[Dev Update] - 11 December 2008
actually, if the AoE damage isnt armor ignoring, it is going to suck, if it is, I would really consider using it.
Talking about Hundred blades still...forgot to mention that lol
Talking about Hundred blades still...forgot to mention that lol
Apollo Smile
Nice skill update. I already can see some really fun builds to make with these.
Fixed a bug that caused drunk effects to fade after zoning.... YES! I finally dodged a nerf bullet and just finished my title! My luck might be changing after all! I might not have to farm for 24/7 for 14 days straight to get a stupid polar bear drop now... I can sense it coming my way... I might get to enjoy the winter festival instead.
Great update, will be expecting some nerfs in the future though.
The [aura of the lich] change I think was a good one. In ab MM were very tough to take down if they were backed by a monk and no one had multiple enchantment removal, cough... rend cough... I am excited to try some of the warrior, ranger and mesmer elites in GvG, and some of the monk elites in RA and TA. Though the first thing I will be doing is some ab with my sin
EDIT: I guess you could say rend and spiking in general took an indirect nerf with the buff of that pargon skill, but we shall see if it sees play.
The [aura of the lich] change I think was a good one. In ab MM were very tough to take down if they were backed by a monk and no one had multiple enchantment removal, cough... rend cough... I am excited to try some of the warrior, ranger and mesmer elites in GvG, and some of the monk elites in RA and TA. Though the first thing I will be doing is some ab with my sin

EDIT: I guess you could say rend and spiking in general took an indirect nerf with the buff of that pargon skill, but we shall see if it sees play.
Rhamia Darigaz
the potential for manly warrior builds has just skyrocketed
oh, also: primal frenzy heal sig yeye?
oh shit nvm they're both stances
the potential for manly warrior builds has just skyrocketed
oh, also: primal frenzy heal sig yeye?
oh shit nvm they're both stances

Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
And thank you Anet for completely killing Amatz. I mean, you could have reduced the faction per refugee to.. let's say 10 faction, but no, you'd rather kill it completely, making Amatz the desert town it once was. JQ will be swamped, with the FA turtle buffs in addition to the Amatz nerf.
eh, nothing good for Rangers...
Archer's Signet is pointless when the only condition worth extending comes from an elite... Apply Poison, Hunter's Shot are mentioned on the dev update? lol... as if you can't just shoot the person one more time. Concussion Shot... lasts... 15 seconds at 10 marks? 20 with 33% silencing? Yes, that definitely needs to be extended to 40 seconds...
Strike as One... well, if it weren't elite, it might be interesting to combine with Wastrel's Collapse for some spiking... no point teleporting pets around if they can't use an elite to kill stuff.
Archer's Signet is pointless when the only condition worth extending comes from an elite... Apply Poison, Hunter's Shot are mentioned on the dev update? lol... as if you can't just shoot the person one more time. Concussion Shot... lasts... 15 seconds at 10 marks? 20 with 33% silencing? Yes, that definitely needs to be extended to 40 seconds...
Strike as One... well, if it weren't elite, it might be interesting to combine with Wastrel's Collapse for some spiking... no point teleporting pets around if they can't use an elite to kill stuff.
placebo overdose
[Archers Signet]+[Concussion Shot]+silencing=1 min daze...
They took one of the only two skills monks had to regen energy and turned in to a condition and hex remover.
We already have a plethora of condition and hex removers Anet you "G" damn idiots!
We already have a plethora of condition and hex removers Anet you "G" damn idiots!

I can't really think of anything bad to say. I'm stoked about the buff to underused/underpowered elites and anxious to try some alternate builds.
That having been said, I won't be playing Monk in RA for a long while. For that style of PvP, these skills absolutely destroy Monk abilities to either defend or outheal.
Overall, thank you ANet. Will be interesting trying to form some builds around these.
That having been said, I won't be playing Monk in RA for a long while. For that style of PvP, these skills absolutely destroy Monk abilities to either defend or outheal.
Overall, thank you ANet. Will be interesting trying to form some builds around these.
