Originally Posted by byteme!
And there lies a problem. I see a conflict of interest in there somewhere but can't quite grasp it.
You claim the win rate was about 50/50 before.
Others have claimed Luxons always lost before.
Meanwhile over on the Kurzick camp you've got QQ'ers saying they never won before either.
So now exactly who is right????? Whether it is balanced now or before is interpreted differently by different people based on their experiences. Alot of this is based on the luck of the draw as well. Some people have all the luck in the world. They get good teams with no leechers and always win. And then you have the no so lucky types who always find a way to lose. The end result is a jaded perception of unfair gameplay based on a percieved design flaw. As far as I am concerned there is no win/win situation here unless Anet mirrored the map so each side had the same map design and same npc's or something of that nature.
There in lies the problem. We don't know. Selective memory and all. We will remember those boneheaded teams that lost a match for us more then we will those ones where we dominated.
I assume, however, that a.net, since they supposedly can moniter every game of FA that has happened EVER, that they know the true ratio of wins to losses.
As such, I'm guessing the reduced time limit wasn't just chosen by a.net randomly, but was actually based on some numbers, and that the luxons did win more often (otherwise it would make no sense to do this, and believe it or not, a.net is not just 'out to get you').
Edit: Guru is also a bad place for figuring this stuff out. We are all, generally speaking, better players then the average GW population. A frequent Guru poster who knows what he is doing who joins a FA team automatically raises their teams chance of winning. It may seem like faction x always wins when you are playing for them, but that is because you are a good player and contribute a lot to the team's success.