Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
okay so the screenie is "real". but where do we farm them? and how many do we need per gift?

Again? I am pretty sure he asked for Water Djinn Essences already!
So many stuff he could ask and he's already repeating?
Damn, have two mules filled with collector stuff. All to waste.
So many stuff he could ask and he's already repeating?
Damn, have two mules filled with collector stuff. All to waste.
[BtL] poke
You need one. It says "would you hunt one down?" in the dialogue. See wiki.
He asked for Sapphire Djinn Essences before.
He asked for Sapphire Djinn Essences before.
Again? I am pretty sure he asked for Water Djinn Essences already!
So many stuff he could ask and he's already repeating? Damn, have two mules filled with collector stuff. All to waste. |

Again? I am pretty sure he asked for Water Djinn Essences already!
So many stuff he could ask and he's already repeating? Damn, have two mules filled with collector stuff. All to waste. |
by the way, theres like 6 djinns in the caverns, and 3 in turai's.
is anet joking us or am i looking at the wrong way?
i did turai's and found 2 water djinns. Anyone know a better farm?
Saldonus Darkholme
Moddock Crevice has a few djinns running around in it, as well as the Hidden City.
I think the drop rate for the Wind and Water quest is rather low. However, there are water djinns in Fahranur, the First City along with a collector of Water Djinn Essences. I just can't remember exactly where in the city they are. Going to have to go hunting them once I get home from work.
Zahr Dalsk
That's not really cheating. They're just making you spend more time on it, which they could just as easily do by raising the amount required. This way just makes it seem like it'll be quick and easy.
Heinous! I'm betting this is the first Nicholas week where we see widespread service fees: "LFP with quest, paying 2k!" (also "Selling gifts 5k each, essences 4.9k each")
Wind and Water is the only sane way to farm Water Djinns, and it's a pain to get a new Nightfall character that far. I hate unrepeatable quests... I always get the heebie-jeebies when I cash one in because I know it'll turn out to be some primo farm later on.
Wind and Water is the only sane way to farm Water Djinns, and it's a pain to get a new Nightfall character that far. I hate unrepeatable quests... I always get the heebie-jeebies when I cash one in because I know it'll turn out to be some primo farm later on.
I just run to the 3 djinns + boss in first city on my derv, using balth avatar as speedboost, one run takes me 2 minutes and I've got 4 essences soo far

This just might be the most tedious Nicholas farm so far. What next, Smoking Remains? Giant Tusks?
Yeah I think I may pass this week... unless i find a good farming spot
This just might be the most tedious Nicholas farm so far. What next, Smoking Remains? Giant Tusks?
I been trading in for 5 presents each week ever since this thing started,
and so far the only things I got were the candies, poppers, disco balls.
Of the valuable items, I only got two vamp dragon swords. Those are nice too,
but I want a Gwen doll minipet. How many more weeks must I farm like a dumb slave to get what I want?
Thanks for the derv run tip, Avalanche.
I'll try that right away.
I'm dreading Truffles week even more. At most there are like 10 Fungal Wallows in any given zone, and they're always spread out across the entire map. I've gotten a total of 3 Truffles in dozens of hours in the Echovald forest.
one djinn essence for 5 gifts?
what the buck
tbh i'll just run there on some candies and go ursan lolz
what the buck
tbh i'll just run there on some candies and go ursan lolz
Hmmm, I'm going to pass this week. I have better things to do in game than run around trying to farm water djinn essence. I always get the same old gifts anyway, variations on mysterious summoning stones, booze, candy and potions or worse bottle rockets and party poppers. So unless it's a pretty easy farm, I'm just not interested.
Where in the first city are they located? All I'm finding is restless dead and skree fledglings...
droprate is shit btw
Farmed 5 just fine outside GoD in Turai's using standard spirit spammer + sin support for the annoying immolated djinn and kournan priests/paras.
I think I'll do the primary quest in nightfall with 2 accounts at once without heroes.
I'll second the idea on Fahranur...I just got my 5 in 10 minutes using an Avatar of Balthazar build.
The djinn in Fahranur are in the watery pit area where you normally fight the apopcrypha in the Jokanur mission. Just follow the same mission 'path' in the zone, and you'll get down there pretty quickly. There's only 4 though, so it seemed (and was) quicker sweep around Turai's. Whatever works though \o_O/
6 runs 10 essences, was a bit worried about the drop rate, but it turned out fine

Just finished my farming. Got 5 for myself and 5 for a friend, took me about 80 minutes in the first city.
Maybe not the most annoying ever, but certainly boring to run 2 full minutes non stop to then only find about 4 enemies and mostly they dropped 0. :/
Maybe not the most annoying ever, but certainly boring to run 2 full minutes non stop to then only find about 4 enemies and mostly they dropped 0. :/
Kurald Galain
theres around 15 water djinns in the north-eastern area of Turais ... that's where i farmed mine. Took me 3 runs to get the 10 i needed.
3 runs with Spirit spam warrior = 1 drop
1 run with Perma = 4 drop
All in Turai's
10 rock candy
5 Myst stones
10 myst Tonics
Pretty standrad as of late. I started off getting great drops (VDS, Spider Egg, 8 Kegs) now not so much.
1 run with Perma = 4 drop
All in Turai's
10 rock candy
5 Myst stones
10 myst Tonics
Pretty standrad as of late. I started off getting great drops (VDS, Spider Egg, 8 Kegs) now not so much.
Run all the way to the end. Kill djiinns (4 of them I think) with spirits 2-3min, repeat. At least 1 essence per run.
Template for R/Rt (edit for your class)
Template for R/Rt (edit for your class)

so.. it's better first city or turai? ^^"
after a while of farming i got my 5 and the derv bosses green. and again i got shit. 10 fireworks crates,10 sparklers,5 green rocks,5 myst summons. *sighs* 
first city was slower but easer tbh.

They are deep within the zone in the first city. Too far to make it a good farm. The ones in Turai's are few and far between as well and you have to get by a load of other crap to get to them. They don't drop one every time either. Worst drop rate I've seen and I solo to them. There are 2 you can get to with a Maelstrom or Fire djinn pretty quickly but as I said the drop rate is slow and not worth the farm time. Last week I was getting 5 stones per run and making 2k-3k each for them but this is rediculous and not worth my time. I'll probably do my 5 and get my gifts and that's it. Gonna be a lot of players not getting their gifts this week unless they pay 3k each for these things.
Keep in mind first city only has a 4 man party size. Which means due to loot scaling, you will have about twice the odds to actually get an item from any particular kill compared to the 8 man area.
Run all the way to the end. Kill djiinns (4 of them I think) with spirits 2-3min, repeat. At least 1 essence per run.
Template for R/Rt (edit for your class) OggjclgpITXTlT+gVTCHpGsS3lA |
Also, since there are no Communing skills in that build, why does it have 9 Communing? You'd be better off to take those points and raise Expertise to at least 12.
Haha your so freakin lucky and i guess a gz goes to you.