Halloween ended early?
Regina Buenaobra
Is the AB weekend still on?
It'll be an AB weekend and a rerun of Halloween... that will be interesting on the server performance.
Now the real question - will the shrine NPC's in AB drop ToT bags? Let's face it, that would rule.
Also, fenix beat me to it. I'm almost afraid to play this weekend due to fear of massive lag.
WTB private server
Also, fenix beat me to it. I'm almost afraid to play this weekend due to fear of massive lag.
WTB private server
Chieftain Heavyhand
Mad King Thorn was not present on Sunday, 2nd November, when the event ended early due to an error on our part. The Mad King Thorn portion of the event took place on 31st October.
What most of us missed was the Costume Brawl and collecting ToT bags.
A weekend of costume brawl access and ToT bag drops would more than make up for the mishap.
its like groundhog day as if a week wasnt already enough
dont want more halloween
dont want more halloween
woot...guess my rits wont get time off...time to hunt more termites and undead!! (Hope to get those last pesky 1000 party points since there arent anymore until wintersday---)
Very fair decision by the team
They have replaced what the players missed and then some.
They have replaced what the players missed and then some.
There wasn't a problem with the timing of the Mad Kings appearences.
They were published beforehand, you did know when they were going to happen. If you weren't online for the Mad Kings visits, that's not A-nets fault.
To my mind, re-running the event this weekend is pretty fair considering. Just a shame I'm not going to be around to take part as I already have other plans this weekend.
They were published beforehand, you did know when they were going to happen. If you weren't online for the Mad Kings visits, that's not A-nets fault.
To my mind, re-running the event this weekend is pretty fair considering. Just a shame I'm not going to be around to take part as I already have other plans this weekend.
Mr. Undisclosed
This weekends def Brawl>AB
Mad King Thorn was not present on Sunday, 2nd November, when the event ended early due to an error on our part. The Mad King Thorn portion of the event took place on 31st October.
Also you leaving out the 3 Hours we missed because of "work on the servers"
y'all need to quit the crying, the event WAS for a week this year. who cares if it ended a couple hours early....it ran for 4-5 extra DAYS.
thanks a-net oh yea if worst case scenario to please the masses, a-net could do a halloween hangover event and have tot bag drops and costume brawls next weekend. |
I met with the Live Team yesterday to discuss, and we decided that we will be re-running the Halloween event, NOT including the Mad King, this coming weekend. This will include the following content: Halloween loot drops, collectors, and Costume Brawl.

Lycan Nibbler
Got masks/hats on correct day = no point to your post.
ewww to CB and AB at the same time though >.<
Did you not understand what Regina said? The time missed did not include MKT therefore the replacement time shouldnt.
We missed the last day of the event, yet get a full weekend in replacement - how is that missing 3 hours of server downtime exactly??
ewww to CB and AB at the same time though >.<
Did you not understand what Regina said? The time missed did not include MKT therefore the replacement time shouldnt.
Also you leaving out the 3 Hours we missed because of "work on the servers" |
She didn't acolage the 3 hours we missed is my point also i did read the post. and my question still stands why not bring him back for all the people who actually had lives and had to do things on Halloween.
Lycan Nibbler
She didn't acolage the 3 hours we missed is my point also i did read the post. and my question still stands why not bring him back for all the people who actually had lives and had to do things on Halloween.
Why not bring the tengu guy back from the start of factions as people missed that because of RL too?
Or maybe the Xmas hats from 2 years ago for the people who hadnt bought the game yet?
Because its not Halloween and if you were too busy to turn on your computer and be afk before you did your important stuff then you obviously didnt really want the hat that much.
She didn't acolage the 3 hours we missed is my point also i did read the post. and my question still stands why not bring him back for all the people who actually had lives and had to do things on Halloween.
Its not hard to have a life and still get a mask in Guild Wars. The masks covered a whole 24 hour period. If the mask is so important to you, you would have left your computer on while the event was going on, you could have gone on with your life and returned home later to a mask and treats in your bag.
Why do we have to go through this EVERY single event? They don't have to give us masks at all. Or you could actually have to work for the mask. But nope, all you have to do is show up, you don't even have to actively participate. The only way they could make it any easier would be to just give everyone the mask, every single time.
I've got a life. I worked the whole day, I went out to Halloween parties, and I still managed to nab myself both masks.
Oh come on!
A redux?!?!?
Just do it like you guys normally do it - look away and pretend that the smell isn't coming from you!
A redux?!?!?
Just do it like you guys normally do it - look away and pretend that the smell isn't coming from you!
Who cares about the 3 hours honestly, again you are geting more than double what was lost and picking up that the 3 hours wasnt specifically mentioned is pretty QQ and pointless.
