Do you Play or Farm?
What's "upper-deck" gear?
Voodoo Rage
Elite Armor is so 2007. It's all about Everlasting Tonics now. I farmed 3 of them from Halloween drops. 
BTW, what is going on with this site? Pages have taken forever to load for a while now.
BTW, what is going on with this site? Pages have taken forever to load for a while now.
mostly farming now so i can get one more elite armour set, full set of destroyer weapons and some armour pieces so i will have 3 full monument thingies for GW2.
i play the game if someone needs help.
i play the game if someone needs help.
I play and farm(but if there wont be farms,i wont play...)
i do both..i do find farming boring but do it on different characters and different places..tombs anyone?

Jumping Is Uselss
before i quit, i mostly farmed and chatted on the guild chat.
I usually just get lucky and someone gives me a good weapon or more recently, an unded Gwen. I used to farm like crazy, but it got BORING. Then I tried trading, which is time consuming. Now I'm just gambling (Zkeys) with what little money I have.
I didn't know everlasting tonics came in tot bags.
I know!!!!!!! It sucks when I gotta look up the price of something really fast.
Elite Armor is so 2007. It's all about Everlasting Tonics now. I farmed 3 of them from Halloween drops.
I know!!!!!!! It sucks when I gotta look up the price of something really fast.
well this is just a discussion about "end game" to you.
some people are in the game for the:
"look" IE armor / die/ hari what ever
"PvP- solo" IE some one who likes beating humans and killing people w/o relying on anyone else.
"PvP- team" IE a person who wants to have a team beat everyone else.
"PvE-Raid/high end instance" IE some one who likes to beat bad bosses to get items to beat better bosses..
"PvE-minion/ low level" IE some one who enjoys killing s LOTS of stuff because they enjoy the destruction typically.
BTW i am a newb and still learning the game. my other games are RO and Sword. my self i don't care for farming i "push my char to the max" IE getting mobs to kill as quickly as possible. i try to see about using what ever i have on hand to do the most with it. i am not a tweaker or min maxer i am a power gamer. and as such i don't ever care about "best" i care about "best now".
so the question to me is "what do you think the 'end game.' is?"
i would be some PvP - team, and PvE raid
some people are in the game for the:
"look" IE armor / die/ hari what ever
"PvP- solo" IE some one who likes beating humans and killing people w/o relying on anyone else.
"PvP- team" IE a person who wants to have a team beat everyone else.
"PvE-Raid/high end instance" IE some one who likes to beat bad bosses to get items to beat better bosses..
"PvE-minion/ low level" IE some one who enjoys killing s LOTS of stuff because they enjoy the destruction typically.
BTW i am a newb and still learning the game. my other games are RO and Sword. my self i don't care for farming i "push my char to the max" IE getting mobs to kill as quickly as possible. i try to see about using what ever i have on hand to do the most with it. i am not a tweaker or min maxer i am a power gamer. and as such i don't ever care about "best" i care about "best now".
so the question to me is "what do you think the 'end game.' is?"
i would be some PvP - team, and PvE raid
well this is just a discussion about "end game" to you.
some people are in the game for the:
"look" IE armor / die/ hari what ever
"PvP- solo" IE some one who likes beating humans and killing people w/o relying on anyone else.
"PvP- team" IE a person who wants to have a team beat everyone else.
"PvE-Raid/high end instance" IE some one who likes to beat bad bosses to get items to beat better bosses..
"PvE-minion/ low level" IE some one who enjoys killing s LOTS of stuff because they enjoy the destruction typically.
BTW i am a newb and still learning the game. my other games are RO and Sword. my self i don't care for farming i "push my char to the max" IE getting mobs to kill as quickly as possible. i try to see about using what ever i have on hand to do the most with it. i am not a tweaker or min maxer i am a power gamer. and as such i don't ever care about "best" i care about "best now".
so the question to me is "what do you think the 'end game.' is?"
i would be some PvP - team, and PvE raid
some people are in the game for the:
"look" IE armor / die/ hari what ever
"PvP- solo" IE some one who likes beating humans and killing people w/o relying on anyone else.
"PvP- team" IE a person who wants to have a team beat everyone else.
"PvE-Raid/high end instance" IE some one who likes to beat bad bosses to get items to beat better bosses..
"PvE-minion/ low level" IE some one who enjoys killing s LOTS of stuff because they enjoy the destruction typically.
BTW i am a newb and still learning the game. my other games are RO and Sword. my self i don't care for farming i "push my char to the max" IE getting mobs to kill as quickly as possible. i try to see about using what ever i have on hand to do the most with it. i am not a tweaker or min maxer i am a power gamer. and as such i don't ever care about "best" i care about "best now".
so the question to me is "what do you think the 'end game.' is?"
i would be some PvP - team, and PvE raid
I play and farm. I have 4 characters that use the gold for various things, like new armor, runes etc.. So I have one character that farms, quest and does missions. The other characters does quest and missions and sometimes explores the area.
