Male Character vs Female Character
The amount of little boys that make female characters because they are "hot." is ludicrous. Too many kids in this game.
im male with 6 female characters 2 male
and u dont do it because they are hot its just a choice
and u dont do it because they are hot its just a choice
Lady Raenef
I'm male.
Warrior; female, as male warriors are simply ugly and fat when given a first impression of them.
Assassin; male, because the face with the blind eye is epic.
Monk; female, and that would be again, male monks are ugly and walk ridiculously stupid. They look like giraffe's with their neck sticking so far away from their chest. Almost like female elementalists having long necks.
Warrior; female, as male warriors are simply ugly and fat when given a first impression of them.
Assassin; male, because the face with the blind eye is epic.
Monk; female, and that would be again, male monks are ugly and walk ridiculously stupid. They look like giraffe's with their neck sticking so far away from their chest. Almost like female elementalists having long necks.
I like how few females there are that make male characters.
I think females that play games identify themselves through their character - I have have read several females say this and they also think that the was you act inside the game represents what you are like in real life.
Males on the other hand do not identify themselves with their characters as much, and prefer to just make a character that they like the look of. for a lot of guys, this means making a female character. They also do not identify themselves with their characters like female gamers too, they just see themselves as playing a game with a virtual character and having fun.
I currently have 15 character slots - 10 PVP, 5 PVE. 14 characters are male, and one is a female PVE mesmer because I found a look that I really liked and wanted as one of my characters. I dont find her hot, I just like the appearance of the character and the armor she uses. A male mesmer on the other hand would have been totally fugly unless I covered his head up with a mask.
I think females that play games identify themselves through their character - I have have read several females say this and they also think that the was you act inside the game represents what you are like in real life.
Males on the other hand do not identify themselves with their characters as much, and prefer to just make a character that they like the look of. for a lot of guys, this means making a female character. They also do not identify themselves with their characters like female gamers too, they just see themselves as playing a game with a virtual character and having fun.
I currently have 15 character slots - 10 PVP, 5 PVE. 14 characters are male, and one is a female PVE mesmer because I found a look that I really liked and wanted as one of my characters. I dont find her hot, I just like the appearance of the character and the armor she uses. A male mesmer on the other hand would have been totally fugly unless I covered his head up with a mask.
Ebony Shadowheart
I'm female and all of my characters are female. Yes, I enjoy staring at their butts the same as any guy, so don't bother asking. =p
My fiance (obviously male) has a mix of male and female chars. He originally started out with just male chars, then I talked him into making 'twins' for some of my female chars so we could sync dance at festivals and such. =)
My fiance (obviously male) has a mix of male and female chars. He originally started out with just male chars, then I talked him into making 'twins' for some of my female chars so we could sync dance at festivals and such. =)
It's all what appeals to you, really - and that's going to vary from person to person.
I started with a Male Paragon, then added Factions and made a Female Rit. I just like to create characters, so I go with whatever looks coolest to me at the time. Currently, my Paragon is the only male toon I have left - the other 8 slots are all Females. I think they made them look better - better choices, more varied armor, etc.
It's just an avatar - not me - in the game!
I started with a Male Paragon, then added Factions and made a Female Rit. I just like to create characters, so I go with whatever looks coolest to me at the time. Currently, my Paragon is the only male toon I have left - the other 8 slots are all Females. I think they made them look better - better choices, more varied armor, etc.
It's just an avatar - not me - in the game!
I am female with mostly female characters.
I voted male with male, though some PVP characters I roll are female. But those get periodically deleted.
I'm a female with 8 female chars and 1 male char. I just like the way the armor looks on females for most professions, except for rit, and that's my one male character. :P
Princess Blades
I'm a Female and all my character are currently female. I have been pondering remaking my Para as a male though.
Thowra Wildfire
Female, with mostly female characters - partly because it feels more natural, partly because (to me) the male versions of many professions just don't look all that great.
My exceptions are a male ele, and that's largely due to the fact I simply don't find it appealing to stare at a female avatar running about in a bikini (ok, yes I am watching my surroundings more, but you can't just ignore your character
) and also didn't want a character designed mainly for the boys to drool over, as they do with female ele's
: -
Also have a male Rit, chosen over female simply due the fact of the choices available for female Rit faces - just none there I really liked.
Last exception is a male Ranger - needed a new mule, he seemed ideal (was going to go with a warrior male mule, but they are just too ugly, imo).
My exceptions are a male ele, and that's largely due to the fact I simply don't find it appealing to stare at a female avatar running about in a bikini (ok, yes I am watching my surroundings more, but you can't just ignore your character

