Male Character vs Female Character
It reali depends on what type of style the armor can show on both female and male charecters. Say for fow armor for a ritualist. People may go for the male version and others may go for female. Its up to the palyer
especially if you stand near the storage boxes...hahaha
<--- Guy player
for me 3 male chars and 1 female
because when i get that drunk ale hound title. I want to have it on something macho...
Jae Onasi
I'm female, and I prefer the females over the males on most of the character types not only for the armor but also because of the dancing emotes. Male eles and dervs have the oddest dance animations, and they drive me crazy. I have 14 charries, all female except for 3 males--my Tyrian ranger (who has cute hair and buns) who's pretty much a mule, a Nightfall male warrior because I appreciate the lovely biceps, and a Nightfall male mesmer, because mesmer armor of either gender is just plain awesome. I have a female of every single class as well.
10 chars, 1 of each profession, all males
I like to play what I am in RL and don't see the point of cross dressing as a female char. As for the "curves" and looking at your char's behind excuse, why are you looking at your char's behind in the first place?
I like to play what I am in RL and don't see the point of cross dressing as a female char. As for the "curves" and looking at your char's behind excuse, why are you looking at your char's behind in the first place?
1 male char (first char)
8 female chars
After a months playing male char I relized i should look at something better while playing :P
MMORPG = Massive Men Online Role Playing Girl (charactors) xD
8 female chars
After a months playing male char I relized i should look at something better while playing :P
MMORPG = Massive Men Online Role Playing Girl (charactors) xD
Male characters have more health.
I tend to play male characters in every game I play
Sorry if I'm being sexist but after hundreds of hours of gameplay, I want my character fully decked out in prestige armor to remind me of some amazing legendary hero rather than a female whose armor models only cover half of their bodies
Sorry if I'm being sexist but after hundreds of hours of gameplay, I want my character fully decked out in prestige armor to remind me of some amazing legendary hero rather than a female whose armor models only cover half of their bodies
I can't stand playing male professions. ANY of them, lol. I had one male ranger for a pretty long time, but I deleted him after I got bored. Mostly the girls just look a LOT better in their armor sets, and in general! I'd like my guys to be somewhere between waspy wispy casters and bulk hulk heroes, thanks.
22 females
0 males
I like my characters to look pretty ;3
0 males
I like my characters to look pretty ;3
I have 5 male characters and 5 female. Male chars are: mesmer, ranger, paragon, warrior, ritualist. Female chars are elementalist, monk, necromancer, dervish, and assassin. Make of that what you will (and I'm female irl, I just hate the way some female char's armor looks)
Nice find on the older thread cosyfiep.
I've merged the old thread with this one, so now everyone gets a pretty Poll, and an additional 17 pages of gender discrimination to read!
I've merged the old thread with this one, so now everyone gets a pretty Poll, and an additional 17 pages of gender discrimination to read!
10 chars, 1 of each profession, all males
I like to play what I am in RL and don't see the point of cross dressing as a female char. As for the "curves" and looking at your char's behind excuse, why are you looking at your char's behind in the first place? |
There's really nothing wrong with people playing the opposite gender. There ARE certain lines that should not be crossed though, and I think these lines are pretty obvious.
I'm a male
All my PvE characters are male, sure the female characters look better but I don't want to be stuck cross-playing since obviously it's a permanent decision.
For PvP characters though I usually make them female, for purely aesthetic reasons.
All my PvE characters are male, sure the female characters look better but I don't want to be stuck cross-playing since obviously it's a permanent decision.
For PvP characters though I usually make them female, for purely aesthetic reasons.
Sephiroth Istari
Guy with male and female toons.
I'm a male, with 9 female characters. Why? Because they just look THAT good

I'm a male with all female characters. Its a habit I got from my old Ultima Online days (I'm old) I've found that you typically get more help in-game as a female rather than playing as a male. Besides, it's easier on the eyes.
I'm male with only female characters. IMO every single male character model and armor design is terribad and if I'm going to be dedicated hours to a particular character (my sin has ~2000 hours from a total of 4500 hours on my account in the last 14 months), I better had damn well ENJOY looking at it for hours and hours.
