essence of celerity = NERFED
lol at all the people complaining.
UWSC isn't the result of some great,wonderous insight into the mechanics of the game. Rather, it's the idea of taking one of the most broken things in pve, shadow form, and adding it to another one of the most broken things, consumables, and then just working out the details from there. Elite areas should not take 15 minutes, it would still be better if cons were removed imo, but I don't think that that's actually ever going to happen unfortunately.
UWSC isn't the result of some great,wonderous insight into the mechanics of the game. Rather, it's the idea of taking one of the most broken things in pve, shadow form, and adding it to another one of the most broken things, consumables, and then just working out the details from there. Elite areas should not take 15 minutes, it would still be better if cons were removed imo, but I don't think that that's actually ever going to happen unfortunately.
Spyda Prince
alot keep saying the cap is 50 and should not be a change, well test it, u can not keep it up as E/A with EoC & paradox, u need GoS or candy corn now, to stay in perma SF
I think it's amusing.
Without these boosting consumables people need to rely on other things. And I think that's a good thing. Just like some other things they've changed, this is an overpowered thing that needs changing or dare I say deletion.
Without these boosting consumables people need to rely on other things. And I think that's a good thing. Just like some other things they've changed, this is an overpowered thing that needs changing or dare I say deletion.
Abnaxus need to reduce the load on their servers.
GW1 will be phased out soon, and they cannot afford the maintenance cost for something they don't get any more money from.
80 noobz per district ursaning DoA or speedclearing UW is a big load, 8 self claiming "elite players" are 1/10 of that load.
Then after a while those 8 elites will be tired of showing how smart they are repeating the same 2 hours run over and over, and ToA and DoA will be tumbleweed, so zero load for servers.
This is the final goal.
GW1 will be phased out soon, and they cannot afford the maintenance cost for something they don't get any more money from.
80 noobz per district ursaning DoA or speedclearing UW is a big load, 8 self claiming "elite players" are 1/10 of that load.
Then after a while those 8 elites will be tired of showing how smart they are repeating the same 2 hours run over and over, and ToA and DoA will be tumbleweed, so zero load for servers.
This is the final goal.
Numa Pompilius
The really funny thing about the EC whining isn't just that it's easily adjusted for by bringing glyph of swiftness (you don't even need consumables to be a permasin), but that the EC "nerf" is probably a bug/mistake, and will be corrected in future updates.
Um, what's the big deal? Wouldn't the team setup change to this now:
A/N (Vale)
A/Me (Chamber)
A/E (Plains)
A/E (Pools)
A/E (Mountains)
A/E (Wastes)
A/D/E (Pits)
N/Rt (Vale)
A/N (Vale)
A/Me (Chamber)
A/E (Plains)
A/E (Pools)
A/E (Mountains)
A/E (Wastes)
A/D/E (Pits)
N/Rt (Vale)
It was a sick non-skill buff, it still is.
What's the problem with that?
What's the problem with that?
What I don't get is why Anet didn't bother including this in their update notes. Are they just stupid and don't know what's going on in the different divisions? Or did they think they could sneak it past us? It's kind of sad that they don't have meetings to discuss their plans.
Blind fool