Dante the Warlord
I think I have made up my mind - Aura of the Lich is just basically Bone Horror, but with a +1 DM that you can keep continuously. IMHO I don't think its quiet as good as the old one (esp since healing will be a hassle now). It is probably great for minion bombers because you can create a lot of minions fast.
Grand Theft Ecto
Double Dragon + Glyph of Elemental Power + 16 Fire Magic = 20 Fire Magic.
Hello big numbers. |
25, possibly 26 with 25% boost. Yellow numbers go!
so that's 4 skills to get advantage from one elite.
then you have a rez and an e-management skill, so you have 2 slots available for actual damage.
Gimmick numbers work but not really.
then you have a rez and an e-management skill, so you have 2 slots available for actual damage.
Gimmick numbers work but not really.

Kerwyn Nasilan
Nother new update, probably fixing Cultists, and seems to be giving out more t reward points
Wild Rituals
Bug fix for second update
Um Yeah
Didn't fix cultist's
If you want fun, go to Umbral Grotto and listen to all the Permasins QQ. Many of them still haven't figured it out and think their run is destroyed.
Much harder to run VS farms now with the more frequent SF casting...because self-healing is pretty energy-intensive as it is, and longer stops = more damage from trample.
Khazad Guard
[Aura of the Lich]+[Explosive Growth]+[Spirit's Gift]+[Boon of Creation]?
Correct me if I am wrong about the change to AotL:
AB: 1 Shrine with 3 NPCs + 2 additional human foes killed = Complete army with one cast?
There are so many possibilities to use this...insane
AB: 1 Shrine with 3 NPCs + 2 additional human foes killed = Complete army with one cast?
There are so many possibilities to use this...insane
Add in a 40/40 death set for more frequent spawning and you get:
I want to use this in urgoz, seriously.
As for the AB example: 3 npc's plus two humans + 1 default for the skill is only 6 minions. Not a full army, unless you're running 10 death or something.
I want to use this in urgoz, seriously.
As for the AB example: 3 npc's plus two humans + 1 default for the skill is only 6 minions. Not a full army, unless you're running 10 death or something.
Good Job Izzy, you finally did something Good for once. Keep it up
Great stuff but whats with all the attrib increasing stuff? Is he running out of ideas?
" Meh idk how to make this one better lets just boost the attribs again"
" Meh idk how to make this one better lets just boost the attribs again"
the savage nornbear
peace and harmony is nuts
from a dervish perspective:
shafted yet AGAIN, it never fails
Reapers Sweep: The "remove an enchant" should not be the alternative to not causing deep wound, it should be in CONJUNCTION with it
Onslaught: Good job, finally
Avatar of Grenth: The life steal should have been a PvP change aswell, its a GOD FORM, the only unique line of derv skills and you are only in these forms half the time in pvp, not to mention they're uber easy to interrupt.
shafted yet AGAIN, it never fails
Reapers Sweep: The "remove an enchant" should not be the alternative to not causing deep wound, it should be in CONJUNCTION with it
Onslaught: Good job, finally
Avatar of Grenth: The life steal should have been a PvP change aswell, its a GOD FORM, the only unique line of derv skills and you are only in these forms half the time in pvp, not to mention they're uber easy to interrupt.
UW SC isn't going to be hurt by this much. Pools people are going to have a little more trouble, the extra casting can be deadly with charged on you. But all this is going to do is make use of cupcakes/candy apples more common for the extra energy.
And with cupcake/dark escape, you can outrun charged anyway.
And with cupcake/dark escape, you can outrun charged anyway.
Gun Pierson
Looks like an interesting update.
Don't know what to think about Peace and Harmony yet. Sounds great, we shall see.
Don't know what to think about Peace and Harmony yet. Sounds great, we shall see.
Master Ketsu
P+H is holy wtf. gg hex meta.
Sadly alot of these skill changes will just cause different problems, as they are still pretty mindless.
But really, did Anet just want to take two of the lamest skills in the game ( P/H, Wastrel's collapse ) and turn them into two of the best ? Both are insane.
IMO change wastrels collapse wording around a bit: "if target foe is using a skill, you shadow step to them and your target is knocked down" basically make the entire skill conditional instead of unconditional 20 sec shadowstep and easy KD.