Why not bring the tengu guy back from the start of factions as people missed that because of RL too? Or maybe the Xmas hats from 2 years ago for the people who hadnt bought the game yet? Because its not Halloween and if you were too busy to turn on your computer and be afk before you did your important stuff then you obviously didnt really want the hat that much. |
Ah well, will be playing Little Big Planet this weekend anyways. Good move though from Anet, although some whining will always be going on.
God of Killing
Really? The Tengu mask could be gotten on more than one day? I love to get masks, afk like crazy to get them. I was unable to pick up the prerelease package before the release date so I never got a Tengu mask, yet I will never complain about not getting it. The mask does not give me a single advantage whatsoever over any opponents, hell I can't even place them in my HoM. So my question is, why care? Is only having one day as an option to get a mask seems harsh, fine, I understand, but look at the facts. This has been the way these items have always been given out for Halloween. Accept the fact that if you want something, you have to make a sacrifice (like that 50 cents of electricity to leave a computer afk w/ the monitor off).
A call for Anet to rethink the way the event is run in the future is fair.
Tradition is important in festivals and at the moment the tradition is MKT turns up every three hours in a full 24 hour period.
Apart from server problems he did that.
Its over and done.
Ok next year maybe we can have a token collection to get the hat hand in 100 or 200 tots and get a customised hat.
That's reasonable.
For someone who remembers that once there was no hat maker and you had to be there with every character that wanted a hat, todays system is great.
Well remember my very first festival I wanted hats on every character and stayed up all night doing it, next time I managed 2 hats on 3 characters.
Now I just need to give up 30 minutes for each hat.
Happy days.
Tradition is important in festivals and at the moment the tradition is MKT turns up every three hours in a full 24 hour period.
Apart from server problems he did that.
Its over and done.
Ok next year maybe we can have a token collection to get the hat hand in 100 or 200 tots and get a customised hat.
That's reasonable.
For someone who remembers that once there was no hat maker and you had to be there with every character that wanted a hat, todays system is great.
Well remember my very first festival I wanted hats on every character and stayed up all night doing it, next time I managed 2 hats on 3 characters.
Now I just need to give up 30 minutes for each hat.
Happy days.
Lycan Nibbler
A call for Anet to rethink the way the event is run in the future is fair.
Tradition is important in festivals and at the moment the tradition is MKT turns up every three hours in a full 24 hour period. Apart from server problems he did that. Its over and done. Ok next year maybe we can have a token collection to get the hat hand in 100 or 200 tots and get a customised hat. That's reasonable. |
2) Token Collection = quests to collect tokens ( or drops requiring to be programmed - to replace ToTs???) Either way, this would require work on GW1and programming that is unlikely to happen.
I think this is a very good call on ANet's part. I know a lot of PvE-oriented people are delighted at the chance to get more candy corn, pumpkin cookies and candy apples - all goodies which confer benefits in PvE - and that others are happy for the additional chance to continue working on their Drunkard and Sweet Tooth titles. PvP people who don't particularly need or care for faction points in AB will also be pleased at the second go-round for Costume Brawl. I, for one, feel no lack in not having Mad King Thorn come around again; honestly, by the third or fourth time I went through that visit, it was beginning to get boring.
Some people just absolutely amaze me, Anet messed up, caused us 24 hours of no event. Plus the 3 hours of server maintenance. They openly admit they messed up and give us more than double the time that we missed. Yet people still complain.
People suck lol
People suck lol
they didn't actually HAVE to give us anything
community ftw
they didn't actually HAVE to give us anything
community ftw
I would love to be able to trade in some halloween items just to get my hat, unfortunately I was unable to attend on the 31st and thought with the event going on the rest of the weekend they would extend his stay much like other weekend events that have visitors that typically come til the end of the event. Oh well, at least this weekend I can get more ToT bags, but no masks, the 1st ones I have missed since the game opened =[
here to troll
well i think that if this is the case on whats happening, i would LOVE for anet to cut every event shot by oh, i dont know, 3 hours, give us another weekend+firday to get more stuff because, the only time that i farmed tots, was during the first weekend(and i made 2mil exp O.O)this will give me the chance to double my stock, or more oh well, thanks anet!
first off i don't like to wast That thing Called ELECTRICITY secondly you should Be more Elitist about a Hat i mean for real. ALSO ON THOSE EVENTS YOU COULD GET THE HAT FOR MORE THEN JUST ONE DAY all right my rage here is done /ignore tread.
Halloween HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE DAY! See I can shout too bucko.
Also, constantly booting you PC all the time is harder on you PC and electric bill than just leaving it on. Just turn you Monitor off, the monitor is what sucks the power up.
The Arching Healer
Good news for you, Halloween is coming back @ 6 november. Only costume brawl, traders etc. NOT the madking. !!!
