Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
hey wait those screenshots on the gw site wern't tellin the future to where he was going to be...plus the wallpaper of how they met

Damn, the traders don't even have any more plant fibres or linen ://///
not a great time to be in school >_<
i'm so impatient.......1 more hour.......
i'm so impatient.......1 more hour.......
got 3 disco balls,10 bottle rockets, and some ale.....
I got 20 Jars of Honey, 5 Mercantile Summoning Stones, 10 Champagne Poppers and a Moss Spider Egg
Man I want that gwen doll.
Fiery Devil Lord
em, he has moved now! any idea where to?
Well, if you actually READ the thread you are posting in you would have already seen his new location posted.
He is near Yak's Bend of prophetcies.
From yak's Bend , run to portal lead to Iron horse mine , he is on the moutain ,just close to the portal ,on yak's bend side
From yak's Bend , run to portal lead to Iron horse mine , he is on the moutain ,just close to the portal ,on yak's bend side
1 Traveler's Walking Stick
5 Mercantile Summoning Stones
5 Red Rock Candies
5 Red Rock Candies
5 Green Rock Candies
5 Mercantile Summoning Stones
5 Red Rock Candies
5 Red Rock Candies
5 Green Rock Candies
Voodoo Rage

I like the way the Blue, Green and Red Rock candies show up with a colored font.
two weeks, both near portals, both near collectors
This is just a hunch, but seeing as he started in Pre, then Old Ascalon, now the Northern Shiverpeaks - aka the way a normal person would play through Prophecies - my guess for next week is somewhere in Kryta, and if you force me to narrow it down, I'll say Nebo Terrace by the Glowing Heart collector near Beetletun. I'm going to quote myself after he moves so you can all either point and laugh or stand in awe 
Also, 20 Honeycombs, Keg of Aged Ale, 10 Sparklers, 10 Jars of Honey.
Also, 20 Honeycombs, Keg of Aged Ale, 10 Sparklers, 10 Jars of Honey.
go cubs
Boneyard Spleeneater
Man, I should've paid attention. I was going to grab some quick gifts with my mule accounts while he was still in the easy parts of Proph. I can get to him until he passes lions arch I guess.
Cursed One
I only got some ales, summoning stones(bout 20), honey combs, tonics
Obrien Xp
I really gotta start going to this guy, I only need 5 more minis for HoM
Wish Swiftdeath
farmed them myself, meh
The undead Mesmer
This isn't Anet's fault imho just the player based economy at its finest.
What's actually funny is that I managed to buy quite a few gifts of the traveler today for less than the price I managed to sell my 220 spare linen for per 15.
Of course, I got nothing I actually want out of those gifts.
Of course, I got nothing I actually want out of those gifts.
sold 15 linen for 5k
I got 5 mysterious stones, fireworks crate, poppers, rabbit tonics, and bottle rockets.
I want that mini gwen chan
I got 5 mysterious stones, fireworks crate, poppers, rabbit tonics, and bottle rockets.
I want that mini gwen chan
Halc yon
Come on now, whatever they make him ask, some people will have it in abundance, and some people will need to invest either a lot of time or a lot of gold into it. Should they have cleaned out every collectible and every stack of materials from everyone's account before adding him?
Come on now, whatever they make him ask, some people will have it in abundance, and some people will need to invest either a lot of time or a lot of gold into it. Should they have cleaned out every collectible and every stack of materials from everyone's account before adding him?
I, personally, would prefer if he only collected collectable drops.
Aussie Boy
My solution to linen
It was easier if you had a new toon in pre profs just farm the seeds around The Barradin Estate
and salvage them into fibers from salvage kits you bought with the other drops then make the jump to
Post around lvl 5 i was.
But instead of going to Ascalon straight away after making the jump head to
Sardelac Sanitarium mark that gain access to your storage drag some gold out
go back outside the portal to the trader and trade 5 fibers and 200g for 1 linen.
I got mine very quickly this way plus a black and white dye from pre.
It was easier if you had a new toon in pre profs just farm the seeds around The Barradin Estate
and salvage them into fibers from salvage kits you bought with the other drops then make the jump to
Post around lvl 5 i was.
But instead of going to Ascalon straight away after making the jump head to
Sardelac Sanitarium mark that gain access to your storage drag some gold out
go back outside the portal to the trader and trade 5 fibers and 200g for 1 linen.
I got mine very quickly this way plus a black and white dye from pre.
Hooded Doom
ho-hum. 2 accs
10 bunny tonics
10 mercantile summon stones
inscrib IDS
5 mysterous summons
15 mysterious tonics
5 red rock candies
10 bunny tonics
10 mercantile summon stones
inscrib IDS
5 mysterous summons
15 mysterious tonics
5 red rock candies
Stolen Souls
Will be interesting if he ever asks for Ectos or Rubies. xD
I just 600'd the Mirror of Lyss for Plant Fibers...tons of plants there, and a lot of the drops (Briar Blades, Briarwood Scythes) salvage to Fibers, too. Only took me a few minutes.
-5 Red Rock Candies
-10 Aged Hunter's Ale
-10 Champagne Poppers
-5 Mysterious Tonics
-Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale
I just 600'd the Mirror of Lyss for Plant Fibers...tons of plants there, and a lot of the drops (Briar Blades, Briarwood Scythes) salvage to Fibers, too. Only took me a few minutes.
-5 Red Rock Candies
-10 Aged Hunter's Ale
-10 Champagne Poppers
-5 Mysterious Tonics
-Keg of Aged Hunter's Ale
Obrien Xp
I'm wondering if once he goes everywhere if it becomes sporadic or if it repeats.
Oh god not ectos or rubies for rock candies
Oh god not ectos or rubies for rock candies