One thing I don't like is more enchantment hate. Enchant removal was already buffed more then it needed to be and this will just make the problem worse. IMO if they want to give anti hex and anti enchantmore power they should also lower the recharge a bit on certain key hexes/enchants otherwise its going to make a lot of skills worthless.
Sadly alot of these skill changes will just cause different problems, as they are still pretty mindless.
But really, did Anet just want to take two of the lamest skills in the game ( P/H, Wastrel's collapse ) and turn them into two of the best ? Both are insane.
IMO change wastrels collapse wording around a bit: "if target foe is using a skill, you shadow step to them and your target is knocked down" basically make the entire skill conditional instead of unconditional 20 sec shadowstep and easy KD.
One thing I don't like is more enchantment hate. Enchant removal was already buffed more then it needed to be and this will just make the problem worse. IMO if they want to give anti hex and anti enchantmore power they should also lower the recharge a bit on certain key hexes/enchants otherwise its going to make a lot of skills worthless.
Now that I think about this update...most of it was just making unused elites into more powerful versions of existing skills. It's not like they're really doing much bar compression, they're just giving you an elite option to an existing non-elite and letting you use another regular skill, when there are no regular skills to take the place of the replaced elites.
Interesting change. Peace and Harmony just became the must have for dealing with conditions and hexes. 100 blades is something I'm going to want to tinker with. I don't think it'd be good for HM very much but I'm sure it'll have a use. My only criticism with primal rage is they should have made soldier's stance work that way instead to make tactics a little more valuable again.
The SF nerf is meh because that skill helps keep ecto prices down.
The SF nerf is meh because that skill helps keep ecto prices down.
Interesting stuff.
GJ Anet!
GJ Anet!
Just noticed something:
Shouldn't that be Silverwing Slash since that is cantha?
The Warrior's Construct in Sunjiang Distract now has Galrath Slash instead of Tiger Stance. |
I haven't figured out if the new Aura of the Lich is good or bad.
The update was good.
Monks and necros benefited the most from the update.
From the mesmer side the update is ok , but none of the elite will make stop using AP in pve , although Symbols of Inspiration is pretty sweet. It would be awesome if the other skill stealing skills have an increased attribute , not 0.
Monks and necros benefited the most from the update.
From the mesmer side the update is ok , but none of the elite will make stop using AP in pve , although Symbols of Inspiration is pretty sweet. It would be awesome if the other skill stealing skills have an increased attribute , not 0.
Wild Karrde
from a dervish perspective:
shafted yet AGAIN, it never fails Reapers Sweep: The "remove an enchant" should not be the alternative to not causing deep wound, it should be in CONJUNCTION with it Onslaught: Good job, finally Avatar of Grenth: The life steal should have been a PvP change aswell, its a GOD FORM, the only unique line of derv skills and you are only in these forms half the time in pvp, not to mention they're uber easy to interrupt. *sigh* |
You still have wounding strike and its still way overpowered so quit whining.
Hundred blades is basically the celestial skill that the dumb dragon gives you...
Primal Rage could be interesting.. not sure how i feel about it yet.
Incoming as an elite fall back.. not really worth it
Life Sheath could be good.
Peace and Harmony is good.... we got a great hex removal now.
I dont like the change to blinding surge... sure its viable again.... but perma blind is no fun for anything that uses a weapon to do dmg.... thats what... half the professions.
Not sure about the sin ones... seems like they could be abused... we will see soon. SF is can still be permad... not hit hard enough with the nerf bat.
Nothing done about balance issues, hopefully that update is coming soon.
Hehe Winterclaw, beat you by 64 posts on the Galrath/Silverwing. But who's counting? 
Anyway, just another random thought, why did eles need a 3 second Shadow Form in Ether Prism? Also, lulz at the devs comment about eles needing elite energy management when dual attunement has been out for centuries by now.
Anyway, just another random thought, why did eles need a 3 second Shadow Form in Ether Prism? Also, lulz at the devs comment about eles needing elite energy management when dual attunement has been out for centuries by now.
Sorry about that, I didn't read the earlier posts at the time I posted.
Master Ketsu
A/mo build: