Mini polar bear returns - same drop rate



Always Outnumbered

Join Date: Jul 2006

Sorry, but just... Wow.
Some of the reactions here are just so incredibly stupid. It's a MINIPET, not getting it doesn't mean the end of the world or whatever. You can still enjoy your life, and your game, without a polar bear, can't you?

Not EVERYTHING has to be easy to obtain. Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it has to be made easy to get.

Bug John

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Earth View Post
Not EVERYTHING has to be easy to obtain. Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it has to be made easy to get.

lol, there's a difference between something that needs commitment and a bit of luck to get, and something that is impossible to get

come on, even last year, the quest was over farmed for shards and less than 5 bears dropped... it won't be that different this year

a festival minipet rarer than kanaxai ? I think there's a problem somewhere

if you work hard enough, you should have a significant chance to drop get, not one in a few millions

I really wish miniature greased lightning was not the only one you could get by something else than dumb luck


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Earth View Post
Sorry, but just... Wow.
Some of the reactions here are just so incredibly stupid. It's a MINIPET, not getting it doesn't mean the end of the world or whatever. You can still enjoy your life, and your game, without a polar bear, can't you?

Not EVERYTHING has to be easy to obtain. Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it has to be made easy to get.
There's a difference between 'not easy to obtain' and 'not bloody likely to be possible to obtain'.

An extremely low droprate coupled with a pretty brief timeframe to try for it, that pushes it into the 'not bloody likely' category.

Not getting it isn't the end of the world, but not getting it after putting in hundreds of hours, that's frustrating. Of course, people don't have to do this to themselves, but we all know that some will. And setting up people for frustration as part of a holiday event, that doesn't ring very festive to me.

People also don't have to shoot up with heroin and ruin their lives, but we all know that some do. That's why the stuff is illegal.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2008


Originally Posted by Gli View Post

An extremely low droprate coupled with a pretty brief timeframe to try for it, that pushes it into the 'not bloody likely' category.

Not getting it isn't the end of the world, but not getting it after putting in hundreds of hours, that's frustrating. Of course, people don't have to do this to themselves, but we all know that some will. And setting up people for frustration as part of a holiday event, that doesn't ring very festive to me.

So if you have extremely low drop rate and anyway you decide to push yourself to try to get it it is your own fault that you get frustrated. Low drop rate is widely known. Anet should not be blamed for peoples own decisions. It is like complaining about low probabilities of lottery winnings. You take your decision to participate and later complain that after 3000 tries still no price? More or less it is the same here. I know the odds for lottery winning are low and I would like to win very much. Because of the low odds I do not waste my time and money. Why here it should be different?

There was a trade off. Or you make something very valuable and thus very very hard to get or you made something easy to get thus reducing its value. Anets decided that the first option is better. I really do not see the reason to complain here.

Stolen Souls

Stolen Souls

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

I think it's kind of stupid how special events = farm for something like crazy. Halloween = farm raptors for ToT Bags! Wintersday = farm quest for Polar Bear! I mean I know people will do what they want to do on these events, but I feel that the intention that Anet had for them (to be something fun and special) has been lost to most. It's now just another chance for profit. The fact that this thing is so rare is stupid. Like someone else said...Mini Polar Bear being rarer than Mini Kanaxai is just messed up, makes no sense, and should have been thought through much better. If they are going to do this again, they should fix (yes....fix) the rate that it drops. I can only see it leading to a few very lucky new millionairs, and many frustrated people that spent the entire time trying to get one, but didn't ('s their choice if they spend every minute trying for one).

As for me, I won't be bothering. I know better than to spend every minute grinding out a quest hoping for something with impossibly low odds to drop (just like I won't go spend $1000 on lottery tickets hoping to improve my chances of winning). If I wanna grind and farm...well, everything else in GW is based on those two things...I can do it anytime. On Wintersday I will be doing Wintersday stuff >_>

Originally Posted by Bug John View Post
GW is no lottery
But it does make some sense to compare this to a lottery. Odds of winning (getting the mini) are almost impossibly low, and it is each person's CHOICE to try to "win". In a lottery you can theoretically help your chances ( a tiny, tiny amount) by investing in more tickets. But odds are all you will achieve is wasted money. With the polar bear you can theoretically help your chances ( a tiny, tiny amount) by investing more time and grinding the quest. But odds are all you will achieve is wasted time.