Quote from the updates: "Essence of Celerity when used now gives a 20% faster movement, recharge, and attack speed instead of 25%."
Blind fool ![]() |
Official Update:
No mention of Celerity change.
Anybody can edit these pages and did. After the update went live and was discovered by players.
But according to this it wasn't supposed to go live til next week. So that's probably why it wasn't included in the Official update notes.
While I agree that playing the game is/should be the ultimate goal, You should consider many people who do this run. I for one have 18 characters across all professions. I have beaten all 3 campaigns with my characters and some have gone through Gw:en. But I for one like farming. I have played the game. I bet I've played the game more than most people have. But now I have moved to farming. Just what I want to do. But while this nerf is disappointing. I by no means am crying about it. Luckily my title toon is my ele. So I was already using candy corns for this run to get use of the candy and get a point to my title. So this nerf doesn't effect me. But I do believe that a lot of UW will fail more. Just because people will forget to use the CC and die. But now worries. Uw sc isn't dead and I will continue to do it. I'll switch to my Sin if I have too. Unless of course they kill SF.
If they did this, I think my head would asplode...and I'd love it.
I mean I do get that the listed things are completely and utterly crappy - but the game will be equally crappy without those things.
The damage is done.
You remove this - people leave.
And those that left because the game turned to shit - won't come back.
So, why?
For the warm fuzzy feeling?
That the game wasn't as crappy as it could have been when it died it's slow and painful death?
Fox Reeveheart
I think what really makes people mad about the nerf is the UWSC.... lemme elaborate...
they didn't nerf UW SC.... they nerfed anyone other than a ASSASSIN doing UW SC. I made a chamber mes just like 3 days ago and was JUST starting to enjoy the run I learned and suddenly bam now I need even more consumeables to do the same job. Thankfully I hardcore farmed costume brawl and have over 100 candy corn but thats not the point... heck those candies were not even meant for my mes, they were meant for my main dervish.
Thats the problem, I actually wouldn't mind UW SC being destroyed by a shadow form nerf. it's just i'm so SICK of assassin's being the be-all-end-all of UW farming now >_< us other classes want a shot too. And nerf protective spirit hardcore already, please?
But really whats so bad about farming UW? It makes prices cheaper for us. I'm sorry but I don't wanna go back to 8 or gods forbid 12k ectos like in the beginning. After 40 months of play I finally got my first FoW set a week or so back for my derv (all previous funds before his creation went to him) partly because everything had become cheaper and I could finally AFFORD this stuff! I'm working on fow for my mes (though she only really needs hose and attire, I'm not worrying about the shoes but she keeps her chaos gloves) and I don't feel like working months and months to try and get 2 pieces of armor. Skill > time my a$$.
they didn't nerf UW SC.... they nerfed anyone other than a ASSASSIN doing UW SC. I made a chamber mes just like 3 days ago and was JUST starting to enjoy the run I learned and suddenly bam now I need even more consumeables to do the same job. Thankfully I hardcore farmed costume brawl and have over 100 candy corn but thats not the point... heck those candies were not even meant for my mes, they were meant for my main dervish.
Thats the problem, I actually wouldn't mind UW SC being destroyed by a shadow form nerf. it's just i'm so SICK of assassin's being the be-all-end-all of UW farming now >_< us other classes want a shot too. And nerf protective spirit hardcore already, please?
But really whats so bad about farming UW? It makes prices cheaper for us. I'm sorry but I don't wanna go back to 8 or gods forbid 12k ectos like in the beginning. After 40 months of play I finally got my first FoW set a week or so back for my derv (all previous funds before his creation went to him) partly because everything had become cheaper and I could finally AFFORD this stuff! I'm working on fow for my mes (though she only really needs hose and attire, I'm not worrying about the shoes but she keeps her chaos gloves) and I don't feel like working months and months to try and get 2 pieces of armor. Skill > time my a$$.
The Meth
QQ more. If I was at Anet I would remove consumables entirely, kill SF and then nerf about 1/3rd of all the pve skills. Be thankful Anet is kowtowing to the masses of noob farmers and keeping those in.
This just in: FoW armor is supposed to be grindy. I have yet to buy a single piece of FoW even though I could probably afford a set or two by now. It gives absolutely no benefit wearing FoW over 1.5k armor so stop bitching about how you can't get high end BS, because you got max weapons and armor at lvl 15 in kaineng (modify level and area for prophecies/nightfail characters accordingly).
This just in: FoW armor is supposed to be grindy. I have yet to buy a single piece of FoW even though I could probably afford a set or two by now. It gives absolutely no benefit wearing FoW over 1.5k armor so stop bitching about how you can't get high end BS, because you got max weapons and armor at lvl 15 in kaineng (modify level and area for prophecies/nightfail characters accordingly).
But really whats so bad about farming UW? It makes prices cheaper for us. I'm sorry but I don't wanna go back to 8 or gods forbid 12k ectos like in the beginning. After 40 months of play I finally got my first FoW set a week or so back for my derv (all previous funds before his creation went to him) partly because everything had become cheaper and I could finally AFFORD this stuff! I'm working on fow for my mes (though she only really needs hose and attire, I'm not worrying about the shoes but she keeps her chaos gloves) and I don't feel like working months and months to try and get 2 pieces of armor. Skill > time my a$$.
This is across the board nerf to all guilds who enjoy running speed clears in all areas. DoA is even worth less to farm now, it will take longer, cost more, and the reward is still junk because of the armbraces still in teh market from the dupes/ursans days.
Anet want to nerf sc because all the sc'ers are hogging the server resources and causing lags.

first the vacates DoA, now ToA. Look at other elite mission areas, deep, urgoz, sorrow furnace, they are all dead. Maybe tries to do something to bring them back.
Those who whines about sc are those who can't do it or too lazy to learn/do it or maybe discouraged by certain individual that mean to them when they failed.
There're 80% fail rate for any pug group out there, not just SC. Which one is worse? Failed on an sc pug or you spend 4 hrs clearing UW/Fow only to have a player (eg monk) leave after 3 1/2 hr or some stupid mistake of a player that got the last reaper killed after completed 9 mission in uw for 3 hrs?
Even you EOC nerfed, SC is still not dead, just harder, those E/A need to remember to use candy corn after 10 mins and A/E can still do them fine. Higher fail rate now for sc, maybe 90% now.

