Everything about a character is one big BLOB |
Never mind, I give up. I refuse to defend them on anything ever again, because every time I do, I learn something like this.
Everything about a character is one big BLOB |
Gargle Blaster
If the demand for the slots is high enough (and I dont mean just the small gamer population on this thread), that justifies a higher cost for each slot. ANet probably looked at the numbers and made an informed decision already. For those who prefers the cheaper option of another account, then go for it. Some people have the money and dont really care to transfer items across accounts. |
Already have. ordered 2 factions boxes from newegg for $9.99 ea. Part of the reason I have the money is because I know how to get the most value out of it. My PC is 3 years old (Rebuilt to play oblivion. Waste of money that was. :P) and can run GWx2 just fine, so yeah. For me, the accounts were better value.
Already have. ordered 2 factions boxes from newegg for $9.99 ea. Part of the reason I have the money is because I know how to get the most value out of it. My PC is 3 years old (Rebuilt to play oblivion. Waste of money that was. :P) and can run GWx2 just fine, so yeah. For me, the accounts were better value.
king swift
I can see that you are good with your money by the fact that you waste it.
I was also surprised when I read about it from the link on the previous page. When I was studying SQL databases I was told not to use BLOBs unless there is no other option. Now I understand some of the explanations from Gaile and Regina that something we thought is fast and easy is actually very hard to implement.
While overhead is taken into consideration in developing a business model, it generally does not dictate the price of the product/service being offered because there would be no way to definitively say how many of a particular unit might be sold.
Theoretically, if your sales had to pay for your overhead, you'd set your price at the amount of your overhead just to make that amount back. But then no one would buy it. |
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Anet Monday briefing, 13/04/2009, 8:00:
Mike O'brien: ok guys, big news, I decided we're going to give away the additional extra storage for FREE, as our reasonable customers expect. James (from the finance department): Wait, but, but... Mike O'brien: yes James, it means we'll make a loss on it so this means... James: we're not getting paid this month? Linsey, Regina, Martin: WHAT??!!?? James: ok ok let's calm down, what about $5 a pane? Mike: well you'd all get half your salary but I'm afraid we'd break the trust of our customers who expect us to deliver everything completely free Regina: I can already see the thread on Guru... Linsey: I <3 this game but, hmmm... Martin: I just moved to Seattle! Mike: well I'm sorry guys, we can't afford to loose our customer's trust, read the threads on Guru and you'll understand what I mean Linsey, Regina, Martin: GURU??!!?? |
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Same question as to DreamWind (not answered yet?): what kind of game advantage does the Xunlai chest panes give you?
Originally Posted by eht123
Here's how it works: If you don't like it, don't buy it. Pretty simple, really.
Fril Estelin
It gives the obvious advantage of you being able to hold more than me.
Maybe everybody is slowly starting to see the light that I have seen for years...Anet's slow but drastic turn for the worse.
Can you give me examples of how this affect the game, rather than its economy? Because Xunlai chest panes are accessed in towns/outposts where we don't play the game. You may see something that I don't see.
Only way I can think of is farming. Take the recent easter weekend for instance...
Permasin heads out to Jaga. Fills up 2 stacks of bunnies and a 40 unid golds. Oh no! She only has 4 panels, three are filled up! Better go to Kamadan and spam for 40 minutes to sell half of them off... |
I think that cheaper option is alot more game breaking than the slots. And the cheek of some people complaining about the price of the slots, when they themselves are exploiting the game. That sounds hypocritical.
Jaran Cell
Fril Estelin
Not that I call that an "advantage", per se, other than being able to spend more time farming on the weekends
To the point: farming is done for getting the vanity items or the titles via money (not the SS/LB/EotN factions), I don't consider them part of the game (and don't think DreamWind and Bryant Again do). So no advantage? I'm back to the point where we're talking convenience, not advantage. Unless you see the fact of "having more" an advantage simply because there's the word "more", I mean the dictionary definition of "advantage" allows that, but I thought we meant "advantage" like "beating the game faster".
Can you give me examples of how this affect the game, rather than its economy? Because Xunlai chest panes are accessed in towns/outposts where we don't play the game. You may see something that I don't see.
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
EDIT: P.S.: Do you still play the game? And would you buy one pane at $5? (just for my information)[/I]
Originally Posted by Daesu
I find it wierd that some people here want everything to free free free without working for it. Maybe you should sign up to be a GW2 game tester/dev and work for free, in exchange for all free game content.
