Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
Very easy farm. Also, very funny story this week.
im no farmer
Worse farm was the mursaat tokens,gave up after a few goes getting them but its nice to see another easy farm again
let the search begin
come on nic ask for bones or cloth! i know the minute i use or merch these he will need them. -_- like he did with the manes i had thankfully i got them all in one run.
Sacnoth Valley - head past stronghold..where theres a large bunch of stone eles. hes there. someone else can sshot and confirm. entrance via dalada not grothmar.
Oh... and its 2 stone grawl necklaces per present
Oh... and its 2 stone grawl necklaces per present
Sacnoth Valley - head past stronghold..where theres a large bunch of stone eles. hes there. someone else can sshot and confirm. entrance via dalada not grothmar.
Oh... and its 2 stone grawl necklaces per present |
confirmed i will edit here for pic
Also verified.......
grrrrrr. evil nic! why not just ask for ectos! those have the same drop rate!

Damn. I actually had a ton of those recently, and sold them all.
already have 4...need to farm 6 w00t
Packrat FTW
Edit: Done; HM with H/H. Cleared all groups of grawls I exactly 6 necklaces
Packrat FTW

Edit: Done; HM with H/H. Cleared all groups of grawls I exactly 6 necklaces
I wanted to save those for Wintersday collector!
Zahr Dalsk
grrrrrr. evil nic! why not just ask for ectos! those have the same drop rate!
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So just run through killing a lot of grawl, rezone, repeat a couple times. Shouldn't take too long.
-_- nic you evil beep! went from doomlore killed all grawl and rezoned through rragar's or how ever you spell that. 5 runs later i got 16 necklaces,full inventory,roughly 2k in ebon points and one gold drop. and as always i got crap. 1 keg 10 aged ales 10 sparklers 5 myst tonics 5 green rock candies. *sigh*

.............have the necklaces......hate sacnoth valley with a vengeance ....will get there, sometime this week, possible.
come on nic ....someplace better next week, k?
come on nic ....someplace better next week, k?
grrrrrr. evil nic! why not just ask for ectos! those have the same drop rate!
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Mustache Mayhem
there's a group right at the door to the valley.. can solo and re-zone it, all grawl in that group drop the necklace- got a keg, least better than last weeks green rocks and sparklers
Not a bad run at all, really. Took my monk and three heroes (spirit spammer, ss necro, and ele doing lighting for dazed/blinding).
Took one trip through, rezoned through Rragar's and worked my way back to Nicholas and got my 10 by then. Also managed to pick up 3 lockpicks and Fozzy's Staff so yay for an unexpected green along the way!
As far as what I got: Hunters Ales (one set of regular and one aged), one set of both types of summoning stones, and the usual mysterious tonics. Kinda boring ha ha.
Took one trip through, rezoned through Rragar's and worked my way back to Nicholas and got my 10 by then. Also managed to pick up 3 lockpicks and Fozzy's Staff so yay for an unexpected green along the way!

As far as what I got: Hunters Ales (one set of regular and one aged), one set of both types of summoning stones, and the usual mysterious tonics. Kinda boring ha ha.
Aussie Boy
Nothing special so far and 2 accounts to go only thing was a Walking stick and gave that away
to someone in the alliance but i'm keeping the 3 Disco balls for Wintersday.
I already had about 24 of the necklaces from doing the Z bounty for Fozzy last week
on a few chars so only need to farm a few now.
to someone in the alliance but i'm keeping the 3 Disco balls for Wintersday.
I already had about 24 of the necklaces from doing the Z bounty for Fozzy last week
on a few chars so only need to farm a few now.
Bathal Nasp
It wasn't too bad. I used the sliver perma way. Rezone rragars and sliver grawls. The method the user above me posted.
Took an hour to get them 1 zone needed for the last 2 qty I needed
Minion master Hench
necr/rit healer
Me spirit spammer (heres a hint for the big arse groups) take the siege dev with you get close get out lay spirits get in bomb them they come a running. toggle in and out of the dev laying spirits then getting back in to blast them. makes it easy
Crap drops for me but since there free can't complain
Minion master Hench
necr/rit healer
Me spirit spammer (heres a hint for the big arse groups) take the siege dev with you get close get out lay spirits get in bomb them they come a running. toggle in and out of the dev laying spirits then getting back in to blast them. makes it easy

Crap drops for me but since there free can't complain
Nicholas will be found in EotN more and more... All about the mighty dollar.
Nope, can't even be bothered to make the trek out there this week. Too much like hard work.
Riot Narita
Nope, can't even be bothered to make the trek out there this week. Too much like hard work.
Run through Dalada Uplands from Doomlore Shrine. Takes no time - you can easily avoid all mobs on the way.
Once in Sacnoth, you don't have to go near the nasty Burning Forest. Just head towards Rragar's dungeon, wipe out the two big mobs of Grawls on the way. Go into Rragar's, come straight back out. Kill the two big mobs of grawl again. etc.
It's possible to solo it, but I think some well-chosen heroes may get you the necklaces quicker.
It was actually a pretty easy farm about an hour for all. In NM with full party.
15 mysterious tonic
10 honeycomb
5 Mysterious summoning stones
Pretty crappy
15 mysterious tonic
10 honeycomb
5 Mysterious summoning stones
Pretty crappy
Took an hour to get them 1 zone needed for the last 2 qty I needed
Minion master Hench necr/rit healer Me spirit spammer (heres a hint for the big arse groups) take the siege dev with you get close get out lay spirits get in bomb them they come a running. toggle in and out of the dev laying spirits then getting back in to blast them. makes it easy ![]() Crap drops for me but since there free can't complain |
An exchange of something, be it goods, money or time, for something else, isn't "free".
Took my Discord Necros and only had to zone once to get 10, but still had to kill about every Grawl in the zone...twice. Yeah, it was kind of a bother especially for the poopy gifts... 10 poppers, 10 sparklers, and 5 aged ales.
welll I made it to the valley and traded my the same old same old...rockets, sparklers, honey etc.....
so its monday again....ANYone looking for him???
so its monday again....ANYone looking for him???
Bump to the front - is the search on? or is he skipped this week?
search is on still looking
He's not in Ettin's Back or Dry Top - dog-gone-it!
Going to be another Eotn been streaky that way
Puddin Cheeks
I am ready for him to end up in a dungeon, for the lolz.
i am thinking nightfall
The build master
Mee thinks hes hiding behind mallyx and he wants 3xambraces per gift.
So: Factions, Shiverpeaks, Shiverpeaks, EotN and yeah NF sounds about right but I'm hoping not. At least not in a crappy place. I loved NF until all those icky Tormented Lands missions.
c'mon Echovald Forest, baby needs a new pair of shoes.....I've got a stack and a half of dredge incisors ready to go