NCSoft store horribly slow
Is anybody else having problems with the NCSoft Store? It is like worse than dialup... pages take a minute or more to load every link, and timeout every step of the way.
EDIT: I did I get my free storage tab, after the first try too (even though the page timed out). So if you time out after confirming the "purchase" check Guild Wars anyways for it, it might have gone through. It's not "V" either, it's a pane associated with the 4th year update.
EDIT2: Seems like the site is really tanking now... did I get in before the real storm? KEEP TRYING GUYS. If you time out when you submitted it, it may have worked remember.
EDIT: I did I get my free storage tab, after the first try too (even though the page timed out). So if you time out after confirming the "purchase" check Guild Wars anyways for it, it might have gone through. It's not "V" either, it's a pane associated with the 4th year update.
EDIT2: Seems like the site is really tanking now... did I get in before the real storm? KEEP TRYING GUYS. If you time out when you submitted it, it may have worked remember.
Black Metal
I'm trying to get my free pane. Impossible.
I've not been able to get it to load all night.
Everyone's trying to get their free panes so it's bogging it down.
Everyone's trying to get their free panes so it's bogging it down.
belladonna shylock
i got mine. i just kept hitting the back page button and clicking again. Had a lot of loading errors. after about a dozen times it went through and i got it.
Kinetic Trilogy
Please stop going to the website so that I can get my free storage tab. kthxbai.
Nah. Jk. I was at the point where I had to Login/Create Account and I tried making an account but kept popping up errors (Do i use the Account I use to Login to GW or a name on my account?) so it's making it hard for me.
Nah. Jk. I was at the point where I had to Login/Create Account and I tried making an account but kept popping up errors (Do i use the Account I use to Login to GW or a name on my account?) so it's making it hard for me.

Please stop going to the website so that I can get my free storage tab. kthxbai.
Nah. Jk. I was at the point where I had to Login/Create Account and I tried making an account but kept popping up errors (Do i use the Account I use to Login to GW or a name on my account?) so it's making it hard for me. ![]() | remember
Minako Sawai
After hours of trying all I ended up with was the message:
"Invalid Coupon Code. The Coupon Code you have entered is either not available on this product, or you have exceeded the maximum number of uses."
I hope this is just a problem due to the heavy load and that I'll be able to actually get the free pane. I've already seen others mentioning the same problem, so we need someone from ANet to respond to this problem ASAP.
"Invalid Coupon Code. The Coupon Code you have entered is either not available on this product, or you have exceeded the maximum number of uses."
I hope this is just a problem due to the heavy load and that I'll be able to actually get the free pane. I've already seen others mentioning the same problem, so we need someone from ANet to respond to this problem ASAP.
Meat Axe
I managed to get all the way to confirming the coupon code, and it said it was invalid or that I'd already used it. I'm gonna assume this is an error due to the huge amounts of people trying to access their servers, and try again tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be a bit faster then.
We were unable to verify your login. Either your login information was entered incorrectly, or the account system is currently unavailable. Please check the normal downtime schedule and announcements. |
I just reset my password to a temporary one and changed it.
Kinetic Trilogy
If only I could just MAKE an account lol
I hope I haven't already. I didn't start playing GW again till a couple weeks ago, and I stopped playing for a few months so...don't remembe if I have one or not.
I hope I haven't already. I didn't start playing GW again till a couple weeks ago, and I stopped playing for a few months so...don't remembe if I have one or not.
same here....why couldn't they just allow this thru the gw store :/
Curse You
Even better, why not just GIVE it to us when we load a character within the allotted time. Really, it's supposed to be for everyone anyways, why the heck do we need to go through all this crap to get our slot?
Even better, why not just GIVE it to us when we load a character within the allotted time. Really, it's supposed to be for everyone anyways, why the heck do we need to go through all this crap to get our slot?
And I'm sure NCSoft is happy to have your info if it didn't have it already.
Kinetic Trilogy
True, but the suggestion above is making me confused. I was trying to go thru the in-game store at first (Assuming that was what I needed to do) but found out you had to go to the website. Why the hell not just do it on the in-game store...
Kronos Ledaloth
Here the same. It's Impossible to load the page...
Curse You
I'm getting very, very annoyed with the NCsoft Store. I know I had an account 2 years ago, but I can't seem to recover my information for it. However, when I try making a new account, it just keeps sending me in bloody circles.
dang, cant remember what my password was (its been 3 years since I was on their site...faction preorder fiasco) I get to the enter info to reset....and BAM connection lost.....been like that for hours now,
somehow I dont think I can complain about guru's slowness anymore
somehow I dont think I can complain about guru's slowness anymore