There are some things that should be given for free without working...example being UAX (and Anet agrees as they are doing so in GW2). Almost everybody knows that having to work for UAX or having to buy it has always been a stupid idea. The sad part is a lot of people still bought UAX so they didn't have to work, even though the entire concept of buying something that should be free is ridiculous. Does that make it right? Extra storage to me falls right into this category. Honestly this is like attribute refund points still existing and they gave you the $10 option to have infinite of them. There is a big difference between selling a convience and selling the removal of a game inadequacy.
I'm talking about advantages between players, not affects on the game. If somebody spends money they can have a game advantage over me. They can hold more. They can get more keys. Etc. As minimal as that might be to you (or me for that matter), it is still a game advantage they shouldn't be allowed to have through those means.
The amount of storage isn't a game inadequacy. It's a design parameter. It's quite obvious that zero storage wouldn't work for players while unlimited storage won't work for the provider. So, they decided upon a value inbetween.
Originally Posted by Gli
You're saying the amount they picked is an inadequate amount, others find it just fine. Your opinion has no factual basis, there's no inadequacy.
Your scenario is even worse than the one I described, because that means they deliberately chose a low storage value in order to sell more storage to us later. Sounds a lot like those GW2 doom posts I have been reading in this thread may actually come true.
What others find it just fine? The low amount of storage has probably been the most complained about feature in the history of the game. I rarely play PvE anymore and even I don't have any storage. Character slots are often purchased solely for extra storage. How can you sit here and say there is no inadequacy with a straight face.
How can you claim there is one? There has never been a storage inadequacy. If there had been, people would've left the game in droves over it. Do you even know the meaning of the word inadequate? 'Inadequate storage' doesn't mean 'less than I would like', it means 'less than I would absolutely need to get by.' And obviously the latter is not the case. |
Originally Posted by Daesu
Why dont you complain about the price of a new accounts right now? You can hold even MORE and get more zkey in return. That is even more game breaking than the slots so why dont some one start a thread complaining about that?
Seeing as how they had to be goaded on for over a year by the player base before they even considered selling any separate storage in the form of extra character slots, I don't see much merit in your claim. (And that's about par for that course.)
Originally Posted by Gli
How can you claim there is one? There has never been a storage inadequacy. If there had been, people would've left the game in droves over it. Do you even know the meaning of the word inadequate? 'Inadequate storage' doesn't mean 'less than I would like', it means 'less than I would absolutely need to get by.' And obviously the latter is not the case.
Using your selected definition of "inadequacy" meaning "bad enough to warrant quitting the game", perhaps. Using a more mainstream definition of "enough", "acceptable", then that's an entirely subjective claim, so claims that your statements are "factual" are false.
If everyone felt like they had enough storage, there would not even exist a market for the new panels. |
The thing is they didn't sell the extra character slots specifically for the storage purposes. Instead many people bought them for the storage purposes. Anet didn't give people what they wanted (more storage) until after they had already bought a bunch of other stuff and now they are charging us again for what was probably the most requested feature to begin with.
This isn't even mentioning the fact that if Anet charged us for all this at the beginning of Guild Wars, there would not be nearly as many players today due to outrage. They waited YEARS to give us extra storage (all the while continually hinting at it) and then finally released it with a charge for all the people who have been waiting. How can you not call this a slap in the face?
Inadequate means insufficient; not up to the task. It's an absolute. It would be a game breaking condition if storage were inadequate.
To say that storage is inadequate is an exaggeration of subjective experience into fact. 'Acceptable' isn't a more mainstream definition of inadequate. It doesn't even remotely mean the same thing. |
adjective 1. lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "inadequate training"; "the staff was inadequate"; "she was unequal to the task" [ant: adequate] 2. not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience" I'm sorry, but our definition of inadequate stands. The current storage is very inadequate for a large amount of people as shown by years of complaints. People need more storage to hold their stuff. Anet is selling a way around a game inadequacy. |
Fril Estelin
They're not charging us anything. They're making something available for purchase.
Originally Posted by Gli
Something that's been available for a long time, in a different form, at a lesser price.
Originally Posted by Gli
Buy at your leisure, or not if you don't find the luxury worth the price. No reason to raise a shitstorm over it.
Originally Posted by Gli
It's a luxury option, and it's up to the individual to decide if they find it worth the price. Do you consider it a slap in the face if the manufacturer of your car introduces as smaller, more sleek model that costs more than the one you're driving?
Originally Posted by Gli
Because if you don't, you'll have to follow your reasoning to the bitter end and conclude that no amount of storage is ever enough to meet everybody's needs.
Originally Posted by Gli
You'll have to keep being argumentative until they offer unlimited storage for free.
White Lies