Why Sc is bad? After anet introduced the title grind, it cost alot of money to just buy sweets/alcohol/party items even keys/lockpick. And SC is the fastest way to earn money to get these titles.
party items normally cost 200g/point
alcohol cost 130g/point
sweets cost 150g/point
lockpicks cost 1250g
add those up, it's pretty hard for regular player to max them, not to mention casual players. To max 30 titles for KoaBD, you need to get these titles after the 20 missions/vq/skills titles.
note to anet, instead of trying to nerf a farm or a popular build, maybe trying to add more contents, eg titles (quests?) , new cool rare drops, more armor(somehow players like different armors even they already have 20 sets that have the same stats).
just my 2 cents.
first the vacates DoA, now ToA. Look at other elite mission areas, deep, urgoz, sorrow furnace, they are all dead. Maybe tries to do something to bring them back.
Those who whines about sc are those who can't do it or too lazy to learn/do it or maybe discouraged by certain individual that mean to them when they failed.
There're 80% fail rate for any pug group out there, not just SC. Which one is worse? Failed on an sc pug or you spend 4 hrs clearing UW/Fow only to have a player (eg monk) leave after 3 1/2 hr or some stupid mistake of a player that got the last reaper killed after completed 9 mission in uw for 3 hrs?
Even you EOC nerfed, SC is still not dead, just harder, those E/A need to remember to use candy corn after 10 mins and A/E can still do them fine. Higher fail rate now for sc, maybe 90% now.

