[Dev Update] - 15 January 2009
Make it so we can swap out our belt pouches and bags. This multiplies our storage by like ~4-10x (too lazy for math) just by doing something as simple as this. Problem solved.
Make it so we can swap out our belt pouches and bags. This multiplies our storage by like ~4-10x (too lazy for math) just by doing something as simple as this. Problem solved.
Oh for gods sake. It has NOTHING to do with the interface of the item storage. It's not that simple. They can't just magically replace the word "belt" with "bag" and expand our storage.
The problem is trying to figure out a way to expand the storage/backpack space which is limited by the computer coding and the server space. It has to do with... you know... complex mathematics and lines of code about how data is stored and transferred.
This is the biggest problem a lot of people have on this forum is a lack of understanding about the nature of how video games are made. I mean, I don't know much about coding myself, but I know some engineers who do and I know its a lot more complex then people give them credit for. It isn't just point and click. It is a long, arduous process that has a lot of variables.
Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't quite understand the deal with all the negativity in this thread. You aren't paying money to play every month, and they still offer updates at no cost to you, you cannot honestly expect them to roll out updates constantly catering to you and others while receiving little income. This is the price you pay in place of more money.
Seriously, see things from their side before you judge.
Seriously, see things from their side before you judge.
Spaced Invader
Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't quite understand the deal with all the negativity in this thread. You aren't paying money to play every month, and they still offer updates at no cost to you, you cannot honestly expect them to roll out updates constantly catering to you and others while receiving little income. This is the price you pay in place of more money.
Seriously, see things from their side before you judge. |
I think it's just a kind of bad marketing. Writing a wall of text about how awesome that new live content team is and what unlimited possibilities they have and that they have tons of content in store... and then closing that outlook with more or less a single addition ("bigger storage which will take us 4 months to implement") simply begs to be laughed at.
They should have just made a "we give you more storage"-announcement when it's about to be done and everyone would be happy.
Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't quite understand the deal with all the negativity in this thread. You aren't paying money to play every month, and they still offer updates at no cost to you, you cannot honestly expect them to roll out updates constantly catering to you and others while receiving little income. This is the price you pay in place of more money.
Seriously, see things from their side before you judge. |
Besides, there are games where after more than 3 years developers still fix bugs and release patches.
Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights, for example.
Simple solution - release content packs every 6 months, like promised.
Besides, there are games where after more than 3 years developers still fix bugs and release patches. Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights, for example. |
2) Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights both were developed by bigger companies with more people and more resources that could be used.
Takeko Nakano
Who said we didn't want to pay more money for more content? I would pay for new content.
Which is that what, it's somehow good business practice to tempt someone with a new game and then not release anything hard for years? This isn't a woman teasing a man to keep him interested - this is a customer-service relationship.
Seriously, see things from their side before you judge. |
Lycan Nibbler
Who said we didn't want to pay more money for more content? I would pay for new content.
Which is that what, it's somehow good business practice to tempt someone with a new game and then not release anything hard for years? This isn't a woman teasing a man to keep him interested - this is a customer-service relationship. |
ANYTHING such as extra storage/MOX quests etc etc that are not charged for, are things we should be grateful for.
Rocky Raccoon
If you told only few people on Some Site Somewhere that there will be a news, you are favoring those few Chosen Ones.
If people wanted to know the news, why didn't you post it here? Or on any of the big fansites? |
Half the posts in this thread are just whining by people who have no patience and haven't had their personal agendas satisfied.
Takeko Nakano
You the customer received the service, being the game and able to play it on the server for the length of time anet choose. they are under NO obligation to provide anything extra
It's called business common-sense, which so many people here seem to have zero appreciation of - perhaps because they've never worked in business.
just all these people have come to expect it and QQ when they dont get their personal itinerary satisfied - well its their problem not anets |
ANYTHING such as extra storage/MOX quests etc etc that are not charged for, are things we should be grateful for. |
All of you complaining that this isnt a "good enough" update or OMG not till April! Are a bunch of ungrateful brats.
Jesus, more content for free wtf. They are under no obligation to give us more updates/content. Especially for free.
People suck.
Oh & BTW Regina said that the list that was posted is JUST A FEW of the projects they are working on. Theres no telling what they have in store for us. There may be another BMP in the works for all we know.
FN get over yourselves....
Jesus, more content for free wtf. They are under no obligation to give us more updates/content. Especially for free.
People suck.
Oh & BTW Regina said that the list that was posted is JUST A FEW of the projects they are working on. Theres no telling what they have in store for us. There may be another BMP in the works for all we know.
FN get over yourselves....
