I personally will be capping and training them for something new to do =D. but i'm sure i will grow tired of that and end up using some balth faction to unlock too ;-). 1st ones im putting in are dire jingle bear & white moa.
Zaishen Menagerie
Eragon Zarroc
Do you plan on using this? =D. If so, will you unlock the pets through physically capping them and training them yourself or will you just use balth faction? ;-) or will you do a combination of both? or do u plan on just buying the pet unlock pack? =D what pet will u put in 1st? If your not even going to bother with it, then why not? =)
I personally will be capping and training them for something new to do =D. but i'm sure i will grow tired of that and end up using some balth faction to unlock too ;-). 1st ones im putting in are dire jingle bear & white moa.
i don't think paying for unlocked pets through the store would really be worth it, lol. especially since it just unlocks the "common" pets. (whatever common pets are considered to be, lol)
I personally will be capping and training them for something new to do =D. but i'm sure i will grow tired of that and end up using some balth faction to unlock too ;-). 1st ones im putting in are dire jingle bear & white moa.
Hell Yes!
Guild Wars Pokemon edition GO!
Guild Wars Pokemon edition GO!
im glad that GW is getting around to the pet stable idea, where you can choose from one of multiple pets that you've tamed.
The addition of an entire island for this is a nice touch.
The addition of an entire island for this is a nice touch.
I thought I had a Level 20 Moa, but when I checked my current pet it was a Level 5 Jingle Bear ><
Might take the easy way out with Balth Faction =P (Depending how much each unlock is of course)
Might take the easy way out with Balth Faction =P (Depending how much each unlock is of course)
idril isildra
pig pets ftw!
Eragon Zarroc