Haha oh wow.
I'm trying to recover my user info, and when it asks to type in the image code, by the time it loaded and I hit submit, the image has expired.
I'm trying to recover my user info, and when it asks to type in the image code, by the time it loaded and I hit submit, the image has expired.
Apollo Smile
Just like the OP, I did get my extra pane. It timed out after putting in the FREESTORAGE code, but in-game the tab appeared.
You can have multiple game accounts tied to one NCSoft account. It's just a way of getting an accurate number of actual players, rather than just going by the number of accounts. My guess is they want to know a solid figure of the percentage of PLAYERS buying their overpriced new junk, as opposed to just the number of Accounts which may be misleading.
took me 3 hours to get my free storage pane.
but the problem is my other game account (my two game accounts are under one plaync account) cannot get the free storage pane.
too bad. i dont want to see that "4th Year Anniversary" pane that i cannot use.
but the problem is my other game account (my two game accounts are under one plaync account) cannot get the free storage pane.
too bad. i dont want to see that "4th Year Anniversary" pane that i cannot use.
Curse You
took me 3 hours to get my free storage pane.
but the problem is my other game account (my two game accounts are under one plaync account) cannot get the free storage pane. too bad. i dont want to see that "4th Year Anniversary" pane that i cannot use. |
They have a perfectly good in-game store that they seemed so very eager to shove in our faces a year ago (A.K.A. the BMP) and now suddenly they're shunning it like it's a leper they don't want anyone to notice. At least the store could handle traffic and is already linked to your account.
Sadly, I don't think NCSoft anticipated this big of a load on their servers. I bet someone's gonna get chewed out over this 
Keep plugging away everyone, you'll get it eventually!

Keep plugging away everyone, you'll get it eventually!
Ill just wait till late night NZ time, nobody plays then, therefore nobody should be cramming up the NCsoft site and making it slow.
Curse You
Sadly, I don't think NCSoft anticipated this big of a load on their servers. I bet someone's gonna get chewed out over this
![]() Keep plugging away everyone, you'll get it eventually! |
Invalid coupon code choo-choo coming....
Sir Baddock
Got it on my first try, must be because I'm using multiple tabs for the same thing.
took me 3 hours to get my free storage pane.
but the problem is my other game account (my two game accounts are under one plaync account) cannot get the free storage pane. too bad. i dont want to see that "4th Year Anniversary" pane that i cannot use. |
Me too. I have 4 accounts linked in the one Master Account. Got the bonus for the first account I tried it with and then none of the other accounts are getting it no matter how many times I try. I am worried the bonus pane only has been set up to be one per PlayNC account rather than for each game account.
Edit. It does work you just have to make it through the whole process without errors!
Arieon Ito
I really hate having to use this PlayNC master account nonsense. I'm perfectly satisfied with my GW account and the PlayNC account always just crashes on me or doesn't recognise the passwords I put in.
Heck, every single time I've had to use the PlayNC store, I've had to reset my password just to be able to get in. And this time, I can't remember my security questions and I have to contact support. It's not really a very effective way to get things done is it?
Heck, every single time I've had to use the PlayNC store, I've had to reset my password just to be able to get in. And this time, I can't remember my security questions and I have to contact support. It's not really a very effective way to get things done is it?
Stop The Storm
i just dont understand the mentality of this at all.
i mean, they know their servers simply cant handle the load of thousands of people all wanting their storage pain at once, 50% wont know their passwords anyway.
i just think whoevers idea this was to go through the plaync website, pat yourself on the back, brains, great fking idea.
i mean, they know their servers simply cant handle the load of thousands of people all wanting their storage pain at once, 50% wont know their passwords anyway.
i just think whoevers idea this was to go through the plaync website, pat yourself on the back, brains, great fking idea.
Hugh Manatee
^this, I can't even create a damn nscoft account, ehen I get to the part to fill out the security code by the time it loads, if the damned thing loads it's expired. Fail.....
I want to link my account to my ncsoft account:
I get this after i clicked on the link and select account button, do i enter my ncsoft account or my guild wars account?
When i enter my guild wars account i get:
when i enter my ncsoft account i get:
what should i do?
In order to use your serial code with an existing Guild Wars® account, you must link your Guild Wars® account to your NCsoft account. |
When i enter my guild wars account i get:
The specified account is already linked to another NCsoft account. Please contact Customer Support if you require additional help. |
Your account name should be between 5 and 12 characters, containing only letters and numbers, and starting with a letter. No special characters are allowed. |
This is so stupid.
Got it after an hour.
Next time if they pull something like this, I'll wait till night >.>
Next time if they pull something like this, I'll wait till night >.>
Still getting invalid promo code when i eventually got in. I've tried upper and lowercase makes no odds. Hopefully support can work it out.
It keeps failing over and over again............
now i get this
"Too many failed login attempts, login temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes."
This is such a BS
now i get this
"Too many failed login attempts, login temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes."
This is such a BS