Rocky Raccoon
Actually the problem is the forum bullies that start pushing people around as soon as they make a single word of complaint.
Assuming they want it. I haven't played the MOX quests and what the monkey's am I going to do with extra storage when I could just sell the stuff I've accumulated over the years but not done anything with? |
Fril Estelin
The real bullies on this forum are the ones who jump all over anyone who might have the audacity to say some good about ANET. Thank you for your great example of what I just posted just before yours.(notice the bolds)
Not to say that this announcement is not good, but I honestly think that the anticlimax ("We're planning big things...some of them are: storage update...") was simply a bit strange. But I praise Anet for their continued support and I'll patiently wait for this new stuff in the coming month (it's not like it's 6months-1 year away!).
Shemsu Anpw
To keep people interested is one thing, to demand they make you new stuff because you feel you are entitlted to it or demand it is silly. They have your money, the servers are still up and they are providing updates to GW overall, not to a small slice of select few that are apparently never satisfied. It is more likely most of the QQers just want to antagonize peope for fun, and also no longer play. That in itself is a sad state of affairs when this is what they do to pass the time.
I've posted this idea a lot of times already, and also on my own wiki talk page, as well as on Linsey's talk page:
I'd really like an option to manage ALL my characters inventories plus my storage all at once.
Imagine a window or a full screen display if you will with all of your characters' inventories next to each other, say up to 5 inventories in one screen (1 row of 5 inventories) and all your Xunlai tabs on the bottom (tabs 1 through 4 and the materials tab next to eachother.) So you'd have 2 rows of 5 tabs in total.
In this window you can easily drag and drop all of your stuff to whatever spot you like.
If you have more than 5 characters, you can simply scroll through tabs with a "left" and "right" arrow button on the left and right side of the window/screen (kind of like the character selection screen, only your inventories just swap 1 place instead of "sliding" along like your characters). You could also add heroes with a rolldown menu, and manage their gear as well. Pre-searing characters would be greyed out.
Here's a photoshop image of this idea. R.Shayne also made a screenie that sort of shows what I'm thinking of.
I'd really like an option to manage ALL my characters inventories plus my storage all at once.
Imagine a window or a full screen display if you will with all of your characters' inventories next to each other, say up to 5 inventories in one screen (1 row of 5 inventories) and all your Xunlai tabs on the bottom (tabs 1 through 4 and the materials tab next to eachother.) So you'd have 2 rows of 5 tabs in total.
In this window you can easily drag and drop all of your stuff to whatever spot you like.
If you have more than 5 characters, you can simply scroll through tabs with a "left" and "right" arrow button on the left and right side of the window/screen (kind of like the character selection screen, only your inventories just swap 1 place instead of "sliding" along like your characters). You could also add heroes with a rolldown menu, and manage their gear as well. Pre-searing characters would be greyed out.
Here's a photoshop image of this idea. R.Shayne also made a screenie that sort of shows what I'm thinking of.
Do you really think Guru is the end all of forums? If it is posted on the official website and you don't know emough to check it out, your problem.
Half the posts in this thread are just whining by people who have no patience and haven't had their personal agendas satisfied. |
"Elite Fansite".
If a Community Manager doesn't visit or post important things on an Elite Fansite, then where else?
Besides, what kind of CM makes fans ask him/her for some news? I thought CM's job is informing the community what's going on, not to wait and see if they ask.
Shemsu Anpw
@sjeng interesting idea. Seems like it would be nice way to manage all chars inventory
Sorry but this is very unimpressive. I don't think at this point anyone really wants Anet to work on another tab of stroage.. in the end it's still going to be more of the same unless they add new areas to explore and what not. Wish they'd get on with Guild Wars 2.. they announced that way too early imo.
Wtf storage update. Seriously.
Do you remember the implement of Sorrow's Furnace? Now that was new content. More storage? Who gives a damn?
Do you remember the implement of Sorrow's Furnace? Now that was new content. More storage? Who gives a damn?
Takeko Nakano
The real bullies on this forum are the ones who jump all over anyone who might have the audacity to say some good about ANET.
Thank you for your great example of what I just posted just before yours.(notice the bolds) |
willie nelson
"Hey guys we've got nothing on GW2 right now, could you just chuck something out to keep the player whining about something else besides the fact we haven't given them any information on GW2 for almost two years now"
"Sure thing. Anything else."
"Yeah don't do it like right now, delay it till April or something, cuz we won't have anything out for at least another year, or ever..."
"No problem. Later!"
"Sure thing. Anything else."
"Yeah don't do it like right now, delay it till April or something, cuz we won't have anything out for at least another year, or ever..."
