Originally Posted by draxynnic
Drax, thanks for the personal attack. Why dont you go back and read what ALL my posts had to say instead of jumping me without thinking. I can see that other ideas have some merrit. But not all, and even those, not any to the verteran PVE. All i was doing was pointing out the flaws in those ideas from the perspective of the veteran player. No where did i personally attack any player for these ideas. So dont sit there and say i have a problem.
You keep assuming that the only reason i even suggested this idea was for the amount of money i would make farming skill points and selling keys, and it never seems to enter your head that maybe id like to actually just use the keys myself. Or that i would never want to play PVP because of all the crap attitudes ive encountered there when i did try and learn it. Or that i would rather earn them myself than have to pay ridiculous prices set by only one aspect of the community.
Fact...before the Ztitle, keys were only 2500g, after the title they shot up to 5k. Hmm seems like greed to me. And no where in any of my posts did i ever say a single thing about people who played both aspects. So where are you pulling all this shit from? All that i was saying was that since the PVP has the control on this market, they set the price, and the PVE wants this, so they are forced to pay it. Simple economics called monopoly.
My arguement was simple, Zchest and title were rewards to show PVP how much BF was acquired, and for the excess BF to be spent on once everything had been unlocked. (Same issue that the PVE has with spare skill points that cannot be spent.) This idea was broken the minute the first key sold to anyone. I seriously doubt it was ANETS intent to make a PVP version of the ecto so they could buy in the markets.
So with PVP AND PVE both using the chest and going for the title, is it logical to allow only one side to control the price of keys? Once upon a time PVP controled how PVE obtained the ecto and it was decided to return this control to the ones who actually used it. HA no longer dictates who and who cant enter UW or FOW. So since both aspects now use this chest, both should have viable ways of obtaining access to it. Period. It is obvious that the PVE would like nothing more than to have access to their own sorce of keys without being subjected to the BS of PVP, or we would not be seeing thousands of multiple accounts now opening in the XTH. So my idea does not hurt anyone, but puts a balance between the two again. Keys may still be sold between players of either aspect. And the arguement that the prices are dropping is already happening because of the extra accounts in the XTH, and will continue to do so reguardless if PVE has access to them farming or buying more accounts. However multiple accounts cannot be blamed soley on the PVE, as i know MANY PVP only who have more accounts soley for XTH purposes vs the PVE who use it mostly for storage. And this would take little effort on the part of the Devs. Unlike the other ideas that have been suggested.
Drax, since you felt the need to personally attack me, instead of my arguements heres a bit for you. YOU already have your "free lunch" with cons. The fact you are too broke to buy the mats to sell them is your problem. You have already stated that this didnt really work for you. As i stated your other arguements wouldnt work for others and why. So enjoy the "anything" you already have and shut up.
It has already been proven in many other threads that zkeys do not create money, but only shift money around the economy. So Lindsey could not really object to this idea as creating spare cash. Where as some of your ideas would actually break the money sinks designed in the game.
Since the only people who would be hurt by this idea are the ones who want to make a profit of XXX amount of cash every month, this idea only makes them less of a profit every month. It does not stop them from making ANY profit. PVE has experience this in the form of loot scaling and boss drop nerfing many times over. At one time i could get over 100k for a titan gem that is worth only 5k now. Its the nature of things in a game. Zkeys WILL drop in price at some time no matter how many people QQ about it. SO NO WHERE IN THE GAME DID IT EVER SAY THAT PVPERS WOULD ALWAYS BE GUARANTEED BY ANET THAT ZKEYS WOULD ALWAYS STAY AT 5K PER KEY!!!!!! So dont try that crap that it would benefit some players at the expense of others. You know, as much as i do, that is a load of shit.
So Drax, next time stick to reasoning out a debate instead of telling someone they dont know anything. I have looked at both sides of this arguement already. We all have the right to disagree with any idea suggested. Personally, id rather see the ZKeys cusomized to that account and stop all this bs QQing about the drop in prices and be done with it. Let the PVE farm their title like all the others and let the PVP figure out what to do about cash, since its now too late really to stop either side from finishing out this title.