required to obtain them.
Originally Posted by holymasemuse
Translation: This part of the game has been broken since release and we just now realised it and are getting around to fixing it.
I don't really care one way or the other about the bans. It's Anet's game and they can let in and keep out whoever they feel like.
All I have to say to this is that I recently maxed my Kurzick title from off and on hffing over the last year. It's possible to get this title, people are just lazy and want the benefit w/o the work...
Translation: The game is too hard.
Solution: We're going to make it easier. Typical Anet. |
Translation: We were on crack and the grind for these 2 titles is so hard and goes against the original design of our game.
Solution: We're going to make the grind go away like we promised we would a long time ago.
Lycan Nibbler
No, HA title is hard, RA title is hard (part of the original design I believe)etc. Doing AB (which is in the same pvp category) cannot be considered a grind any more than these other areas and the factions title is easier to obtain than the others in this category.
dr love
from some1 else, "2 week ban? That doesn't exactly send a strong message about enforcing the rules. It's not like botting is the same as the swear filter that we have the option of turning on and off."
sure it does, cause its halloween!!
sure it does, cause its halloween!!
seems like most ppl are missing the point that gaile gray said the g15 macro function was ok so ppl were using it and got banned for it. now anet is rectifing it by issuing an official statement and letting the people who were misinformed by gaile to get their accounts back.
i love when ppl dont read
i love when ppl dont read
False Healer
This is a joke right, I got a two week ban for use the f word, and they botted and get the same sentence, sigh.
2 week ban? That doesn't exactly send a strong message about enforcing the rules. It's not like botting is the same as the swear filter that we have the option of turning on and off.
This is just another example of ANet setting a double standard. It's okay to bot, but it's not okay to say words that are on the language filter.
(j) In the Game(s), characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called "Chat Messages." With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated "spamming," or "flooding" of the chat messages channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent account closure.
thats funny cause i only got a 3 day ban for the f word
Let's try to stay on topic, or at least discuss the original purpose of the thread in our posts as well please.
Shayne Hawke
Nooooooo-oh. Nooooooooooooo-ho-ho, no.
ANet, you can't say "We do not condone the use of bots" in one line and renege with "two-week suspension" in the next.
If there was any question in drawing the line between what were bots and what was not, then you should have recognized that question and defined that for everyone beforehand. In addition, you're begging for rules to be broken if this action resulting in "account termination" can be shortened to a simple two-weeks vacation.
Stop making exceptions. Stop making excuses.
ANet, you can't say "We do not condone the use of bots" in one line and renege with "two-week suspension" in the next.
If there was any question in drawing the line between what were bots and what was not, then you should have recognized that question and defined that for everyone beforehand. In addition, you're begging for rules to be broken if this action resulting in "account termination" can be shortened to a simple two-weeks vacation.
Stop making exceptions. Stop making excuses.
Well, Both titles arn't "hard too achieve". Hard to achieve in the sence of casual gamer being able to get it with alot of effort/skill.
It IS impossible for a casual gamer to max these titles, as it requires no-lifeing. It's not a question of "hard", it's a question of reasonable grind, and unreasonable grind. There is no skill whatsoever involved, as shown a bot could do it. What DOES this title currently represent: This person can bot or This person wasted 1000+ hours sitting at his computers, doing a repetitive 1m 20s cycle, for the past 2 months, in this so called "game" (Which is supposed to be fun, remember) called G -rind- uild Wars. |
Personally I would like these titles, however I enjoy playing different aspects of the game instead of passing time doing the same thing. I don't recall any HFFF bots before the event, It's not surprising that ppl use bots for this title aswell.
The next big game update better be thought well before released. I guess we'll find out soon.

Uuhhhhh that's it I think xD
You know if they just double the faction earned in AB, the problem would be solved. No need for a rebalance. Even now I think its fine.
RA needs a rebalance, I mean 5 wins a row? How many people now can stay logged in for 5 matches in a row?
RA needs a rebalance, I mean 5 wins a row? How many people now can stay logged in for 5 matches in a row?
Anet supports botting, heard it here first