"No problem. Later!"
Nude Nira
Sorrows Furnace was added how many years ago? Remember, Anet had everyone working on the game at the time. Now let's fast forward, Anet has like 2 people working on the game, do you really think two people could acomplish anything like Sorrows Furnace in a reasonable amount of time?
The only this Developer Update tell me, is GW2 is taking more time than expected to develop; that's a good thing, I think.
The long waited HoM update is announced again.
More storage.
More storage.
We are even expanding the Live Team to offer more of the best quality support and content that we can for Guild Wars. |
Sorry but this is very unimpressive. I don't think at this point anyone really wants Anet to work on another tab of stroage.. in the end it's still going to be more of the same unless they add new areas to explore and what not. Wish they'd get on with Guild Wars 2.. they announced that way too early imo.
mox and even the bmp were a few hours distraction at best
ohh only 3+months till the next update
these sparse updates are no substitute for proper fresh content, bring on gw2
ohh only 3+months till the next update
these sparse updates are no substitute for proper fresh content, bring on gw2
Operative 14
Originally Posted by Original Dev Update in question
Coming Attractions The Live Team is now designing the first big content update of 2009, which we expect to release in April. We had many discussions towards the end of last year and ended up with a major wish list and a plan for what it would take to make that list a reality. At this point, we have a clear idea of what is ahead of us and we hope everyone will be as excited about these prospects as we are. Here are a few features we are currently developing for April:
Originally Posted by Linsey Murdock's Journal, 1/15/09
Today the Live Team made a big announcement. Needless to say, we are all very excited about these changes and what they mean for Guild Wars. The little tidbits we listed are just the beginning and certainly not all we have planned for April. <3
http://www.wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/U...urdock/Journal |
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra's Journal, 1/9/09
... We're going to be releasing some news to give you an idea of what we have in store for GW1 this year. Look for that soon. I think people will be very excited about what we're working on...
http://www.wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/U...naobra/Journal |
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra, Topic "(Dev Update) - 15 January 2009", Page 4, Post #73
...I'd also like to note that the three listed features are a few of what we're working on for April. |
Storage is not all they are updating or adding in April. It's just what they've told us so that we aren't spending the next four months wondering where our dev team has gone. Would you have been happier with nothing?
Simple solution - release content packs every 6 months, like promised. |
Have a little faith, guys. Arenanet likes to deliver surprises, like adding a new town and quest line to 2008's Wintersday, the MOX Quests, Hardmode, the endgame area for Prophecies, not mention when they added the additional 3 storage tabs, and many other fun surprises.
Storage is not all they are updating or adding in April. It's just what they've told us so that we aren't spending the next four months wondering where our dev team has gone. Would you have been happier with nothing? |
I think ANet would want to list the best updates they have planned. Not a few minor ones. Because atm people are leaving the game, and saying "big update" and listing only a few minor ones which "aren't all" is just a huge turnoff to those people. If they had listed maybe just 1 anticipated update, that "might" keep a lot of people playing.
Yes, surprise is good, but now is not really the time for surprises...
Sin City Gamer
While happy with the "content" that is to be added, and okay with the suggested time-frame, my concern lies once again with the manner in which the information was released...
I have a wiki account, and am on the wiki quite a bit. However, it is not the most efficient way of releasing information from the developers. I think that the suggestions to move official news from developers and community managers to a more permanent/accessible home on the official website is a good start.
Guru is not the "be all, end all" of GW, but it is an Elite Fansite. (Not the only one, mind you, but still...) I think that more communication from the "Community Relations" staff at ANet here and on other fansites would be a huge step in the right direction.
I do realize that not much can be said about GW2 at this point, but we barely have any official confirmation on what's happening in GW1...
Also, while I understand that dealing with certain customers can at times be a royal pain, is it too much to ask that when we do get some sort of communication that it come in a more professional manner than: (not directly quoted, but the gist of it is here) I posted where everyone can access it, deal with it, you are so unappreciative of what I do for you, other portions of the community are way nicer than you...
I have a wiki account, and am on the wiki quite a bit. However, it is not the most efficient way of releasing information from the developers. I think that the suggestions to move official news from developers and community managers to a more permanent/accessible home on the official website is a good start.
Guru is not the "be all, end all" of GW, but it is an Elite Fansite. (Not the only one, mind you, but still...) I think that more communication from the "Community Relations" staff at ANet here and on other fansites would be a huge step in the right direction.
I do realize that not much can be said about GW2 at this point, but we barely have any official confirmation on what's happening in GW1...