I just gotta add, for the people using the "the hats confer no benefit, so who cares?" argument: it works both ways.
Why do you care so much if someone gets a second chance at getting an item that has no real merit? Are you really that selfish?
Why do you care so much if someone gets a second chance at getting an item that has no real merit? Are you really that selfish?
Feathermoore Rep
To be honest, i don't even think they should give us the extra time. I mean yes we missed a day of play. But we had an entire weekend and week before that. They gave us ten, read that again, TEN full days to farm, play CB and wait until the day of halloween - like every year - to get the hats. They always give out hats for 24hours the day of. The only i distinctly remember that didnt was the dragon fest where they traded tokens. Or was that canthan new year. Idk I still thought it was silly.
But oh well this time we got quadruple the amount of time that we missed. So enjoy CB and more farming, thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. Ok you have four days. No complaiming this time. This will be the THIRD weekend in a row, that you can play CB and farm. If you miss it now, you obviously don't care enough to make time to play that bad.
But oh well this time we got quadruple the amount of time that we missed. So enjoy CB and more farming, thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. Ok you have four days. No complaiming this time. This will be the THIRD weekend in a row, that you can play CB and farm. If you miss it now, you obviously don't care enough to make time to play that bad.
Haha, i so called that. Good of them to do it i guess.
Haha, i so called that. Good of them to do it i guess.
OMFG QQ MOAR now we have another Halloween event...to make prices of MY TOT BAGS and Z keys drop....wow friggen great.
Then again, I do like Costume brawl :3
Then again, I do like Costume brawl :3
Lycan Nibbler
first off i don't like to wast That thing Called ELECTRICITY secondly you should Be more Elitist about a Hat i mean for real. ALSO ON THOSE EVENTS YOU COULD GET THE HAT FOR MORE THEN JUST ONE DAY all right my rage here is done /ignore tread.
I had the pre order and was in Las Vegas and could not hang on to a reliaible signal to get a mask, was I disappointed? yes, do I post on a thread QQing about it? NO.
Considering that you posted on here on halloween several times in at least 3 distinct time periods while the event was going on ie:-
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...04#post4328104 post #52
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...04#post4328904 post #76
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10334704post #60
then your weak tirade on electricity fails.
you had time to sign onto guru at least 3 times during the day and post on here but not to sign onto GW to sit there and get a hat? No wonder you are stamping your foot like a 7 year old. /lmao
Thanks to Anet, now we get a weekend where if you get bored of Costume Brawl, you can switch to AB and vice versa. I cannot stand doing the same thing over and over just cause you get double points for doing so... and doing anything else seems like such a waste during these weekends.
Therefore, I think that CB and AB at the same weekend could be a nice experience and I'd recommend to people to try and do both while still having fun.
Therefore, I think that CB and AB at the same weekend could be a nice experience and I'd recommend to people to try and do both while still having fun.
Firstly - Day of the Tengu was a 24 hour event according to GW:-http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/GuildWars.com_news/20060421
I had the pre order and was in Las Vegas and could not hang on to a reliaible signal to get a mask, was I disappointed? yes, do I post on a thread QQing about it? NO. Considering that you posted on here on halloween several times in at least 3 distinct time periods while the event was going on ie:- http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...04#post4328104 post #52 http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...04#post4328904 post #76 http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10334704post #60 then your weak tirade on electricity fails. you had time to sign onto guru at least 3 times during the day and post on here but not to sign onto GW to sit there and get a hat? No wonder you are stamping your foot like a 7 year old. /lmao |
Lycan Nibbler
First off You are the one who brought up the tengu and other events my point was that most events have it. secondly i was on a computer that dosnt have gw so you can post on guru but not sign on so l2p . lastly u are the one who is having a hissy fit about not letting other get hats out side of the one day that they have them. and lastly /ignore tread this bickering is stupid because your agrueing about a hat that gives you NOTHING no bonuses besides being able to ware it. PLEASE ANSWER this question why do the hats have to only be handed out on one day and one day only? and don't give me the bs of oh its not the day. there have been many other events where the hat is given out on more then one day.
Then you mention on your post
my rage here is done /ignore tread. |
Finally you answered your own question
a hat that gives you NOTHING no bonuses besides being able to ware it |
The hat was handed out on that day and that day only because that was what the event said in advance. You give no valid reason for the event being fundamentally changed apart from the fact you want it because it wasnt convenient for you.
The event was designed for thousands upon thousands of players and by far the majority of those who wanted the hat, managed to get it, but no, YOU want it redesigned.
Guess what? its NOT all about you - everything is not meant to revolve around what YOU want. I bet if theres a sale on at your local store that you miss, you write in complaining to them that it wasnt at a time when you could benefit.