Originally Posted by DreamWind
I've heard this argument before and I don't buy it for several reasons. The biggest reason is because this game has had a major power creep. Anet has essentially given us more tools to beat things effectively. By PvE skills, consumables, a series of buffs, and just flat out better skills (particularly with Nightfall), the game got plain easier. The moment Nightfall came out, Prophecies and Factions were pieces of cake for almost anybody. The moment EoTN came out, the entire Guild Wars game was easy for almost anybody.
That's why I said that I could complete it using only henchmen, to put myself in the same conditions as I was when I started GW, in order to talk about the "I just got better at the game" effect.
Btw, I hardly use pve skills, and never use consumables (too expensive

), I just adapt my builds, which is much more efficient. I tend to consider they are just a way to speed things up, or to help you do alone things you'd have to pug (vanquishing).
I consider heroes really made the game easier, but only for people skilled enough to make them better than henchmen (builds, equipment, flags...). People using goofy builds for themselves somehow find even worse builds for their heroes, considering they're unable to set them on the right mode (defensive...) and flag them correctly out of aoe, that's still epic fail.
Missions in Nightfall are considerably harder than in Prophecies, because just like players, the game design team got more experienced : henchmen have (nearly) decent builds, enemy groups have more synergy... You will certainly feel a bit disappointed when you go back to Prophecies with your heroes, but that's just normal evolution.
I agree that there has been a "power creep" in GW, that makes older campaigns easier, but newer campaigns are still a challenge for new players, enough to give potential good players a decent start.
Even if they had no way to succeed in some areas, I believe bad players would stay bad. They'd spend their time QQing on Guru instead of trying to figure out why they fail.
What's inside a game doesn't make the community good or bad, the community makes itself good or bad.
Originally Posted by DreamWind
Sure we are...we are all playing the same game. Using his example, we are all playing Risk. If some people are playing by the rules of the game, but then some others come along and play it in a different way, should the people who were playing it right be forced to play it the different way? Should the people playing it the different way get the same rewards as the people playing it the right way?
Sure we're all playing Risk, but we're not sitting at the same table. Of course you can look what others are doing a few tables away, but does it matter, as long as all the people you are playing with agree with your rules ?
There's a difference between playing the same game at the same time, and playing together (= being in the same group).
For example, I heard most elite area cookie cutter builds revolved around cry of pain. I have hardly ever used this skill, and that doesn't prevent me from having fun in pve, even in the same area as cryway groups.
About rewards, GW has nothing significant in pve... A shiny armor ? A nice set of weapons ? As long as you can get nearly whatever you want by playing the way you like, and you are experienced enough to know how, why do you care about others ?
Of course, your achievements are worth more in terms of game knowledge and "skill", but you're the only one who has to know it. You know what you are worth, and what you can do, let others think whatever they want. If some random GWAMM-black-fow-chaos-gloves-ninja-mask-echo-mending-wammo is taunting you be cause he thinks he's much better than you, just leave him for what he is : an idiot.
If you were forced to play the way you don't want to in order to get things, there would be a problem, but it's not the case.
Originally Posted by Vel
That said, it did not help ANET promote GW. Someone suggested players are the bane of good game design. And he/she is quite right. Hence, you have PvE skills, Consumables and what not to make it easy and idiotproof. 
Yes, these skills help idiots, just like they help good players to be faster.
Their existence does not promote idiocy, it was already included in the community.