Why Sc is bad? After anet introduced the title grind, it cost alot of money to just buy sweets/alcohol/party items even keys/lockpick. And SC is the fastest way to earn money to get these titles.
party items normally cost 200g/point
alcohol cost 130g/point
sweets cost 150g/point
lockpicks cost 1250g
add those up, it's pretty hard for regular player to max them, not to mention casual players. To max 30 titles for KoaBD, you need to get these titles after the 20 missions/vq/skills titles.
note to anet, instead of trying to nerf a farm or a popular build, maybe trying to add more contents, eg titles (quests?) , new cool rare drops, more armor(somehow players like different armors even they already have 20 sets that have the same stats).
just my 2 cents.
note to anet, instead of trying to nerf a farm or a popular build, maybe trying to add more contents, eg titles (quests?) , new cool rare drops, more armor...
in summary, enjoy the 20% you get from ec and the overpowered builds you get for the next week. cuz soon, all that will be gone, might as well start thinking of new ways now.
The Meth
Because everyone NEEDS to max the KoaBD title track, amirite?
Besides, I count 25 titles that are either single time accomplishment based (vanquishing and such) or will be finished by the time you finish legendary vanquisher (the EotN titles). From there you can finish Sunspear and Lightbringer fairly easily. You probably have a substantial amount of money, enough to easily buy Party Animal or Sweet tooth. That gives you 28 titles. So at most you have to grind for 2 out of 30 titles. The pain is so intense I almost feel like crying.
You can choose chest runs which gives you lucky, treasure hunter and wisdom (this weekend brings the so-called 'title rebalance' that makes treasure hunter and wisdom much more attractive btw). Assuming you were opening chests all along you probably have at least 2-3k already done, and the rest can be finished through playing wherever the hell you have fun playing.
You can HFF and get max kurzick. I'll agree this sucks and takes forever, but you make enough cash to easily buy the your last title and still have some to spend. And its not like Anet is banning people for, *cough* botting *cough* or anything. Presumably this weekend we also get a title update that reduces the grind on this title, as Anet has already agreed its overdone.
Besides, I count 25 titles that are either single time accomplishment based (vanquishing and such) or will be finished by the time you finish legendary vanquisher (the EotN titles). From there you can finish Sunspear and Lightbringer fairly easily. You probably have a substantial amount of money, enough to easily buy Party Animal or Sweet tooth. That gives you 28 titles. So at most you have to grind for 2 out of 30 titles. The pain is so intense I almost feel like crying.
You can choose chest runs which gives you lucky, treasure hunter and wisdom (this weekend brings the so-called 'title rebalance' that makes treasure hunter and wisdom much more attractive btw). Assuming you were opening chests all along you probably have at least 2-3k already done, and the rest can be finished through playing wherever the hell you have fun playing.
You can HFF and get max kurzick. I'll agree this sucks and takes forever, but you make enough cash to easily buy the your last title and still have some to spend. And its not like Anet is banning people for, *cough* botting *cough* or anything. Presumably this weekend we also get a title update that reduces the grind on this title, as Anet has already agreed its overdone.
NERF everything! Give everyone starter weapons! Make it impossible to change weapons or armor or skills in this game.
Make HM the default mode and make a new HM where everything does 4 times the regular damage, and you do half the damage.
Make it impossible to buy skills. Remove ALL skills from PvE because apparently PvE is gay and no one cares about PvE.
Are you elitist q.q'ers happy now?
Make HM the default mode and make a new HM where everything does 4 times the regular damage, and you do half the damage.
Make it impossible to buy skills. Remove ALL skills from PvE because apparently PvE is gay and no one cares about PvE.
Are you elitist q.q'ers happy now?
Keira Nightgale
this is why they changed consumables and im projecting a total rework of shadow form in the nov 13th update. they cant add 'new cool rare drops' if they have permas running around decimating everything in sight. this is just a taste of what is to come. they need to tone down the effectiveness of non profession specific skills/cons before anything can be considered rare. gw has professions for a reason, each has strengths and weaknesses and with all the pve skills being non prof specific and incredibly powerful farming builds running these in many of the skill slots with no attribute distribution, people are able to provide more output more with less.
in summary, enjoy the 20% you get from ec and the overpowered builds you get for the next week. cuz soon, all that will be gone, might as well start thinking of new ways now. |
To the guy complaining about elite areas taking a lot of time:
1st they are elite for a reason, if they didn't require skills or time they would be normal area
2 UW in 3 hours? You can do it with heroes in less than 2 hours, 1 hour and a half mostly, a decent human Pug would steamroll the area without even using consumables
Seriously though, complaining about your speed clear getting nerfed is f***ing pathetic.
I'll be happy if you delete this pathetic waste of space of a post
Seriously though, complaining about your speed clear getting nerfed is f***ing pathetic.
Originally Posted by Faraaz
NERF everything! Give everyone starter weapons! Make it impossible to change weapons or armor or skills in this game.
Make HM the default mode and make a new HM where everything does 4 times the regular damage, and you do half the damage. Make it impossible to buy skills. Remove ALL skills from PvE because apparently PvE is gay and no one cares about PvE. Are you elitist q.q'ers happy now? |
Originally Posted by Arkantos
If they did this, I think my head would asplode...and I'd love it.
Keira Nightgale
tyrant rex
NERF everything! Give everyone starter weapons! Make it impossible to change weapons or armor or skills in this game.
Make HM the default mode and make a new HM where everything does 4 times the regular damage, and you do half the damage. Make it impossible to buy skills. Remove ALL skills from PvE because apparently PvE is gay and no one cares about PvE. Are you elitist q.q'ers happy now? |
Saint of Swords
To the people who are all so excited about this: do you realise that every single thing that forces people to play together, for which GW was meant, is getting nerfed by Anet? Because of this, the rate at which people stop playing increases with every update. Of course, many things are too powerful but they created those things themselves... I'm not saying nothing should be done about it but they should do it in a different way, so that GW might actually become interesting again.
Numa Pompilius
UW SC is about the worst example of "people playing together" you can find outside Hero Battles. You do know how UW SC's are done, right?
UW SC is about the worst example of "people playing together" you can find outside Hero Battles. You do know how UW SC's are done, right?

The Meth
UW SC is about the worst example of "people playing together" you can find outside Hero Battles. You do know how UW SC's are done, right?
Oh yeah, this too. Shame on people taking the drops assigned to them. That thread was full of lulz.
ONOEZ!!! now we can't destroy an ELITE AREA in under 20 minutes.
but whatever, all you need is some candy corn or pumpkin pie and you can still have your speed clears. with all the tot bags around and the thanksgiving weekend almost here, speed clears will be going strong for a while. maybe you can use the old obsflesh build now. ;p
but whatever, all you need is some candy corn or pumpkin pie and you can still have your speed clears. with all the tot bags around and the thanksgiving weekend almost here, speed clears will be going strong for a while. maybe you can use the old obsflesh build now. ;p
Keira Nightgale
ONOEZ!!! now we can't destroy an ELITE AREA in under 20 minutes.
but whatever, all you need is some candy corn or pumpkin pie and you can still have your speed clears. with all the tot bags around and the thanksgiving weekend almost here, speed clears will be going strong for a while. maybe you can use the old obsflesh build now. ;p |
A form of loot scaling for end area chests... go go go!