Also, while I understand that dealing with certain customers can at times be a royal pain, is it too much to ask that when we do get some sort of communication that it come in a more professional manner than: (not directly quoted, but the gist of it is here) I posted where everyone can access it, deal with it, you are so unappreciative of what I do for you, other portions of the community are way nicer than you...
Fril Estelin
I think I've read few times about 2 add-ons per year. That's 12/2 = 1 every 6 months.
Like said before, Anet has without any doubt surprises for us in stock. Last Wintersday was a good example of that, and I surely hope Canthan New Year will be as fun (please, pretty please, fix the syncing problem!, Dragon Arena has the potential to be a fantastic training ground from PvE to PvP, and a lot of fun, if it's really a random arena...). But I think this announcement could have benefited from a little "bang" information to illustrate where they're going (improving storage is the proof that they're indeed fixing the game so as to answer player's requests), not necessarily the whole band on the rest of the April update.
I guess now they'll only announce what they know they can achieve with 100% satisfaction, QA included. They announce small, and deliver, but it's as small as the size of the Live Team (here lies the real problem, there should have been a bit more people before, but it's happening now and I'm not going to complain). And I'll conclude by saying that there's very probably a lot of things happening behind the scene that we know nothing about but I'm sure there's a lot more thinking than we think about this announcement.
Yet it gives the feeling of a small anticlimax. But patience is our best ally.
Rocky Raccoon
Read what the golden circle says in the upper-left corner of the forum.
"Elite Fansite". If a Community Manager doesn't visit or post important things on an Elite Fansite, then where else? Besides, what kind of CM makes fans ask him/her for some news? I thought CM's job is informing the community what's going on, not to wait and see if they ask. |
Gun Pierson
You can talk all you want about wiki pages and whatnot. I think Anet is not big enough yet to host and moderate an official forum like Blizzard does. Or they don't want to get involved with an own forum for some reason(s) I still don't know about. The population is spread like ingame now and that's not a good thing imo.
Guru and the other elite sites were here from the original launch of GW. After that GW wiki started to appear.
People got used to the elite sites for years and from one day to the other they had to go to wiki. What did you expect? On top Wiki doesn't really have the ideal format for proper discussion or announcements. It's an encyclopedia sorta style with a different interface than forums and with a different goal in mind.
So we need to look out there and find bits of info and bring it over and discuss that on the forums. That's even worse than it was before. It's an extra link in the chain.
Sure everybody can go to the wiki, but is this really the best way of communicating?
@risky ranger: spoon fed? It's their job, they get paid for it. Or do we have to do their job for free while they rake in the cash? Let them work for it. Give them the chance to grow and do their job properly.
Lastly, it's business and communication is vital.
Guru and the other elite sites were here from the original launch of GW. After that GW wiki started to appear.
People got used to the elite sites for years and from one day to the other they had to go to wiki. What did you expect? On top Wiki doesn't really have the ideal format for proper discussion or announcements. It's an encyclopedia sorta style with a different interface than forums and with a different goal in mind.
So we need to look out there and find bits of info and bring it over and discuss that on the forums. That's even worse than it was before. It's an extra link in the chain.
Sure everybody can go to the wiki, but is this really the best way of communicating?
@risky ranger: spoon fed? It's their job, they get paid for it. Or do we have to do their job for free while they rake in the cash? Let them work for it. Give them the chance to grow and do their job properly.
Lastly, it's business and communication is vital.
pumpkin pie
Wtf storage update. Seriously.
Do you remember the implement of Sorrow's Furnace? Now that was new content. More storage? Who gives a damn? |
If more storage, better storage (presumably specialized storage for certain item types, like we have for materials), and account-wide HoM were the only updates in the pipeline, I would still be very pleased.
The only thing that could make me happier would be that dumb timer coming off of Soul Reaping (cough cough)...
The only thing that could make me happier would be that dumb timer coming off of Soul Reaping (cough cough)...
Anyone know when the next skill update is?
Storage has been a problem for a long time, people have dealt with it, and while I do appreciate that anet is finally trying to deal with it at possibly no cost to players, it matters little when people are leaving and GW2 (should) be well underway. Once GW2 is released, or is close to release, I doubt ppl will care what anet does to gw1.
It kind of concerns me that anet is planning to devote more time to certain things in gw1. It concerns me because it leads me to believe that they want to keep ppl content with gw1, because gw2 is a longer way off.
The main attention of this dev update should be the account wide HoM update, because once gw2 is released, it will be the only thing to have a major effect on gameplay. I look forward to that update, as I have been for months.
What are you talking about? From release to EotN, there was never more than a year between each product, and only six months between your stated Factions and Nightfall.