I understand the why it would seem the economy sucks. It was right before NF when mods were worth a lot, before the title grinding. Remember when 20/20 sword mods and +30 sword mods would fetch you a pretty penny. They are only 4-5k now. Heck, a 20/20 bow string used to be 20k, now they are 2k, maybe. Grinding for the wisdom title has plummeted that mod market. Rare skins aren't worth as much as they used to nor are req 9 with the release of NF. Now that you can inscribe the weapons req 9 is whatever. Jeez, remember the req 9s were cool, but a req 9 with a 15^50, now that was awesome, on a rare skin? Forget about it. If GW had the intention to level out the weapon/mod markets then they succeeded.
I farm for titles, not for weapons. It just isn't worth the time when I can pick one up in town for a reasonable amount and mod it myself. I also farm the event drops. I think a lot of people are mostly farming for titles in preparation for GW2, imo anyway.
I farm for titles, not for weapons. It just isn't worth the time when I can pick one up in town for a reasonable amount and mod it myself. I also farm the event drops. I think a lot of people are mostly farming for titles in preparation for GW2, imo anyway.
i slowly progress mules through pve while farming. i also dislike that anet made it so that DOA isn't account wide. i don't want to have to push my monk and ele through to play there. if its not account wide, make it so that i can at least get to the Gates area without having to do all the boring story missions.
Meh, Farming is Boring, PvE is Boring, PvP Is boring, yeah i dont play Gw..
I don't know why you negative people even try, go away you bring nothing to the table but your lameness.
Our most honest apologies, we should've been praising A.Net for recycled content instead of adding some new stuff.
Or not making PvP changes for a long time.
Or screwing over some players.
W/e, A.Net ruueelleeeezz!!11.
Or not making PvP changes for a long time.
Or screwing over some players.
W/e, A.Net ruueelleeeezz!!11.
I am referring to his lackluster post that provides nothing of value to the discussion. That typical "GW sucks, I don't play, blah blah" garbage is just a waste of space. If you don't play why are freaking posting on GWG? Some people mistakenly think it is cool to act as though it doesn't matter, it isn't very good, or that they know so much more. The reality is they look like donkeys. You don't like it? Fine, but don't try to pee in everyone else's cereal. Eat your own. Now, if the dude has constructive criticism then great, let's hear it. Just take the lame everything sucks attitude home.
Wrath of m0o
I do both.
Some days i just do PvP, some days i just do PvE and some days i just farm titles, or consets, or crafting materials for a new armor, or a green i want.
Sure adding better rewards for playing the game is a great idea, but we all know some people just play the game to farm. I have lost alot of friends in this game to farming nurfs, i knew people that all they did was farm green items and when it got too tough to do that, they got bored and left.
Farming is part of the game, weather its for money, items, titles, skill points, i dont think your ever going to get people to stop wanting to farm..its something to do.
Some days i just do PvP, some days i just do PvE and some days i just farm titles, or consets, or crafting materials for a new armor, or a green i want.
Sure adding better rewards for playing the game is a great idea, but we all know some people just play the game to farm. I have lost alot of friends in this game to farming nurfs, i knew people that all they did was farm green items and when it got too tough to do that, they got bored and left.
Farming is part of the game, weather its for money, items, titles, skill points, i dont think your ever going to get people to stop wanting to farm..its something to do.
Meh, Farming is Boring, PvE is Boring, PvP Is boring, yeah i dont play Gw..
Then why are you here? Other than to take up space and waste other people's time? There is the door and be sure to let it hit you in the arse on the way out. some humans will always be jerks and never grow up.
I have fun both playing and farming. Now that I think about it, farming is playing in a sense ... it is taking place within the game itself.
Chieftain Heavyhand
My game play consist of farming, RP night with my guild, elite mission night with my guild and accomplishing the story line with other toons with heroes.
I play for fun, and get rewards the same time.
I also hunt titles.
But at the moment I don't play too much anyways.
I also hunt titles.
But at the moment I don't play too much anyways.
my new obsession seems to be farming tombs..
farm while chatting with guildies, best fun ever
I vanquish for money so I can finish up my HOM.
I play the game, and make money while im at it

iono, u ever consider that some ppl might like the community or forums here at guru despite not liking the game?
I haven't farmed for months. I purchase what I need, and my storage balance just keeps going up...
Playing normally often nets you more cash than most people realise. I ran an experiment a little while back - one of those which many people feel compelled to do once in a while. I began a new character, and only spent what I made - I didn't touch storage. By the time I'd finished Factions and got three quarters of the way through Nightfall I had enough money to buy one of the less expensive sets of elite armour (by that I mean elite armour which doesn't require some of the more expensive materials such as Amber, Rubies or Deldrimor Steel).
