Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
My New Name
no1 even looking for him xD
i will look for him after some one makes me some warm socks. sides i think he has a order against me after i kick him for giving me crappy gifts.

Someone posted on Wikia..
"Nicholas the Traveler is in The Undercity, collecting 3 Ancient Kappa Shells for 1 Gift of the Traveler."
I'm going to go check it out if any else feels like it to.
"Nicholas the Traveler is in The Undercity, collecting 3 Ancient Kappa Shells for 1 Gift of the Traveler."
I'm going to go check it out if any else feels like it to.
Someone posted on Wikia..
"Nicholas the Traveler is in The Undercity, collecting 3 Ancient Kappa Shells for 1 Gift of the Traveler." I'm going to go check it out if any else feels like it to. |
never hurts to check i guess
wiki has a map on it now too
and wiki is always right? xD i will wait until one of us posts a screenie.
Confirmed Location of Nick, Factions: The Undercity
is there anywhere else besides the undercity where the ancient shells drop?
Clan Ta`Lis
is there anywhere else besides the undercity where the ancient shells drop?
From Wiki:
Kappas with level 20 (also called "Ancient" Kappas after the Ancient Kappa Shells they drop) are found in the deepest depths of The Undercity. These Kappas are much more powerful than their brethen found on Shing Jea Island.
Like all Kappas, these bipedal turtles are masters of Water Magic.
Kaineng City
->The Undercity
Is there a specific area/part of the undercity? All I'm finding is afflicted and am fah.
There are groups of Kapa right around Nicholas.
Black Metal
well, using the old spirit spamming technique, i fought my way there (starting from nahpui into wajjun, killing a few am fah mobs), then into undercity (have to kill many afflicted, and the monk + rit (fofm) combo can really drag things out), then got to the kappas. I believe there's just one area they are in, and after clearing them all, I got 2 ancient kappa shells. I'm going to say that this is the first one that simply isnt worth it.
well, using the old spirit spamming technique, i fought my way there (starting from nahpui into wajjun, killing a few am fah mobs), then into undercity (have to kill many afflicted, and the monk + rit (fofm) combo can really drag things out), then got to the kappas. I believe there's just one area they are in, and after clearing them all, I got 2 ancient kappa shells. I'm going to say that this is the first one that simply isnt worth it.
ranger rothers
Did 6 solo spirit spam runs out of Viz Local and got my 30 shells.
Riot Narita
Did 6 solo spirit spam runs out of Viz Local and got my 30 shells.
well, using the old spirit spamming technique, i fought my way there (starting from nahpui into wajjun, killing a few am fah mobs), then into undercity (have to kill many afflicted, and the monk + rit (fofm) combo can really drag things out), then got to the kappas. I believe there's just one area they are in, and after clearing them all, I got 2 ancient kappa shells. I'm going to say that this is the first one that simply isnt worth it.
I tried with 3 heroes instead... run was really fast. But it took about 5 runs to get 2 more shells. I had some in storage, so I got my first 15... but really couldn't be arsed doing it again for 2nd account, and bought the next 15.
Going from Viz local with my spirit spammer as well. Afflicted in the way are annoying as hell, especially that one area where they jump out. It's not hard... just slow thanks to the ritualists rezzing things.
Have only done like 3 runs and have two shells (that dropped in a single run) to show for it so far. I think it may end up being like the stupid griffon wings that didn't drop for a while and once they started pretty much came regularly in each run. You know... only with more annoying monsters in my way between what I want to kill and where I zone in.
What I think I'll end up doing is bringing heroes/hench with me to just clear the afflicted then flag them all away from me when I do the kappa part. Pretty sure that used to work in making it so they didn't "steal" drops... so we'll see how that runs.
----edited later----
Worked good! Got my 15 and an extra to hang on to for Canthan new year, I guess.
...though it seems Nick doesn't appreciate my hard work.
Mysterious Tonics, honeycombs, mysterious summoning stones, and hunter's ale. Not even aged! C'mon Nicholas... it's the holidays!