Originally Posted by Nainoa
The amount of little boys that make female characters because they are "hot." is ludicrous. Too many kids in this game.
Last exception is a male Ranger - needed a new mule, he seemed ideal (was going to go with a warrior male mule, but they are just too ugly, imo).
I never understood the prejudice some people hold towards those that play characters of the opposite gender. Do these people think that this makes the other person inferior or "fruity". My best friends father served in the military for a decade, and he exclusively plays female character in any RPG from what I've seen. On the other hand his son and my best friend plays both genders, and he's in the guards, and will be in SWAT sometime soon. I myself am just an average guy and I play both genders depending on what looks best, or the most badass. So far I find very little badass in the males of Guild Wars other than Rangers and Necromancers, so the majority of my characters are females since I'm not fond of either Rangers or Necromancers.
It also comes down to one thing that many people overlook, guys generally like to see girls kickin' ass. Why do you think resident evil movies are so popular? And don't say the plot and storyline, because nobody will believe you.
It's strange, but I get this very strong feeling that most of the people ranting about people playing the "wrong" gender are the ones that are at fault. This isn't real life, and the other persons gender should be none of your concern to begin with unless it's a simple curious question like that of the OP.
OT: I've actually heard there is a law in some places in Asia where you have to specify your gender when making an account for certain games, so that they can force you to play your own gender. I think it's Korea, actually.
It also comes down to one thing that many people overlook, guys generally like to see girls kickin' ass. Why do you think resident evil movies are so popular? And don't say the plot and storyline, because nobody will believe you.
It's strange, but I get this very strong feeling that most of the people ranting about people playing the "wrong" gender are the ones that are at fault. This isn't real life, and the other persons gender should be none of your concern to begin with unless it's a simple curious question like that of the OP.
OT: I've actually heard there is a law in some places in Asia where you have to specify your gender when making an account for certain games, so that they can force you to play your own gender. I think it's Korea, actually.
Did you get any male character ?
I saw the photograph from the forum before and found that many player don't get any male character lol .
I saw the photograph from the forum before and found that many player don't get any male character lol .
yes i got a male paragon and a male warrior. tbh i like the female looks way better so i kinda regret making them :P
I have one account with 5 males and a second with 12 females.
Go figure.
Go figure.
If I have to stare at the backside of something for the hours I play, I'd like it to have curves please. 
I do make male necro pvp characters sometimes though
I do make male necro pvp characters sometimes though
When I first started Guild Wars I was set on the warrior class. After making a warrior and seeing what they wore 9/10 times it threw me off and I decided if my character had to prance about in a skirt, it was at least going to be female. That and male warriors just look like big and clumsy.
Female dervish for the same reason as above pretty much, that and I didn't like any of the male faces.
For some reason it seems that all my ranged characters are male, and all of my melee characters are female. Hmmmmmmmmm...
I guess I like male casters more, and I love the way that male rangers actually fire their bow in a realistic manner. Always liked male ele cast animations, so "I'M GONNA FREAKIN' SET YOU ON FIRE!"
Female dervish for the same reason as above pretty much, that and I didn't like any of the male faces.
For some reason it seems that all my ranged characters are male, and all of my melee characters are female. Hmmmmmmmmm...
I guess I like male casters more, and I love the way that male rangers actually fire their bow in a realistic manner. Always liked male ele cast animations, so "I'M GONNA FREAKIN' SET YOU ON FIRE!"
When I first started Guild Wars I was set on the warrior class. After making a warrior and seeing what they wore 9/10 times it threw me off and I decided if my character had to prance about in a skirt, it was at least going to be female. That and male warriors just look like big and clumsy.
Female dervish for the same reason as above pretty much, that and I didn't like any of the male faces. For some reason it seems that all my ranged characters are male, and all of my melee characters are female. Hmmmmmmmmm... I guess I like male casters more, and I love the way that male rangers actually fire their bow in a realistic manner. Always liked male ele cast animations, so "I'M GONNA FREAKIN' SET YOU ON FIRE!" |