Now, if each character has the potential to earn that kind of cash purely by playing, I see no reason to farm purely for cash. Farming for Green Weapons is a different matter, if there is one you really must have.
I haven't farmed for months. I purchase what I need, and my storage balance just keeps going up...
Playing normally often nets you more cash than most people realise. I ran an experiment a little while back - one of those which many people feel compelled to do once in a while. I began a new character, and only spent what I made - I didn't touch storage. By the time I'd finished Factions and got three quarters of the way through Nightfall I had enough money to buy one of the less expensive sets of elite armour (by that I mean elite armour which doesn't require some of the more expensive materials such as Amber, Rubies or Deldrimor Steel).
Now, if each character has the potential to earn that kind of cash purely by playing, I see no reason to farm purely for cash. Farming for Green Weapons is a different matter, if there is one you really must have.
A11Eur0 can play and get cash for a set of elite armor. That set of elite armor costs....let's say 90k including materials. 90k doesn't get you much along the lines of prestige items. You'd have to dedicate time for a bunch of different characters playing through all three campaigns and EOTN to get what one might consider a prestige item, such as a rare mini, or an obsidian edge, or even a voltaic spear. Just examples there. Alternatively, you could take one character to a farming location and spend a fraction of that time, and earn the same amount of money. Simple GPH of assassin keg bombing during a weekend event can and will get you a top shelf weapon or a midrange rare miniature (mad king, rabbit, black beast...etc). The advent of these new campaign books makes the monetary gain of running characters through campaigns higher, but it's still not on par with the more efficient farming runs in the game.
Farm for holiday collector trade-ins, occasionally for a green or a particular skin I want, for title points.
Play the game - slowly! - and gradually getting all of my characters through all the missions. Skipping most of the quests lately, unless they actually serve a useful purpose (skill reward, unlocking secondaries, "Building the Base", -50hp icon) or just happen to get done while I'm doing something else. I've only "finished" all of the missions on one character. I've partially finished stuff on about 16 more characters, to one degree or another, so I've got plenty of "just play the game" left to do.
Money - Between Halloween item farming & playing through the game with full H/H groups I think I've made around 300k selling junk drops in the last month, month & a half. That's all from merching/salvaging junk drops and a few minor sales (none over 5k) to other players. I see no reason to farm for money.
Play the game - slowly! - and gradually getting all of my characters through all the missions. Skipping most of the quests lately, unless they actually serve a useful purpose (skill reward, unlocking secondaries, "Building the Base", -50hp icon) or just happen to get done while I'm doing something else. I've only "finished" all of the missions on one character. I've partially finished stuff on about 16 more characters, to one degree or another, so I've got plenty of "just play the game" left to do.
Money - Between Halloween item farming & playing through the game with full H/H groups I think I've made around 300k selling junk drops in the last month, month & a half. That's all from merching/salvaging junk drops and a few minor sales (none over 5k) to other players. I see no reason to farm for money.
wind fire and ice
I do fow/uw/urgoz/DoA/ect as a way to make cash fast,but enjoy it at the same time.
So i farm and play at the same time,im cool like that.
So i farm and play at the same time,im cool like that.
farming is boring now, money is no issue
playing is boring now, content is outdated and limited to title grinding/hom grind
so... I do NEITHER, but once in awhile i'll go out with a noob pug for shitz nd giggles
playing is boring now, content is outdated and limited to title grinding/hom grind
so... I do NEITHER, but once in awhile i'll go out with a noob pug for shitz nd giggles
Sweet Mystery
I farm when I need too.... play most of the time..... wanted to max party animal, did the farming for collectables and also did farming for cash. 1000p went so quick buying stuff..... ah well back to it once more. Next aim is max HoM so need matts for 3 destroyer weapons.... so farming imminent... tho Vanquish Ferndale helping there too...
I play and farm, but mostly play with my altitis... lol

Silvia Shadowback
I play PvE very relaxed and just let the money come to me through selling at merchant.

Most of the time i just play. Vanq and Skill Hunting (Almst done only 97 skills left ^^) do the mission, Ze Trapping, Ra and AB, Annoying other players XD. Only Farm for when i need money to buy Sigs of Cap and when there are fun items to drop.
i rather play and alot of the time all i wana do is muck around and have fun, but somtimes to have fun i have to farm, and sometimes the people u wana have fun with have to farm to have fun.
money is a joke nowadays, dont have to work my ass off for $$ anymore, still dont know why people complain about loot scaling till this day
farming gets boring after 10 mins now
Iolite Vaporizer Health Review
farming gets boring after 10 mins now
Iolite Vaporizer Health Review