Bug John

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
So if you have extremely low drop rate and anyway you decide to push yourself to try to get it it is your own fault that you get frustrated. Low drop rate is widely known. Anet should not be blamed for peoples own decisions. It is like complaining about low probabilities of lottery winnings. You take your decision to participate and later complain that after 3000 tries still no price? More or less it is the same here. I know the odds for lottery winning are low and I would like to win very much. Because of the low odds I do not waste my time and money. Why here it should be different?

There was a trade off. Or you make something very valuable and thus very very hard to get or you made something easy to get thus reducing its value. Anets decided that the first option is better. I really do not see the reason to complain here.

GW is no lottery

the miniature polar bear is the rarest mini in game, and it requires nothing but an insane luck to get it... a useless addition for 99.99999% of the community

there's no need to make it easy to get, just give it a droprate that suits the short time we can farm for it

btw, I don't ask this for money, even if one dropped for me tomorrow I wouldn't sell it, just like I didn't sell my greased lightning



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2008


Originally Posted by Bug John View Post
GW is no lottery

the miniature polar bear is the rarest mini in game, and it requires nothing but an insane luck to get it... a useless addition for 99.99999% of the community

there's no need to make it easy to get, just give it a droprate that suits the short time we can farm for it

btw, I don't ask this for money, even if one dropped for me tomorrow I wouldn't sell it, just like I didn't sell my greased lightning
GW is a one big set of lotteries in game theory sense. You never know what you get from z-chest. Every kill brings the random drop. Every chest gives random stuff as well.

The point is there is a need to have some extremely rare items in the game. People with insane amount of money need something to spend it on. Anet is providing it by the means of extremely rare minis. Call it luxury items which by default are not meant to be aquired by everyone. To get them you need to be extremely lucky or very very rich. I think some items like that should exist. At least people gathering stacks of armbraces have a possible goal to spend them on.

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Earth View Post
Not EVERYTHING has to be easy to obtain. Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it has to be made easy to get.
I don't think anyone is saying that. People have been crying out for new challenges, but ANet is happier to just give us lotteries. There's no hard or easy in a lottery - just how much of your life you're willing to waste.

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
There was a trade off. Or you make something very valuable and thus very very hard to get or you made something easy to get thus reducing its value. Anets decided that the first option is better.
And that's exactly it - ANet listened to the power-trading plebs crying that mini-pigs weren't worth selling, so put an event item in the game just for them! So the many thousands of us still playing are supposed to be happy because there's something rare for a handful of grifters to fight over, that we only get to read about here or see on wiki?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2008


Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
And that's exactly it - ANet listened to the power-trading plebs crying that mini-pigs weren't worth selling, so put an event item in the game just for them! So the many thousands of us still playing are supposed to be happy because there's something rare for a handful of grifters to fight over, that we only get to read about here or see on wiki?
If my neighbor can afford Ferrari and all the rest of the neighborhood cant, is it then an argument against people who produce Ferrari? That they do not make all people happy but just a one guy by producing such an expensive car? There are some items which are supposed to cater the needs only of the few. I do not see anything wrong with that.

Bug John

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
GW is a one big set of lotteries in game theory sense. You never know what you get from z-chest. Every kill brings the random drop. Every chest gives random stuff as well.

The point is there is a need to have some extremely rare items in the game. People with insane amount of money need something to spend it on. Anet is providing it by the means of extremely rare minis. Call it luxury items which by default are not meant to be aquired by everyone. To get them you need to be extremely lucky or very very rich. I think some items like that should exist. At least people gathering stacks of armbraces have a possible goal to spend them on.
any game has its part of randomness, but a 0.0000001% droprate in gw looks more like a bad joke to me

there's no "need" for a new uber rare mini, as trades between players aren't a money sink

btw, if there are really players around gathering stacks of armbraces to buy minis, I'm pretty sad for them, but I don't think their interest has to be considered first

anet created a mini, and less than 10 may drop each year, talk about useless work...

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
If my neighbor can afford Ferrari and all the rest of the neighborhood cant, is it then an argument against people who produce Ferrari? That they do not make all people happy but just a one guy by producing such an expensive car? There are some items which are supposed to cater the needs only of the few. I do not see anything wrong with that.
PLEASE, do not try to compare gw and the real world

nobody's starving to death in the gw universe

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
If my neighbor can afford Ferrari and all the rest of the neighborhood cant, is it then an argument against people who produce Ferrari? That they do not make all people happy but just a one guy by producing such an expensive car? There are some items who are supposed to care the needs only of the few. I do not see anything wrong with that.
Did you all buy the same type of garage and your cars just spawned in them? I'd complain.