So no, I don't feel like a "13 year old pervert" to have female chars while being male IRL.
So no, I don't feel like a "13 year old pervert" to have female chars while being male IRL.
Originally Posted by faraaz
I better had damn well ENJOY looking at it for hours and hours.
Jae Onasi
So no, I don't feel like a "13 year old pervert" to have female chars while being male IRL.
I'm a male with mostly female chars, but I do have a few males.
Sue me if I prefer to look at the pixelated butt of a woman more than a man.
Sue me if I prefer to look at the pixelated butt of a woman more than a man.
Female with male and female chars.
Male with 4 chars, half male & half female. Played female necro & ranger to start. Once I got a handle on the game, I realized I liked melee most of all, so I created 2 male warriors, my main and one that is going for the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title.
I agree that the male warriors do look a little thick & muscle-bound, but I don't mind it all that much. I prefer it to the skinny male casters.
I agree that the male warriors do look a little thick & muscle-bound, but I don't mind it all that much. I prefer it to the skinny male casters.
deco inferno
I have an even mix of male and female characters, at the moment it is 4 male and 5 female so i usually make my pvp slot male.
I have a set of character names with personality traits and fighting styles in my head. When I start a game I assign the character to a specific class and thats how I decide the gender of the character.
Eg: Bob is an arrogant spellcaster, who likes to blow things up. male elementalist
Renna is a born leader, always in the ranks with the other soldiers and leading them to victory. female - paragon.
As such I usually have a Male main character and a Female main character.
As for whether I find it wierd to play an opposite sex character?
Absolutely not. When reading a book by a male author, do you find it weird if he writes a chapter from the eyes of a female character?
I do not have any characters that resemble me in real life. If i join a group it should not matter to them whether I am a guy or a girl in real life, It does not affect their gameplay, the story or my actions in any way.
And incase you have not worked it out I am male.
I have a set of character names with personality traits and fighting styles in my head. When I start a game I assign the character to a specific class and thats how I decide the gender of the character.
Eg: Bob is an arrogant spellcaster, who likes to blow things up. male elementalist
Renna is a born leader, always in the ranks with the other soldiers and leading them to victory. female - paragon.
As such I usually have a Male main character and a Female main character.
As for whether I find it wierd to play an opposite sex character?
Absolutely not. When reading a book by a male author, do you find it weird if he writes a chapter from the eyes of a female character?
I do not have any characters that resemble me in real life. If i join a group it should not matter to them whether I am a guy or a girl in real life, It does not affect their gameplay, the story or my actions in any way.
And incase you have not worked it out I am male.
Rhamia Darigaz
i am male and i make all female characters especially if they are a class that has a very revealing armor (15k druids, 15k glads, etc) and then i buy and wear that armor because boobies.
^^What this thread was waiting for
I only play one character and its a Male Assassin.
Have a Ranger Female in pre-searing though.
Guess I'm both though i never touch the ranger.
Have a Ranger Female in pre-searing though.
Guess I'm both though i never touch the ranger.
I'm a Male and all of my in-game characters are Female. I like their posture, shape, and movement better. And the armor choices seem more appealing many of the times as well. The body shape of most Male characters irritates me (for example, the Male Warrior looks similar to an ogre, the Necromancer has a hunch-back, and the Monk's shoulders are extremely broad) its these things that bug me about the Male characters in the game, so I just stick to Females.
Male with one female character, the Warrior (IGN is Uhh Uhhh Umm Uhh, couldn't think of a name :P). I made her originally to hold stuff (storage) but then I decided to play her through Factions newb island for the money and commendations. Then I started to play her more and more and more. Now I don't play her anymore and is now what she started off to be - a mule.
Ele, Monk, Ranger, Necro, Rit, Mez and Sin are all male.
Ele, Monk, Ranger, Necro, Rit, Mez and Sin are all male.
Callista Aurelia
I'm female with all female characters. They all have red (or as close as I can get to red) hair and dark eyes too, just like me. :-)
Officially I have on char for every class, five of each gender, tho I'm not sure about the Paragon, he(?) sure looks pretty androgynous.