I can probably spare a skillslot to bring Charm Animal on my Ranger. Guess I'll cap a pet, and just let it travel and level along on my adventures. As soon as it is level 20, I'll take it to the Menagerie.
If the pet isn't Dire or Hearty at that time, I'll unlock the 7th Tier with Zoins. Can't be bothered deathlevelling them or trying to evolve them in a certain way.
Who knows, maybe I'll go Beastmaster for a change.
If the pet isn't Dire or Hearty at that time, I'll unlock the 7th Tier with Zoins. Can't be bothered deathlevelling them or trying to evolve them in a certain way.
Who knows, maybe I'll go Beastmaster for a change.
Buying the pet unlock pack? Hell no! (Besides from the fact that i cant use the in game store, but that discusion got another topic locked and i dont wanna hijack the topic.)
I started this game 3 years ago on the basis that THAT was it. Extensions with new maps and skills was all we needed to pay for. Now they come up with 2 Milkcows (Pay for storage and unlockpacks) at a time that GW is WAY past its shelflife.
If implemented 2 years ago, they would have a winner, and if i _could_ buy it i would consider it. But its to late.
I started this game 3 years ago on the basis that THAT was it. Extensions with new maps and skills was all we needed to pay for. Now they come up with 2 Milkcows (Pay for storage and unlockpacks) at a time that GW is WAY past its shelflife.
If implemented 2 years ago, they would have a winner, and if i _could_ buy it i would consider it. But its to late.
I gotta catch'em all...
For the skill packs, I already had all skills when they were released, and new campaigns added a few.
For the item pack, I got it because it would take a lot of time to unlock everything.
And for the pet pack... well, I just want them all, so if they add a way to quickly switch pets while in outposts like with Heroes, I'll get it. Otherwise, I'll unlock them the slow way by getting every single pet to Level 20 Elder. Doesn't take much time.
For the skill packs, I already had all skills when they were released, and new campaigns added a few.
For the item pack, I got it because it would take a lot of time to unlock everything.
And for the pet pack... well, I just want them all, so if they add a way to quickly switch pets while in outposts like with Heroes, I'll get it. Otherwise, I'll unlock them the slow way by getting every single pet to Level 20 Elder. Doesn't take much time.
Dunno. Been waiting four years for a pet stable of some sort, but I'm not sure if this is it. The idea sounds good, but..................
Shayne Hawke
I plan on putting my existing pets in there. I probably won't bother with getting/unlocking any new pets unless some buffs are given to pets and I see that they're worth using.
I thought the highest tier was a level 20 pet at Dire or Hearty?
I thought the highest tier was a level 20 pet at Dire or Hearty?
Doubt it, for me pets in my bar is a waste of two skills. I might just collect pets as im going along, but im not gonna spend countless hours levelling them in the wurms in hardmode.
Other than dumping a white moa, black moa, phoenix and black widow in there, no. And I'm certainly not leveling them.
Pets are useless, but I might aswell place those four in there in case I ever want a pic.
Pets are useless, but I might aswell place those four in there in case I ever want a pic.
I aint gonna be using it. Pets are boring :/
I'll probably collect all the (easily obtainable) pets and add them, then leave it at that unless pets get buffed to be useful.
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
i'll use it as my main is ranger, and it'll give me something different to do when i'm bored. plus i can change pets on a whim for running a lamer Enraged Spear Ranger in RA.
I'll level them all though. Screw paying for pets.
I know its only a matter of time til someone suggests "We should get a title for all pets"....... /facepalm xD
I'll level them all though. Screw paying for pets.
I know its only a matter of time til someone suggests "We should get a title for all pets"....... /facepalm xD
based on their description of the menagerie, I don't think you'll be able to use Balth points for unlocking pets for use in PvE. I'm guessing Balth points will be used the same way they are used for equipment... to be unlocked for your PvP characters.
So, if you want to fill the stable for use in PvE, I think you'll have to train them yourself, though I could be wrong.
So, if you want to fill the stable for use in PvE, I think you'll have to train them yourself, though I could be wrong.
based on their description of the menagerie, I don't think you'll be able to use Balth points for unlocking pets for use in PvE. I'm guessing Balth points will be used the same way they are used for equipment... to be unlocked for your PvP characters.
So, if you want to fill the stable for use in PvE, I think you'll have to train them yourself, though I could be wrong. |
I'm hoping that in addition to just having the pets available, it keeps the individual names you give them, not jsut something like HoM armor when it mimics whatever you have on right now (Example, you pet is named xxxxx so whenever you take another pet out of menagerie, it automatically gets named xxxxx)
Fay Vert
If its for PvE aswell as PvP, allows you to chose pets rather than have to discard them, and comes with a skill update that makes equipping a pet even vaguely worthwhile, yes.
So probably not then.
So probably not then.
Obrien Xp
Icy The Mage
All with balth faction.
I generally use my pet alot so I will do my best to unlock a lot of them myself but I imagine i will suppliment that by some Bathazar faction farming
Yes i have already maxed my bath cap at 55 in prep for the update and am caping pets my thought is get all the pets and have faction on hand so i can just go in have all pets and let them train them.
If this makes it easier to switch pets then it is useful. The problem now is, you cant easily change pet without training it again and trying to get the same evolution and all that boring crap.
This place should fill up the current design flaw in the game. To make it easy to equp a common pet on your heroes, have it trained to level 20, and end up with the evolution that you have already unlocked.
This place should fill up the current design flaw in the game. To make it easy to equp a common pet on your heroes, have it trained to level 20, and end up with the evolution that you have already unlocked.
Presuming pet check-in/check-out for PvE, I'll probably go capping and leveling pets like a pokemon junky.
What would especially help would be some buffs to pets to make them worth using. Discussion here.
What would especially help would be some buffs to pets to make them worth using. Discussion here.
Got a mass of most types of pets at lvl20 just from my 3+ years on my main's heroes.
Yeah, I got bored and stuck a different type of pet on each hero. All are hearty except my spider. Too bad I dumped it for a rainbow phoenix. Guess I'll just go cap another one after the zoo goes active.
Wouldn't go out of my way to train I bunch up if I didn't already have em though...
Yeah, I got bored and stuck a different type of pet on each hero. All are hearty except my spider. Too bad I dumped it for a rainbow phoenix. Guess I'll just go cap another one after the zoo goes active.
Wouldn't go out of my way to train I bunch up if I didn't already have em though...
Empress Amarox
I'll probably log on and take a look at it, but I don't play anymore, so unless something huge happens that makes me have an interest in GW again, probably not, at least not any time soon...
I recall pets being pretty much borderline useless, so yeah...
I recall pets being pretty much borderline useless, so yeah...
I'll put my existing pets in, and cycle new ones through when pets are levelled through siege devourer runs (or other situations where I can bring a pet along without being hampered). However, I don't see myself putting any extra effort in to get it filled.
Miss Sarah Lauren
I'll try and unlock them all by capping+leveling.. till I get bored of doing that for all my chars.. then I go and do something else =]
Jugalo Dano
I will just for something to do, I used to get a kick out of mino farming with my pet to level it. I wanna know if the menagerie is account based or not though, so maybe I can use it to give my ranger a rainbow pheonix from a different character.
It's account based, but to charm the Rainbow Phoenix in the Menagerie you'll still need to have the appropriate rank in KoaBD.
Interesting point, maybe we can earn it on one character allowing others to cap it - from same account. They seem to be making things easier for account based monuments too so its the same sort of feeling. Yet you are still able to accomplish things character based if you want.
I have this list with my 10 characters plus 3 ranger hero's on each (40 pets), all with different pets, because I wanted to get almost all pets. Never got to doing it, but now I just might 
I'd like a zoo hehe. Great place to be afk.
I'd like a zoo hehe. Great place to be afk.
I'll try and unlock them all by capping+leveling.. till I get bored of doing that for all my chars.. then I go and do something else =]
For example, if one character unlocks the top tier by putting in a dire or hearty moa and another character puts in a level 5 white tiger, can I then get a dire or hearty white tiger from the Menagerie? If so, then I'll never need to level another pet. Just cap the new species, add to Menagerie, and withdraw the top-level evolution I want.
If the tiers go by species, I'll be following your plan.

In any case, I'm glad to have the chance of getting the special pet statues for the HoM without giving up pets to which I've become attached. I do wonder, though, if a Black Moa charmed from the Menagerie will qualify for a statue, or if I need to go back to Echovald for the original. It will be nice to have the option to get different evolutions on the Black Moa, but will non-elder ones count for the statue?
For example, if one character unlocks the top tier by putting in a dire or hearty moa and another character puts in a level 5 white tiger, can I then get a dire or hearty white tiger from the Menagerie? If so, then I'll never need to level another pet. Just cap the new species, add to Menagerie, and withdraw the top-level evolution I want.
If the tiers go by species, I'll be following your plan.
![]() |
So you'll need to capture only one of these pairs.
Black Moa, White Moa en Moa Bird/Strider look different, so you'll need to capture all three of them.
I do wonder, though, if a Black Moa charmed from the Menagerie will qualify for a statue, or if I need to go back to Echovald for the original. It will be nice to have the option to get different evolutions on the Black Moa, but will non-elder ones count for the statue?
Thats a great point, aswell for pheonix - but as the monuments are going account-wide anyway let them give us this 'free' monument

Well, I never did the wintersday quests, but last night I went and capped three Jingle Bears with an alliance mate who had done them... so maybe the rainbow phoenix will be ok once its in the menagerie