Have only done like 3 runs and have two shells (that dropped in a single run) to show for it so far. I think it may end up being like the stupid griffon wings that didn't drop for a while and once they started pretty much came regularly in each run. You know... only with more annoying monsters in my way between what I want to kill and where I zone in.
What I think I'll end up doing is bringing heroes/hench with me to just clear the afflicted then flag them all away from me when I do the kappa part. Pretty sure that used to work in making it so they didn't "steal" drops... so we'll see how that runs.
----edited later----
Worked good! Got my 15 and an extra to hang on to for Canthan new year, I guess.
...though it seems Nick doesn't appreciate my hard work.
Mysterious Tonics, honeycombs, mysterious summoning stones, and hunter's ale. Not even aged! C'mon Nicholas... it's the holidays!

did it with h/h from market place killed all the 6 groups. 2 groups die fast from afflected so have to run to them. took me forever to get 4 so i went GRRR and bought the rest. and again nic is a BEEPING beep. got 40 rockets and 3 disco balls. again i get crap. *sighs*
I dont know if theres some quest that spawns more afflicted but i think i have one :s . About the drop ..... awful , few foes that drop it , only that zone ..... blerf.
This is anets atempt at damage control. With all the MPB farming going on they want to try and limit the amount of consumables hitting the market. They figure this spot should deter anyone from farming gift items this week.
Mustache Mayhem
not too bad.. sold a extra 5 for 2kea- seen some selling for 3 but whatever..
you can get up to 4 a run- just make sure they don't all die in one spike.. like spread the damage out a bit using ear bite if your doing degen.. else that loot nerf kicks in
raptor farmers this is ez pzy.. helps if your friendly with the am fah on the way there too
you can get up to 4 a run- just make sure they don't all die in one spike.. like spread the damage out a bit using ear bite if your doing degen.. else that loot nerf kicks in
raptor farmers this is ez pzy.. helps if your friendly with the am fah on the way there too
Well now... ONE small part in the entire GW world where the items for Nic drop this week.
That's clever... very clever indeed... the drop-rate will suck donkeyballs (i.e. shit!) due to everyone farming this sole area for their gifts, it will barely be worth it.
I have done 3 runs so far with a solo sin (rit too slow) and have 6 shells. All the others posting here getting good drop rates (i.e. 5+ per run), were probably doing it before the rest or during 'quiet' activity times.
I will have to bide my time methinks... or just buy it.
... Or just leave it this week, which will be the first since Nic arrived and I have been farming for 6 accounts every week, which says a lot!
That's clever... very clever indeed... the drop-rate will suck donkeyballs (i.e. shit!) due to everyone farming this sole area for their gifts, it will barely be worth it.
I have done 3 runs so far with a solo sin (rit too slow) and have 6 shells. All the others posting here getting good drop rates (i.e. 5+ per run), were probably doing it before the rest or during 'quiet' activity times.
I will have to bide my time methinks... or just buy it.
... Or just leave it this week, which will be the first since Nic arrived and I have been farming for 6 accounts every week, which says a lot!
Tom Swift
Won't be trying this one. Not a scenery I enjoy, specially during Wintersday when there is better stuff to farm/play.
SoS Farmer + 1 hour + normal mode = 18 shells
Result: 20 Mysterious Tonics and 5 Merch stones.
Again, the best I got out of the run was a dye. Thanks Nick.
Result: 20 Mysterious Tonics and 5 Merch stones.
Again, the best I got out of the run was a dye. Thanks Nick.
horrible drops on shells for me got 3 in an hour.... so.... I picked up my honey from nic and i am going to farm something else
from everone who have problem farming them. Perma will do the trick
Thought I'd give some feedback on my farming...
9 runs x 2 drops
5 runs x 4 drops
4 runs x 6 drops
3 runs x 3 drops
2 runs x 5 drops
1 run x 9 drops
= 24 total runs = 90 shells (3.75 avg drops / run)
(I farm for 6 accounts, 2 for myself and 4 for other people).
Some of the other loot I got:
31 eggnogs
34 snowmen
35 fruitcakes
10 candy shards
1 white dye
5 monstrous eyes 1 monstrous claw Bubao's Shell (green tactics shield)
q10 gold kaineng axe
I got a few req7/8 kappa shields (white) as well, with highest AL of 15.