I usually try ot make male characters, but have maybe 1 or 2 female characters. I think some male characters look pretty good, but most of them have fugly face choices. They need to work on that.
I heard the "I don't want to stare at a guy's butt" excuse again recently and I feel like personally mailing him a nuke... do people REALLY do that? I don't even look at my character mainly, and when I do it's their head. Staring at pixel butts all the time... boy they must want it bad.
I heard the "I don't want to stare at a guy's butt" excuse again recently and I feel like personally mailing him a nuke... do people REALLY do that? I don't even look at my character mainly, and when I do it's their head. Staring at pixel butts all the time... boy they must want it bad.
I'm Male, with both Female and Male Characters.
Have 4 males and 4 females.
My main character is male (like some alter ego).
I made other males because some have cool armors, and females for eyecandy.
And all of them would go well together as a party in some epic LOTR-type novel or movie.
I just like roleplaying and making stories.
Well, if they are spellcaster types, they have 'magical' protection.
If they are rangers, assassins or something like that, they have great agility, and don't need much armor cover.
Have 4 males and 4 females.
My main character is male (like some alter ego).
I made other males because some have cool armors, and females for eyecandy.
And all of them would go well together as a party in some epic LOTR-type novel or movie.
I just like roleplaying and making stories.
I'm male with a mix of male and female characters. One of the major problems I have with my female characters is their armor is unconvincing. No warrior in their right mind would run into battle with their bosom half exposed. It's just silly. So, part of what I try to do in game is outfit my female characters with armor that at least looks somewhat convincing.
If they are rangers, assassins or something like that, they have great agility, and don't need much armor cover.

Awex Mafyews
I'm male with all male characters.
But I'm going to buy another account soon and I think I will make my characters female just to mix it up a little
But I'm going to buy another account soon and I think I will make my characters female just to mix it up a little

I'm a person with female characters.
Since this isn't a dating game, I honestly can't see why people care what my real life gender is. I don't correct people when they assume gender one way or another, it really makes no difference to me.
I find the female characters to be more attractive in terms of armor, faces, hair and movement. I have one male ranger that I made for an amusing name -- his first name is Frank, so it'd be a little silly to make him female (although I've honestly considered that, but Frank is not on an account I play regularly, and he's old enough to be getting birthday presents, so I don't want to re-make him (and I'm unwilling to pay for an extreme makeover)).
But when Frank runs, it's like he's stomping his way across the ground. Clomp clomp clomp clomp. Probably the most awkward gait I've ever seen.
Since this isn't a dating game, I honestly can't see why people care what my real life gender is. I don't correct people when they assume gender one way or another, it really makes no difference to me.
I find the female characters to be more attractive in terms of armor, faces, hair and movement. I have one male ranger that I made for an amusing name -- his first name is Frank, so it'd be a little silly to make him female (although I've honestly considered that, but Frank is not on an account I play regularly, and he's old enough to be getting birthday presents, so I don't want to re-make him (and I'm unwilling to pay for an extreme makeover)).
But when Frank runs, it's like he's stomping his way across the ground. Clomp clomp clomp clomp. Probably the most awkward gait I've ever seen.
False Maria
Female with females. I'm thinking of making a male elementalist and male ranger since I haven't played those classes yet and I like the armors on males for them more than females (especially the eles; all the female armors there are basically the same hooker costume). But I already have 3 chars taking too much of my attention and play time to spend it on two more.
The desire to show how manly my characters are far outweighs my desire to look at pixel boobs.
Initially my pvp characters were of whatever gender I hit first in the generation screen. But over the course of a few years of play, I noticed that, all else being equal, people in low end pvp arenas slightly preferred a male target to a female one. And the greater the disorganization of the format, the greater the preference for male targets.
I therefore have attempted to make my pvp chars as attractively female as possible, in the hopes of deriving an advantage from this predilection.
I therefore have attempted to make my pvp chars as attractively female as possible, in the hopes of deriving an advantage from this predilection.