Male Character vs Female Character
I mostly play males, because I like to play as the same gender as my real life char is. ;-)
I also have some females, but those are mostly storage keepers.
I also have some females, but those are mostly storage keepers.
Rhamia Darigaz
i only make female characters because when i play guild wars for long periods of time my free hand could get bored.
I only prefer Female on Ele and Monks. Other then that, it was whatever I was feeling at the time. Most of my Characters are Male, however.
Funny thing is that most of the "females" that dance for Lux are dudes!
All my chars are female because I'm more likely to play a female character rather than a male. I made a male necro way back when and played him to lvl 2 then deleted.I currently have 6 female chars and 5 are lvl 20. Guess I relate to fem charicters better than males.
Stranger The Ranger
I don't stare at the backside of my characters
I just play the game : |
All male Chars btw
I just play the game : |
All male Chars btw
Okay, here's a chime-in from a female.
All my characters are female. Why? Hmmmm.... well, GW is rather like an interactive story and I'd rather play a female through the story. It's a way of immersing myself into the story by being the character.
I know a lot of guys who play female characters for the reasons stated here, which is if they're going to look at a character, they'd rather look at a female. And for that reason, I'm surprise some guys on the game try to flirt with females. Don't they realize they might be fliriting with a guy? Creepy. I'm female and I find it creepy.
I've thought about playing a male character, probably a Dervish, but I'm too busy with my other characters. Especially my ranger who's my EotN character. Male ranger characters are attractive, too, but I don't need another ranger.
All my characters are female. Why? Hmmmm.... well, GW is rather like an interactive story and I'd rather play a female through the story. It's a way of immersing myself into the story by being the character.
I know a lot of guys who play female characters for the reasons stated here, which is if they're going to look at a character, they'd rather look at a female. And for that reason, I'm surprise some guys on the game try to flirt with females. Don't they realize they might be fliriting with a guy? Creepy. I'm female and I find it creepy.
I've thought about playing a male character, probably a Dervish, but I'm too busy with my other characters. Especially my ranger who's my EotN character. Male ranger characters are attractive, too, but I don't need another ranger.
When males now how to dress, they dances are dumb.
Elementalists have the best attires, but their dance is the worst.
Only mesmers seem to have both nice wardrobe and a decent dance.
And if I'm going to see someone's rear during more than 5000 hours, I prefer it to be a woman's rear.
Elementalists have the best attires, but their dance is the worst.
Only mesmers seem to have both nice wardrobe and a decent dance.
And if I'm going to see someone's rear during more than 5000 hours, I prefer it to be a woman's rear.
I prefer male for melee classes and female for caster classes.
Sir Skullcrasher
I have total of 11 characters (2 are PVP, rest 9 are PVE)
I like to play on female characters since they have better looking armors than males (like fow, glad set) and it gives me something nice to look at when I do quests/missions. Also I like some of the emotes they have and it's not silly/dumb looking like a male one!
I like to play on female characters since they have better looking armors than males (like fow, glad set) and it gives me something nice to look at when I do quests/missions. Also I like some of the emotes they have and it's not silly/dumb looking like a male one!
Females run faster and attack faster. Males do more dmg and hit harder.
I think the male necro /wave emote is the coolest, like a punk rockstar or something. Heh. Just wanted to mention that.
own age myname
I don't prefer male or female. I choose which have the best attire, which for me males have a few better armors (Yes I'm a dude in real life).
Male Chars:
Assassin (Female sins look anorexic)
Warrior (my first char, if I could back I'd make him female :P)
Monk (males look stupid for monks)
Ranger (Norn is hawt :P)
Male Chars:
Assassin (Female sins look anorexic)
Warrior (my first char, if I could back I'd make him female :P)
Monk (males look stupid for monks)
Ranger (Norn is hawt :P)
Martin Firestorm
Hey what do the actual women who play this game have to say about this?
Female Characters in order of usage

