I feel there are two key words to all of this:
This quote was key.
but if I'm a new player looking to purchase a game that claims quite boldly that you pay a single fee and you get access to the game withouthaving to purchase anything else... only to login and indeed see an entire menu filled with optional things to purchase... well it all seems a bit misleading to me.
Forgive me, but I disagree and I highlighted the phrases as to why.
would agree if, as a new player, I were to log-in and see items in which were necessary to purchase in order to complete the game. If it cost me an additional $5 to complete Hell's Precipe, Anet and I would have some serious issues with one another.
That isn't the case though. Just as you stated in your post, the menu is filled with
optional purchases. They do not prevent the vetern, or new player, from experiencing the full game of Guild Wars. By not making those purchases, you're not being denied any less service to the game. The box statement remains truth. I am, still, not
required to ever pay a fee to continue to access Guild Wars.
Many have asked where the line is drawn, but unfortunately only individuals can answer that based on their own thoughts. Only Anet knows where their line will be eventually drawn. My hope their line is the same as mine.
My line is drawn when it comes to items and/or content that provides a significant and obvious advantage to those who makes purchases, while on the flipside of that coin, restricts, or hinders, gameplay for those who don't.
For example:
If this update suddenly provided Daggers with max damage of 7-22 and these daggers were
only available in the item shop, customized with a +30% dmg mod, offered double inscription slots and couldn't be traded, that would provide a clear advantage to the item shopper. I'm not talking about pretty skins that don't change a thing, other than someones personal jealousy level. I mean clear, advantageous, items.
If this update suddenly provided class armor with a 10 point higher max for all classes and these sets were
only available in the item shop, that would provide a significant advantage to the item shopper.
If this update offered skills (elite, or otherwise)
only available in the item shop, that provides a significant advantage to the item shopper.
Once item shops begin selling exclusive items of mechanics the game is no longer about skill, or about technique and teams. It turns into who has the fattest online wallet to stock up on exclusive powerful goods like most F2P games with cash shops. You would see PvP would become even more unbalanced as your best teams wouldn't be based on their access to the same skills as everyone else, but to the teams who best unloaded income into exclusive items from the mall.
As nice as an extra pane of storage may be, that extra pane doesn't provide you anything more than I already have. I can still store items and so can you. Your sword is still the same as mine. Your armor is still the same as mine.
I doubt I'll be losing in a match because my opposition has 6 panes of storage to my 4.
If Anet ever decided to start selling such things in their store, I would 100% agree - They have lost all sight in their model and Guild Wars would all but destroy the basis and intent of their original success.
How much you love your character has an effect on how much you want to continue playing the game.
Not all players see it this way, I agree. But I do know there is a lot who love the RP side.
I, too, love the RP side of games and I agree. My character, "Sonata", has a long written story and emotive side that has continually expanded over the years I've been playing her and when I played her. As such, when creating the character for PvE and taking into consideration what I wanted "Sonata" to be, I took
great care and significant time in adjusting what I felt was needed for this character upon creation. That way (obviously before this update) I would not find myself in a situation where I was displeased with the characters vanity. Two years later, there's not a thing I would change on her. Even if I changed her hair color "Sonata" wouldn't be "Sonata" anymore.