Oh, my! 20% instead 25%, we are all gonna die!
We are not going to be able to accomplish anything in the game anymore!
Please... It's just a 5% less in an item that is just a BONUS to HELP making stuff. You DON'T need them to make anything.
We are not going to be able to accomplish anything in the game anymore!
Please... It's just a 5% less in an item that is just a BONUS to HELP making stuff. You DON'T need them to make anything.
The Meth
While there isn't any formal definition of elite, UW is somewhere in the top 3 of hard areas (DoA,UW, and the Deep). FoW though is at best on the level of Master difficulty dungeons except with multiple quests.
FoW, UW, The Deep, Urgoz and DoA are all "elite areas", or are at least supposed to be.
tier1 FoW, UW, SF, Slavers, and tombs
tier2 urgoz and deep
tier3 DoA
funny thing rewards gets worse further down the tiers.
In a group of 8 real people. Sorry, but you fail. When everyone else is just solo farming or Heroway'ing the game, any form of cooperative play is nice. And preferably something that doesn't take 4 hours in a sitting.
Fair play id say.
Now all they gotta do is remove grails, armour of salvations and powerstones from the game and PvE might be fun again
The way it is now is a joke, HM now isn't even any harder than NM. Consets make the game too easy, and UWSC shouldn't exist imo, it was origionally designed as the hardest area in the game.
Good luck even clearing the first chamber back in 2006 in the time it takes to clear whole thing now.
/rant over
*looks forward to next weeks update*
Now all they gotta do is remove grails, armour of salvations and powerstones from the game and PvE might be fun again

The way it is now is a joke, HM now isn't even any harder than NM. Consets make the game too easy, and UWSC shouldn't exist imo, it was origionally designed as the hardest area in the game.
Good luck even clearing the first chamber back in 2006 in the time it takes to clear whole thing now.
/rant over

*looks forward to next weeks update*
It would have been a lot funier if they'd changed it to
Essence of celerity your skills recharge 50% faster 50% chance of it happening.
Essence of celerity your skills recharge 50% faster 50% chance of it happening.

In a group of 8 real people. Sorry, but you fail. When everyone else is just solo farming or Heroway'ing the game, any form of cooperative play is nice. And preferably something that doesn't take 4 hours in a sitting.
It's entering an area together just to split up and do things solo.
That's not cooperative.
You know why players are willing to play things like UWSC in full-human groups? Because they can't do it with heroes. Else they would do that.
The average player just isn't skilled enough to do the 'hard' things and needs something gimmic like perma to actually finish something.
I've played enough high-end to know there are many so called 'good' players who are just not good enough to play without gimmic, consumables and PvE skills.
I'd rather play with a mixed team of humans and heroes who know what they are doing than with a bunch of twats who need to use consumables to compensate that they can't even play the game on a normal way.
underworld can still be completed under 15 minutes with 20% on cons
with candycorns, the only differences are:
1. 5% more recharge on 60% Sliver doesn't have recharge on its own with a 40/40 set.
2. With 20% recharge on EoC, you can no longer squeeze in a third archane echoed Cry of Pain.
3. Radiation Field has a 5% more recharge to slow down pools.
with candycorns, the only differences are:
1. 5% more recharge on 60% Sliver doesn't have recharge on its own with a 40/40 set.
2. With 20% recharge on EoC, you can no longer squeeze in a third archane echoed Cry of Pain.
3. Radiation Field has a 5% more recharge to slow down pools.
While there isn't any formal definition of elite, UW is somewhere in the top 3 of hard areas (DoA,UW, and the Deep). FoW though is at best on the level of Master difficulty dungeons except with multiple quests.
If some didn't get it, I was being sarcastic with my original post.
Eh I guess a dying game is a dying game, A-net can't satisfy both sides of any argument, so I guess as the saying goes "closing a door and opening another?" IDK if that's right or not but I hope everyone gets the metaphor lol. And now there's gonna be a lot more A/E's in UW as it seems...