Assassin (pre-searing)
Necro (pre-searing)
Male Characters

Loki Seiguro
40 male
40 female
I'm pretty much even. I prefer female armor though so I'm thinking of deleting them.
And I agree that male paragons have bad armor..only FoW looks nice but thats expensive.
40 female
I'm pretty much even. I prefer female armor though so I'm thinking of deleting them.
And I agree that male paragons have bad armor..only FoW looks nice but thats expensive.
All female chars since female armor just look better imo. I would make a male necro, but I cant seem to play a pve nec for very long....
<-Female player here
<-Female player here
<- Another female player
10 Chars, 1 of each prof and all female. Mostly because I prefer the armor to be honest. I spend a while picking out the face/hair and the armor and weapons I want to go on that char.
But I dont like the endless parade of male chars who hit on my female chars as its perfectly possible I could be a male gamer who prefers a female char. Its pure squick.
10 Chars, 1 of each prof and all female. Mostly because I prefer the armor to be honest. I spend a while picking out the face/hair and the armor and weapons I want to go on that char.
But I dont like the endless parade of male chars who hit on my female chars as its perfectly possible I could be a male gamer who prefers a female char. Its pure squick.
I used to have a male warrior (1st char), but I recently deleted him to make a female ranger.
Now it's all females chars for me.
Now it's all females chars for me.
I've got a mix of both (Male: Warrior, Monk, Paragon, Necromancer, Dervish, Ritualist; Female: Ranger, Assassin, Elementalist, Mesmer).
A lot of it came down to considering my inclination for what I felt the class should be, the character models, animations, and armors available. For instance, I started off with a male assassin and, after an hour or so of watching what I believe to be the worst running animation in the game, deleted the character and started over with a female - no way I could keep looking at that weird, hideously animated running forever. Similar thing happened with my Dervish (just in reverse) - I just didn't like female animations so I deleted her and went for a male version. The ritualist was purely about being able to get the male version of the Norn armor. I hated the male mesmer armors so a female it was. The necro was more of a toss, just decided I liked the male models more after creating a few variations of both. And so on and so on...
I'm not playing the game for eyecandy, at least not in that sense
, so it's more about what particular model most entertains me for that class.
A lot of it came down to considering my inclination for what I felt the class should be, the character models, animations, and armors available. For instance, I started off with a male assassin and, after an hour or so of watching what I believe to be the worst running animation in the game, deleted the character and started over with a female - no way I could keep looking at that weird, hideously animated running forever. Similar thing happened with my Dervish (just in reverse) - I just didn't like female animations so I deleted her and went for a male version. The ritualist was purely about being able to get the male version of the Norn armor. I hated the male mesmer armors so a female it was. The necro was more of a toss, just decided I liked the male models more after creating a few variations of both. And so on and so on...
I'm not playing the game for eyecandy, at least not in that sense

2 chars, both male. I get my portion of tits and buts from just by going to Kamadan.
Lux Aeterna
Psss, over here dude--hate to tell ya, but they're mostly dudes too.
The ele who carefully dyed her suntouched spear and default paragon shield purple wasn't, neither was the ele with the word princess in her name... etc.
Mostly I don't care. AB usually means 3 curvy females standing next to me.
Lux Aeterna
I usually make male characters since I'm male too... I would feel weird if others didn't know I'm not the gender I play in game. That and female characters run kinda funny IMO... I made a female Mesmer and her arms were flopping all over the place. Too bad this isn't like Perfect World... I would just try to create myself in game then.
I always hear this lame excuse...
I always hear this lame excuse...
Males look hideous.
brb, sexchange
brb, sexchange
I play mostly females because they just look so nice. And there is that "make your ideal virtual girlfriend" thing.
Rocky Raccoon
Don't play Perfect World where people can get married, it's really kind of creepy. As to the OP, 14 characters 8 male, 6 female.
8 characters, 6 males, 2 females
People who claim its creepy for a guy to play a female character at all are the ones who are insecure. Believe it or not, some men do not treat women automatically as sex objects and actually have a female character because they like the armor/appearance better then the male counterpart, not because they are umm.... excited by a digital character.
People who claim its creepy for a guy to play a female character at all are the ones who are insecure. Believe it or not, some men do not treat women automatically as sex objects and actually have a female character because they like the armor/appearance better then the male counterpart, not because they are umm.... excited by a digital character.
Males: Paragon, Assassin, Ranger, Ritualist, Necromancer, Dervish: 6
Females: Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Monk, Mesmer: 5
Although I kind of regret making a male Ritualist now.
Females: Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Monk, Mesmer: 5
Although I kind of regret making a male Ritualist now.
All of my characters are female. Number one, I'm a girl myself, so it just feels more natural to play a female character. Number two, they simply look better. The male characters just are too big and bulky and look so off to me.
Males: Monk, Warrior
Females: Warrior, Ritualist, Elementalist, Mesmer, Assassin, Paragon, Monk
My two first characters were both males, didn't like the look but didn't feel like deleting
Females: Warrior, Ritualist, Elementalist, Mesmer, Assassin, Paragon, Monk
My two first characters were both males, didn't like the look but didn't feel like deleting

I heard a guy on the 1UP Podcast say he would rather play as a character that represents grace and agility (female) rather than raw strength (male). I agree with this.
Hanging Man
I got 6 chars all males
I am a male, so I prefer to play male chars
I am a male, so I prefer to play male chars
Martin Firestorm
I am female and all my playable characters are female. Only two males in the bunch are PvP mules.
thought so...there was a thread about this awhile back----
My PVE charas are all female because I don't like the male armour sets. Half the sets that look pretty on the female characters look AWFUL on the male.
I have a 50/50 split, depending on what armours were available and which I liked for each gender when I made the character. This does mean that there are some that I probably would have made differently if I'd made them now - for instance, when I made my Warrior I knew the build I was planning would require a high maximum Energy and that was when looks were tied to functionality, and I figured that female Glad's was at least better than male. Once Factions and Elite Canthan appeared, though... the female elite Canthan isn't bad, if you substitute some elite Luxon leggings for the hot-pants, but that substitution wouldn't have been necassary with the male elite Canthan. And that's without even considering Silver Eagle - decent armour for the guys, fetishwear for the girls.
Ryssul Sylverhart
Hey what do the actual women who play this game have to say about this?
That being said, my Paragon, Dervish, and Ranger are male, with my Monk, Elementalist, Warrior, Necro, Mesmer, Assassin and Ritualist being females (although I am thinking about redoing my Mesmer and making her a man because I think they look handsomer... The only reason why I'm stalling is because I really want to dress her up in Elite Kurzick armor, lol. Armor is another deciding factor for sex determination, as some armors don't appeal to me as much depending on the class's gender).