FWIW, I agree that there should be rare items. I just think a festival is the wrong place to do it.

Stolen Souls

Stolen Souls

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
If my neighbor can afford Ferrari and all the rest of the neighborhood cant, is it then an argument against people who produce Ferrari? That they do not make all people happy but just a one guy by producing such an expensive car? There are some items which are supposed to cater the needs only of the few. I do not see anything wrong with that.

I'd wonder what quest I could grind until a ferrari popped out of the chest.

That's not a great comparison, as ferraris don't drop on a select few very lucky peoples' front lawns. xD

Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
FWIW, I agree that there should be rare items. I just think a festival is the wrong place to do it.
Agreed. There SHOULD be rare minis...and there are (Panda, Kanaxai, etc). Making one of the RAREST be a random (very rare) reward for a holiday quest makes no sense.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Shasgaliel View Post
The point is there is a need to have some extremely rare items in the game. People with insane amount of money need something to spend it on. Anet is providing it by the means of extremely rare minis. Call it luxury items which by default are not meant to be aquired by everyone. To get them you need to be extremely lucky or very very rich. I think some items like that should exist. At least people gathering stacks of armbraces have a possible goal to spend them on.
This is a bit tricky, but I'd be willing to argue that the inclusion of such rare and hard to obtain items was one of the first additions in GW that eventually led to the state we have now.
If nothing was so hard to obtain - there would be no reason to continue playing outside of having fun. People would stick to repeating PvE, quit or move onto PvP and there would be no need for the evolution (or degradation) of PvE that we see now. catered to the wishes of the people who longed to feel special in the most economic of all ways - by including massive amounts of grind. But the players (at least the most vocal of us) decided that grinding your way to being the most unique snowflake doesn't make you special - thus completely negating the whole point of adding this insane amount of moronic ideas.
Which we are still left with.

Ate of DK

Ate of DK

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


None but Fools [nuts]

We don't know it's droprate, not everyone posts on a forum and many people didn't know about it's existence last year. When more people start farming the hell out of that dungeon the number of polar bears will rapidly increase this year.

That's what I think,

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


Originally Posted by Earth View Post
Sorry, but just... Wow.
Some of the reactions here are just so incredibly stupid. It's a MINIPET, not getting it doesn't mean the end of the world or whatever. You can still enjoy your life, and your game, without a polar bear, can't you?

Not EVERYTHING has to be easy to obtain. Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it has to be made easy to get.
You're absolutely right, but then you may remember the original MPB thread a year ago, it was non-sensical, people crying and shouting at "unfairness" (and witchblade "bragging" about his MPB), calling Anet names and escalating Gaile's communication issue (it's still written in the unofficial wiki), people saying they quit, etc.

Since I've been on Guru, I've seen the "wall of fairness" pushed so many times in one direction or another (i.e., in the direction of me, me, me, me, me and more of me) that it's lost part of its sense. Some people are greedy, others are blinded by the "bling bling" of a few virtual pixels. This vanishes into thin air when you remind yourself (if you still can) that GW is a game that you're suppose to play for fun. And if fun means bragging (which it does for some), you may want to rethink your way of life



Always Outnumbered

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Bug John View Post
lol, there's a difference between something that needs commitment and a bit of luck to get, and something that is impossible to get
Not exactly "impossible", it just requires a lot of commitment and luck

Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
There's no hard or easy in a lottery - just how much of your life you're willing to waste.
And if you're not willing to waste your life you shouldn't complain.

Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
And that's exactly it - ANet listened to the power-trading plebs crying that mini-pigs weren't worth selling, so put an event item in the game just for them! So the many thousands of us still playing are supposed to be happy because there's something rare for a handful of grifters to fight over, that we only get to read about here or see on wiki?
How is that a problem, exactly? Those powertrading "plebs" just have some more commitment, and they're getting rewarded for it.

