Although I found this annoucement quite surprising, I must say that there's an important point of Regina posts that people seemed to have overlooked:
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
This will be on an individual, case-by-case basis
I'm not sure if it's more fair since some people may not have done that as a habit (constantly using bots), but just because there was a double points week-end and the title is indeed quite hard to max, or if it's more unfair to all the people who behaved the same way before the double pointsd week-end. It's good the see something happening, but not sure if it's
that good.
Most importantly, it seems to send a mixed message to the community. She clearly indicated that
"we do not condone the use of bots", yet the rule has been broken on this one instance, based on the quite amazing acknowledgement that
"this portion of the game is so unbalanced and difficult". That short statement alone make me wonder whether there's something wrong on the way that Anet perceives "difficulty", or we're simply wrong in our perception of the whole "community" (i.e., Guru is not representative).
I'd like to see similar annoucements on the topic of GW2, along the lines of "While we will not release any significant information about GW2, the GW1 community has grown so impatient that we feel we should release some kind of information"...