Qing Guang
Fortunately, I had precisely 15 Linen in inventory... (was storing up for Necro's Vabbian). Pawned off the gifts on Monday for 5k apiece, whoo.
I wonder if this is ANet artificially upping the price of cheap items/materials by draining cash and the excess of materials out of the economy... hence why today I went to trader and stocked up on other low-valued mats, like Spiritwood Planks and Monstrous Eyes. If he ever asks for Silk, I'm gonna make a fortune (got 81 silk in there, too cheap to sell atm).
I wonder if this is ANet artificially upping the price of cheap items/materials by draining cash and the excess of materials out of the economy... hence why today I went to trader and stocked up on other low-valued mats, like Spiritwood Planks and Monstrous Eyes. If he ever asks for Silk, I'm gonna make a fortune (got 81 silk in there, too cheap to sell atm).
Neo Nugget
I got a keg this week and a VDS last week, not too shabby. But this guy tried to sell me the presearing gifts of the huntsman when I was buying the traveler's gifts in Yaks today. I did a double take, and realized what he put up. People are pretty great, right?
I got a keg this week and a VDS last week, not too shabby. But this guy tried to sell me the presearing gifts of the huntsman when I was buying the traveler's gifts in Yaks today. I did a double take, and realized what he put up. People are pretty great, right?
Qing Guang
Yeah, according to Wiki you can only get the drunkard/sweet tooth/party animal items out of it, and then only the wussy ones (basically no candies/ageds/displays/tonics). So it's good for permapres looking for title, but vastly inferior outside pre.
Chieftain Heavyhand
Yeah, according to Wiki you can only get the drunkard/sweet tooth/party animal items out of it, and then only the wussy ones (basically no candies/ageds/displays/tonics). So it's good for permapres looking for title, but vastly inferior outside pre.
From the Huntsman gift you can get 5 of either Hunters Ale, Aged Hunters Ale, Bottle rockets, sparklers, poppers, honeycombs, or jars of honey.
You can get 5 gifts per day x 365 gifts a year = 1825 gifts which each provide 5 consumable items or 9125 in total which if distributed evenly comes to around 1303 of each of the 7 items.
Travelers gifts are weekly so in a year you will only get 52 x 5 = 260 gifts there are 28 different items you may get from each travelers gift, some items come in 10, 5 and 1 gift per bag.
So to say the Huntsman gifts are inferior is a mater of opinion, if you collect the bags every day you will get the first tier of the sweets, party, and drunkard titles by years end.
I get both.
The gifts from the Traveler are much better, but in a different way they have some very nice additions; but for title points the huntsman gifts seem much better. Are Travelers = Huntsman gifts, no because of the chance to get the mini pets, flashier consumables, summoning stones, and weapons, not to mention the only way to get a moss spider pet.
Are Huntsman gifts inferior, well just depends on your point of view. I wouldn’t call them inferior just not as flashy. From a title based point of view no, the items from Huntsman gifts are much easier and faster to gain points from. Looking at it from a weekly gain you can get 5 gifts of the Traveler, or 35 gifts of the Huntsman, Monthly 20 GoT and 140 GoH, and Yearly 260 GoT and 1825 GoH. If all things were equal yearly points from the Huntsman gifts would be about 3909 party points, 3909 sweet tooth points and 3909 drunkard points from aged ale plus if managed right at least 1000 points from the hunters ale.
Qing Guang
Impressive math. I'll agree that both can be profitable; however, I meant that a single Gift of the Huntsman is vastly inferior to a single Gift of the Traveler, so if you're buying it's better to purchase the latter (at least once the price settles down).
Moving on: is it too early to start predicting what he will collect next? My bets are:
*other depreciated mats, like Silk or Monstrous Eyes
*items with no collector (Ashen Worm Husks, Phantom Residue, Dark Remains, maybe Taro Leaves?)
*collector items that no one bothers with (like the ones that can be turned in for armor - rarely used AFAIK since collector armor can't take insignias)
*newly added items?
*t'would be nice (though I doubt they'd do it) if he collected those annoying quest items that there are a million of and you only need one (ie Swamp Flowers), or those ones that you can pick up for no good reason (Marks of Aidan, Marking Webs)
Any other ideas?
Moving on: is it too early to start predicting what he will collect next? My bets are:
*other depreciated mats, like Silk or Monstrous Eyes
*items with no collector (Ashen Worm Husks, Phantom Residue, Dark Remains, maybe Taro Leaves?)
*collector items that no one bothers with (like the ones that can be turned in for armor - rarely used AFAIK since collector armor can't take insignias)
*newly added items?
*t'would be nice (though I doubt they'd do it) if he collected those annoying quest items that there are a million of and you only need one (ie Swamp Flowers), or those ones that you can pick up for no good reason (Marks of Aidan, Marking Webs)
Any other ideas?
Boneyard Spleeneater
how did you get so many gifts? I thought the limit was 5 per person? did you buy additional gifts from other players?
As long as he stays in Proph, and more importantly, somewhere in proph I feel like running my mules to.
So if I can get 20 a week, someone with more accounts could get more.
Or maybe they just bought them from someone else :O