But ofcourse, that's bad, because you want it and don't want a select few to have it, just because they have more commitment to this game. I don't know, do you call commitment going through that dungeon 20 times, 10 times, 5 times and then getting a bear? I don't think so. It would also remove the "specialness" of this mini, because EVERYONE would have it, and people wouldn't want it anymore.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

My Chair


Originally Posted by fenix View Post
Around 3 dropped last year, that is all. If you believe otherwise, your information is incorrect.
your wrong. ive even seen more then 3 of those in game

and all you ppl whining about the low drop rate, if it had a high drop rate more would drop = lower price and you wouldn't want it as much.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006



I"m still surprized no one brought up the skill vs time agruement, nearly every thread brings this up. Personally i wish they would have adjusted the drop rate, it was on the other end of the spectrum as the mini pig.
Currently, the rarest minipet is the polar bear, a very rare drop from a piss easy mission. Then you got to compare it to kanaxai, which was rewards for championships and grand prizes from art contests. Kanaxai should be the rarest minipet, because it required skill to get one, not getting lucky. The polar bear is an event items, so it should be fun, so if people who attempt to get it, should be able to get one, not spend 30 hours doing a mission ove and over agian and gettting nothing.
Originally Posted by Earth View Post
I don't know, do you call commitment going through that dungeon 20 times, 10 times, 5 times and then getting a bear? I don't think so. It would also remove the "specialness" of this mini, because EVERYONE would have it, and people wouldn't want it anymore.
You can commit yourself to running the dungeon 1000 times, and still would probably not get it. It not commitment issue, it a pure luck issue.



Desert Nomad

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If you people are being frustrated that you do not have this minipet, guess wut? It is your own fault for allowing something such as a mini get to you. Its a game. If this pet was common, u wouldnt want it anymore. Lets say for example mini gwen was a tournament mini. A whole lot of ppl would want it more than right now. Why? Because alot less people would have it, so more people will want it. If you dont get it even though u farmed for it alot, guess what? Too fking bad. Things that are special are special because they not everyone has them.

Originally Posted by Shadowmoon View Post
I"m still surprized no one brought up the skill vs time agruement, nearly every thread brings this up. Personally i wish they would have adjusted the drop rate, it was on the other end of the spectrum as the mini pig.
Currently, the rarest minipet is the polar bear, a very rare drop from a piss easy mission. Then you got to compare it to kanaxai, which was rewards for championships and grand prizes from art contests. Kanaxai should be the rarest minipet, because it required skill to get one, not getting lucky. The polar bear is an event items, so it should be fun, so if people who attempt to get it, should be able to get one, not spend 30 hours doing a mission ove and over agian and gettting nothing.
the skill vs time argument was in regards to the advantage a player who spent more time grinding would have compared to someone who has spent less time in the game. having that mini will not make u do more dmg, so skill > time still applies.

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Earth View Post
How is that a problem, exactly? Those powertrading "plebs" just have some more commitment, and they're getting rewarded for it.

But ofcourse, that's bad, because you want it and don't want a select few to have it, just because they have more commitment to this game. I don't know, do you call commitment going through that dungeon 20 times, 10 times, 5 times and then getting a bear? I don't think so. It would also remove the "specialness" of this mini, because EVERYONE would have it, and people wouldn't want it anymore.
If powertraders had any commitment to the game, they wouldn't be powertrading. WTS/WTB all day long is not playing GW!

BTW, I find the concept of "specialness", you talk of, weird and creepy. Most special pets to me are the Kuunavang and the (original) Pig. Seeing several Kuunies in every major outpost doesn't detract from it's cool serene animation and players having so many pigs, they'd delete some for storage space, didn't make them any less cute.

Oh and I don't really want the bear. I wanted it last year, but now it's already too tainted in my mind. I just want ANet to stop pulling #### like this.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005


Scars Meadows [SMS]


Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
If powertraders had any commitment to the game, they wouldn't be powertrading. WTS/WTB all day long is not playing GW!
And how do you explain that? Not everyone plays the game the same way as you might.

Edit: To me playing the game is doing something you enjoy. Either it be killing 9001 raptors, running naked around GH or filling trade chat in Spamadan.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Trying to stay out of Ryuk's Death Note


Originally Posted by Fates Monk View Post
You're talking out of your ass. You, and everyone else that thinks they know the drop rate. A-net has never published any drop rates.
Whatever the drop rate is does not matter, people will hit those quests no matter what the drop rate is. Sorry that you seem so offended by everyone and what they choose to think. I think the rate is now 1:1,000,000,000,000


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Wait 1 Min !!!!!
Ty now i have your attention - the chest the bear can drop from - where exactly is it as some posts say umbrals grotto ( secret lair dungeon ) but others and wiki states the wintersday chest from the portal wraith quest - The Strength of Snow or Straight to the Heart.

Now if i go by posts on here then a load of ppl are farming secret lair for bear when its not even there .
For the sake of the community and ppls sanity can someone please verify the exact location .

ty for reading



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by auch View Post
your wrong. ive even seen more then 3 of those in game

and all you ppl whining about the low drop rate, if it had a high drop rate more would drop = lower price and you wouldn't want it as much.

