Originally Posted by ManaCraft
Well... I don't really have much to say on that one. It's a purely theoretical argument. It sounds great on paper, but eight monk teams just don't happen. The few times that they do, it's a pure fluke. Random probability will screw you over every so often, and when that happens there's nothing you can do about it. Of course a single diversion won't do anything against eight monks. Nor will anything else. But in most games by far, disruption is a wonderful tool for dealing with the one or two monks that are typically there (and often far better than pure dps).
Like I said, I raged after starting to get 4ish monk/ritu teams.
And yes, disruption helps nicely, but in this format it's just not enough.
You Diversion one guy, possibly Shame the second, PLeak the third AND throw WoR on some others AND Rend Gunthy - but what happens next?
Nothing - because you can't yell over Vent to spike him down.
And then you can't keep this kind of disruption up constantly. You'll be able to throw that out, what, every 20-30 secs?
And if the monks run on empty - they just run into the middle of the battlefield and get killed, spawning pretty much in the exact same spot with full energy!
Originally Posted by ManaCraft
It means that if luxons would bring the right components to the table, they'd dramatically increase their chances of winning. That's part of the reason why FA is imbalanced, and has nothing to do with the map itself.
Yes, bringing better options wouldn't hurt. The problem is that BOTH sides would benefit from that advice.
And as was said - if you see the Kurzicks playing better - there is simply not going to be anything you can do about it.
The only way that playing batter would improve the state of Aspy is, if the Luxons would improve and the Kurzicks wouldn't.
(As was said before, I agree with the fact that one of the issues is having too many roles that the Luxons need to fill, so no need to quote that - yet I REALLY hope that if anyone, that can make a difference is reading this, they'll re-read it!)
Originally Posted by ManaCraft
But like I said, the recent update changed a lot of this - interestingly enough by reducing the amount of components required on the luxon side. Turtles now have enchant removal. That's one less thing you need out of your own pool of 64 skills. They're also no longer as vulnerable to interrupts, which reduces the need to bring (and constantly maintain) blocking skills on them. And so far, from what I've seen, luxon wins are not so rare anymore. But time will tell.
- Mana
This I disagree fully with.
Enchantment removal is still a must. Even if both turtles survive - and they keep firing and removing enches - Gunthy isn't always the guy that you want the ench to be removed from. With the amount of Veils, Minds/Souls, Bonds, SoAs, Guardians, .... being thrown around (HOPEFULLY Peace won't show up) - you need to be able to remove those things also. I run Drain and Rend on my mesmer - and there is no way he can keep up with the amount of enchanting going on.
Ench removal still is an ABSOLUTE must - and if we see more Kurzick players playing better - it's going to be even MORE important. Ench removal is the Rez Siggy of FA.
Originally Posted by Seef II
I think the current timer is 12-15 minutes, down from 17-20. 5 minute games would be a 100% Kurzick rout. They reduced the timer by 5 minutes, not to 5 minutes.
Time sure flies when you are getting kicked in the nuts!
It never hit me that it really is THAT long.
Originally Posted by AKB48
Like what? attack the invading Lux.? Then its no different from RA, except you get a bigger map
Well, keep in mind you rez automatically.
At full HP.
And full energy.
And the objective of ONE side is to wait it out.
Sounds ... fair?
Some things I'd suggest looking into:
1. forcing Kurzicks to abandon their posts (or at least force a split) by giving them an active objective - otherwise the game ends in a draw if the Kurzicks do not achieve the active objective, yet they manage to keep Gunthy alive when the Vengeance completes. This would also enable the Kurzicks to WIN the match without having to wait it out. (Although something new would need to be implemented - because now the only options are taking down the mines, command posts and that's going to be too easy, because you can send a few Kurzick guys to take down those things and that then forces the Luxons to split (to take them back) which means that there is even less chance to them getting into the castle.)
2. some sort of DP - probably not the normal one of having less HP and energy - but something in the lines of coming back as if you were rezzed by a Rez Siggy (full HP, 25% energy)
3. if the Luxons control mines, being able to rez in the castle
4. sending in turtles automatically (and fixing the AI!)
(Keep in mind that just ONE of those suggestions won't matter in the slightest with heavy(or full)-support Kurzick teams.)