1 male, 9 female
pumpkin pie
Male necromancer, male monks, male paragon. the rest are female, can't stand male elementalist. feel like punching them in the face :P~
I like to role play a woman (teehee)
Eragon Zarroc
main is a male warrior. everyone says they want to look at the back of a female figure but honestly, it's a computer game, hopefully u can find time to look at other things if u need to =P. it's a little animated figure, lol
The forth fly
7 female,2 male-1st i look on wiki at what armor i want and what sex it looks best on.
Gill Halendt
Since I tend to roleplay, most of my characters are males (13 out of 18), but I have a handful of female characters as well, namely a warrior, a mesmer, a necromancer, an elementalist and a monk.
The monk is the only female character not having a male counterpart in my account.
The only one I regret having created as a male is my paragon.
The monk is the only female character not having a male counterpart in my account.
The only one I regret having created as a male is my paragon.
Hey what do the actual women who play this game have to say about this?
All professions as a male
All professions as a male
Originally Posted by Junato
Hey what do the actual women who play this game have to say about this?
I've rolled a couple of male PvP characters, though.
Male Character
Female Character
6 vs 2
So am i a real man? 
Ah i prefer chantan characters
Male Character
Female Character
6 vs 2

Ah i prefer chantan characters

Hey what do the actual women who play this game have to say about this?
All professions as a male |
If I have to stare at the backside of something for the hours I play, I'd like it to have curves please.
I do make male necro pvp characters sometimes though |

Parson Brown
2 male (warrior and monk) and 8 female.
And I really wish I had at least made my monk female.
And I really wish I had at least made my monk female.
Lux Aeterna
If I have to stare at the backside of something for the hours I play, I'd like it to have curves please.
I do make male necro pvp characters sometimes though |
Monks are probably my favorite but Alex has a big thing for warrior chicks esp ones with princess in their name / pink dyed vabbian armor.
Red dyed elite glads top / vabbian legs/ shiny knightly weps FTW .
Also it's usually easy to tell who's really a girl and who's a guy.
That, and I like that one pretty boy paragon look that almost everyone has, but I don't like seeing guys run around in skirts or show off their bellybuttons.
![]() |

I dont have any issues on male/female chars..I got both genders in equal numbers. I only regret making a male elementalist...all armor avaliable for him suckz - if there were wiki at that time..he would be she..
Of my roster, the sprite I enjoy the most to look at its my female mez.
Of my roster, the sprite I enjoy the most to look at its my female mez.
Shayne Hawke
I started making more females when I realized that their animations and armor appealed to me a lot more than the males. I have five male characters and three female.
Ate of DK
Most male characters look stupid. I created only female characters so far.
10 male toons (1 of each prof.). I don't care about the looks as long as the armor is not silly (and there IS male armor with proper design)
10 characters, 10 professions, 10 males. I'm male btw.
Forgot my PvP toon, I just hit buttons when I make it so it alternates gender.
Forgot my PvP toon, I just hit buttons when I make it so it alternates gender.
Play as what I am, thus female chars.
10 characters, 10 professions, 5 male, 5 female. For some reason I'm only playing the female characters...
If I have to stare at the backside of something for the hours I play, I'd like it to have curves please.
I've made a couple male characters, but found them bulky, clumsy and unpleasant to look at. Why people make male monks when female ones and cute small packages of win is beyond me.