Or you just saw the same couple of minipets being powertraded around to different people....


Everybody please stop lying about the drop rate from last year claiming "OMG there was 200 polar bears last year, people just didn't report it to guru noobs" crap. You are all just lying trying to influence the prices. New items in GW, after they get added, get found incrediablly quickly, and appear on guru and the wiki within hours. The fact that the polar bear did not get found for so long (a couple weeks into wintersday, even after 1000s of people had done those quests), and the fact that for a long time only 1 was confirmed to exist via Witchblade (for so long that many people, even Galie, claimed it must be a hoax) is strong evidence to suggest that it really is that rare and only a very small number of them droped.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Trying to stay out of Ryuk's Death Note


Originally Posted by Spiritz View Post
Wait 1 Min !!!!!
Ty now i have your attention - the chest the bear can drop from - where exactly is it as some posts say umbrals grotto ( secret lair dungeon ) but others and wiki states the wintersday chest from the portal wraith quest - The Strength of Snow or Straight to the Heart.

Now if i go by posts on here then a load of ppl are farming secret lair for bear when its not even there .
For the sake of the community and ppls sanity can someone please verify the exact location .

ty for reading
last year:

Quests from the Rift Warden (Accessed at both Lions Arch and Kamadan)

In Grenth's Defense
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grenth
Straight to the Heart - Eye of the North required (mini)
The Strength of Snow - Eye of the North required (mini)

And this:
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
There are two kinds of chests:

The Wintersday Chest -- This is the chest that is available only through two special Wintersday quests.

The Chest of Wintersday Past -- This is the chest that stands at all times at the end of the Secret Lair of the Snowmen quest.

The only chest that will provide the Miniature Polar Bear is the Wintersday Chest, and that will be gone very soon, likely sometime tonight. Will it return during Wintersday 2008? That's pretty likely.



I <3 unconditional

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon City Int. 1

Ashfords Last Heirs [olsq]

You guys are sick. There are 2 possibilities:

1.) No new Polar Bears
2.) New Polar Bears

Case 1:

Nobody has a Polar Bear, nobody cares

Case 2 (what actually happened):

Some guys get a Polar Bear and can be happy. Some don't, so why do they care (see Case 1)? You should not complain about the situation as it is, because Case 1 would have been worse.

Your Problem:

You're afraid that someone else might get the bear. Jealousy for virtual items. Please remember: GW is a game.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006




Originally Posted by _Todeshand_ View Post
You're afraid that someone else might get the bear. Jealousy for virtual items.

and 1-2 more bears aren't affecting the economy...

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by _Todeshand_ View Post
Your Problem:

You're afraid that someone else might get the bear. Jealousy for virtual items. Please remember: GW is a game.
Oh, come one, you can do better than that! It's not jealousy, it's communism! We just want everybody to be equal.

Anyway - Case 3:

I get the bear and treat you all to a youtube vid of it getting binned. Joy!

Bug John

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by _Todeshand_ View Post
Your Problem:

You're afraid that someone else might get the bear. Jealousy for virtual items. Please remember: GW is a game.
you made my day...

internet psychiatrists wannabes make me laugh

I'm just jealous, thanks for your brilliant analysis, I really feel better now

the problem is not other players getting minipets, the problem is that the droprate is so ridiculously low that this item will only affect 0.000001% of gw community, so, what was the point of creating it ?



I <3 unconditional

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon City Int. 1

Ashfords Last Heirs [olsq]

Originally Posted by Bug John View Post
the problem is not other players getting minipets, the problem is that the droprate is so ridiculously low that this item will only affect 0.000001% of gw community, so, what was the point of creating it ?
You didn't create it. So why do you complain that creating it was nonsense? Only 0.000001% of People drive a Ferrari, so, what's the point of creating them?

To give rich guys something that makes them feel special. So - why do you complain about them getting their special cookie?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by auch View Post
and all you ppl whining about the low drop rate, if it had a high drop rate more would drop = lower price and you wouldn't want it as much.
Just like I hate my mini-pigs. Right.

Except that I don't hate my mini pigs. I actually enjoy them quite a bit. They're fun. Oh wait, is that because they're worth lots and lots of money? Hardly. Is it because no one else has them? No. Gee... maybe there's some sort of enjoyment for things in the game that do not revolve around virtual gold... nah. That's just crazy talk.

