Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
Congratulation, you have just shown how stupid and not-thought-through GW lore is.
Teamwork? Lots of that in PvE! Heroes? Lots of that in PvE! Luck? Lots of that in PvE!
If you really want to talk lore here, do you really think a god cares for random people attacking each other, when at the same time the existence of the god is in danger and the people attacking each other are NOT defending the god????
Actually, it is very well thought out at many points. The Zaishen Order and the Battle Isle is just simplistic because it doesn't need to be truly in depth.
Teamwork, Heroes, Luck, yes that's in PvE, that's in everything in the world of Tyria - well, maybe not Heroes. And yes, Balthazar DOES care, seeing how he opened a portal in Lion's Arch after the Battle Isles went under water so that the Heroes Ascent and other arena battles can continue.
Balthazar also favors the heroes that scour the land, hence why we were even able to go into the Fissure of Woe.
The Arenas give Balthazar entertainment, similar to how Gladiators entertained the roman public, emporer, and Mars.
As the God of War, he is celebrated through fights in arenas. As it is much more controlable and much more simplistic than celebrating him via wars between nations. It's also less damaging to the world.
But as for that last part, Balthazar himself is not being attacked, it seems, just his realm and his servants. Balthazar favors those in Arenas, those who simply worship him, and those in the Fissure of Woe helping his servants fight off Menzies.
Do not post about lore when you misunderstand it.
Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
Which part of this at the same time the existence of the god is in danger and the people attacking each other are NOT defending the god???? was to hard for you to understand????
Trying to justify it with lore is retarded and doesn't work! So stop it.
Actually, the events of PvP occur throughout the timeline of the game, however, for all we know, the issue of Menzies having the upper hand in the Fissure of Woe only occurred in 1072 AE, which would be 6/7 years ago. Thus, Balthazar may not be having a "major issue" in the Fissure of Woe, especially with even more of Menzies' troops defeated in the Tombs of the Primeval Kings (the Darknesses) and in the Realm of Torment (The Greater Darkness and all those dozens of Shadow Warriors).