One run lasted between 13-15 minutes. Some was longer due to lag, mistakes etc.
So, I averaged about 4 runs per hour, meaning a total of at least 6 hours (24/4) of farming time. I would say it is most likely closer to 7 hours with some of the longer runs.
I used a solo 55 necro for the first 2 runs, and all the rest was with a solo perma dagger sin.
All in all, probably the worst week farming-wise. Not even Grawl necklaces took this long.
Suck it ANet.
9 runs x 2 drops
5 runs x 4 drops
4 runs x 6 drops
3 runs x 3 drops
2 runs x 5 drops
1 run x 9 drops
= 24 total runs = 90 shells (3.75 avg drops / run)
(I farm for 6 accounts, 2 for myself and 4 for other people).
Some of the other loot I got:
31 eggnogs
34 snowmen
35 fruitcakes
10 candy shards
1 white dye
5 monstrous eyes 1 monstrous claw Bubao's Shell (green tactics shield)
q10 gold kaineng axe
I got a few req7/8 kappa shields (white) as well, with highest AL of 15.
One run lasted between 13-15 minutes. Some was longer due to lag, mistakes etc.
So, I averaged about 4 runs per hour, meaning a total of at least 6 hours (24/4) of farming time. I would say it is most likely closer to 7 hours with some of the longer runs.
I used a solo 55 necro for the first 2 runs, and all the rest was with a solo perma dagger sin.
All in all, probably the worst week farming-wise. Not even Grawl necklaces took this long.
Suck it ANet.
Xion Air
Opened 2 gifts of the traveler and got 10 aged ale things and 1 vampiric dragon sword which I might keep ^_^ Still wondering if I should buy 131 gifts of the traveler and risk it all =l
After giving it a go, I'm going to agree with the consensus and decide that this'll be the first on on Tyria I don't do. An hour and a half spent in what is probably my least favourite zone in the game anyway gives one measley shell. There are other things to do this week that are infinitely more rewarding, both in fun and items.
Does any even bother farming these things during regular days? I sure as hell don't. Not even for Nic. The rewards are usually crap.
Stolen Souls
Used my perma to endure hours of boring farming while looking at hideous scenery. Got some neat drops...3 Celestials (Axe, Scepter, Shield), but like everything in decent mods. Traveler gave me the usual crap.
Sometimes. Other times, I happened to have the stuff stockpiled for collectors - but that requires a) having a collector that might be worth going to, and b) visiting the area in question with enough regularity to collect the trophies in question. I did mention that Undercity was possibly my least favourite zone, didn't I?
Davros Uitar
Just got back from Holidays and LOL at ancient Kappa shells. Had 230 in storage so after using 30 on my 2 accounts I made a quick 200K selling for 1K a shell. Took me all of 14 mins to sell out, so that says I could have screwed a little more gold out if I wanted to waste the time spamming for higher.
Its funny to look at people selling (or buying) at 1.5 or even 2k.
Seriusly you might as well just buy the gift at that price.
Seriusly you might as well just buy the gift at that price.
This wasn't that bad, it only took me 2 runs and a few spare kills to get my 15.
(Starting from Vizunah local, spirit spamming Baubao's horde, with heroes flagged away after they punched me through the group of afflicted.)
And finally, after opening hundreds of gifts, I got something that wasn't a consumable! A brown rabbit! Yay!
(Starting from Vizunah local, spirit spamming Baubao's horde, with heroes flagged away after they punched me through the group of afflicted.)
And finally, after opening hundreds of gifts, I got something that wasn't a consumable! A brown rabbit! Yay!
Did one run with 3 heroes and I think I had like 4 drops. Not 4 shells, 4 drops!
And opening the chests there in NM does not count towards the title so I decided I won't waste my time.
And opening the chests there in NM does not count towards the title so I decided I won't waste my time.
wiki is reporting 1 gold doubloom per gift in barbarous shore but as of yet i have no confirmation and no map so i would look before purchasing or farming to confirm for self
wiki has been know to post wrong info first
wiki has been know to post wrong info first