Oh, and for those comparing a Ferrari to the chance of a minipet... you're making a horrid comparison. All else being equal (which it never is in the real world, of course), if you work long enough, you'll be able to afford a Ferrari. There's no such guarantee for a mini polar bear. You could do the Wintersday quest all throughout Wintersday and get no mini polar bear. Someone else could come along and do the quest once and get the mini. If you want to compare a real world reward like a Ferrari to an in game item, at least compare it to something like Obsidian armor. If you farm long enough in game you'll be able to afford Obsidian armor, no "luck" involved (although some luck will reduce the time you need to farm).



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Mini pigs are nice thing to bring up.

I mean, they were just perfect - overabundant, sure, but it didn't really bother anyone. Gift you could hand out to people which would bring smile on face of pretty much every person with carebearish tendencies. They didn't enarge anyone e-peen, true, but that should not be point of events.

Then anet "fixed" it and made followup pets much, much rarer and much more e-peen worthy ... or did they?

I guess they learned their lesson and will not risk more than dozen bear drops, because gold minipets and minipet economy is serious business.

I can sooo imagine big "Mini Bear Drops" counter LCD in anet office with some caffeine-boosted dev staring at it and holding his finger on emergency server shutdown button ready to press it should counter be closing to some dangerously high number. Like 10.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Trying to stay out of Ryuk's Death Note


Originally Posted by Jongo River View Post
Oh, come one, you can do better than that! It's not jealousy, it's communism! We just want everybody to be equal.

Polar bear utopia we can all share the polar bears! Instead of a new hat I think everyone should get a polar bear! Or better yet a polar bear hat!!!!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006



This is what infuriates me most about Anet. Not the existence of the pet itself, but the way you get it. They say they want to encourage people to play the game more, lessen grind etc etc. Then come up with this fkn stupid idea.

Witchblade seems very nice, dedicated player and all that. But equally some total knob who had the game for 5 mins and just spammed all chat with 'how rubbish GW is and WoW is much better' could have got that lucky drop.

Plus now wintersday won't be a fun event with people chatting in town, taking prezzies to kids and helping with quests etc. People won't want to waste a second of their farming time.

GG anet. Surely it can't be that hard, to come up with ways to actually reward people, for teaming up with real players and playing the game. Instead of this constant supply of 'the latest cool item' which just encourages more farming grind/builds and discourages new players.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by _Todeshand_ View Post
You didn't create it. So why do you complain that creating it was nonsense? Only 0.000001% of People drive a Ferrari, so, what's the point of creating them?
You may not be aware of this, so I'll clue you in: people pay significant amounts of money for Ferrari's. That's why Ferrari makes cars: to make money.

So, how exactly does this relate to the rarity of these mini-bears? Because I don't see it. Are you suggesting that people pay ANet significant amounts of money to receive rare minipets? Because that's the only way your fabulous Ferrari anology would work.

Smurf Minions

Smurf Minions

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Somewhere you can't see

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


why do people even care, its just luxury anyway.

oh and don't say it was content you paid for, they made it after the release...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Originally Posted by Tullzinski View Post
Polar bear utopia we can all share the polar bears! Instead of a new hat I think everyone should get a polar bear! Or better yet a polar bear hat!!!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Smurf Minions View Post
why do people even care
Because the way it was implemented is pure evil. Wintersday should be an event where people have fun together in a grindless, co-operative role playing game. The MPB is a reward for those who do not co-operate (because it's a forced solo mission) and the only way to increase your chances from astronomical to merely ludicrous is to get a serious fit of OCD for the duration of the entire event.

It's like a jolly competition where company X raises the festive spirit of their employees by announcing that everybody who dumps their family and works 24/7 through the season will get a go at the grand prize of one million dollars. Participation completely voluntary ...

I don't care about the damned mini, I'm questioning the sanity of the developer who thought that it was a great addition to the game.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Trying to stay out of Ryuk's Death Note


Originally Posted by zwei2stein View Post
ROFLMAO!!!! That is now my desktop background! Too Funny!!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

San Francisco, UC Berkeley

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Originally Posted by tmakinen View Post
I don't care about the damned mini, I'm questioning the sanity of the developer who thought that it was a great addition to the game.
anet did not HAVE to add the minipet to the game. they thought it would be a cool lil random extra to add to the chest. lil did they know the gw community is a childish bunch of whiners who think everything should be easily gotten, which for some reason wasnt evident when a metric ton of ppl clamored for inscriptions.

the community, rather than seeing as a nice lil bonus to the chest whos main farm is for holiday items, now thinks the only purpose of the quest chest is to farm for the mini.